
Than to breed "Korteksin" for an injection?

It is very important for the organism that the central nervous system function normally. Its main organ is the brain. In the event of injuries, or any violations, it is necessary to support the work of neurons. To do this, appoint nootropic drugs. These include "Cortexin", which is often used in neurology and pediatrics.

Action medication

This drug is characterized by the following actions:

- antioxidant;

- nootropic;

- neuroprotective;

- tissue-pest.

How does the drug work?

The drug "Cortexin" helps protect neurons from psychotropic and toxic substances, improves learning processes and the functioning of the brain. Also, due to its use, concentration of attention is increased.

Also, the drug improves the activation of neuronal metabolism and restores the tone in the nervous system and the functioning of the cerebral cortex.


This medication is prescribed for the occurrence of such pathologies and in some states:

- with lesions of the brain - encephalopathy;

- with memory impairment and thinking abilities;

- during complications after traumatic brain injuries;

- during a complete exhaustion of the body - an asthenic condition;

- when there is acute or chronic damage to the nerve cells and the conducting pathways of the brain;

- with circulatory disorders in the brain;

- with reduced concentration;

- in the presence of epilepsy.

In pediatrics, "Cortexin" is prescribed during the comprehensive treatment of cerebral palsy. Also, if there is a speech and psychomotor delay in the development of the child. For newborns used in critical cases, with complications of the nervous system after childbirth, as well as internal uterine injuries.

Preparations for breeding "Cortexin"

The preparation is available in powder form. And what is the breeding of "Cortexin" in order to dissolve it? It is necessary to apply such fluids:

- injection water;

- 0.5% Novocaine;

- 0.9% solution of sodium chloride (physiological solution);

- 0.5% procaine.

But other fluids that are very close to the above are not recommended, for example lidocaine.

So, the drug "Cortexin" was prescribed. How to dilute 10 mg of medication? Correctly it becomes so: in a vial or flask with a preparation the hole is pierced by means of a needle. Enter inside 1 or 2 milliliters of liquid. Its jet should be directed to the bottle wall and thus avoid the occurrence of intense foam. The resulting composition is strongly shaken is not necessary.

We grow Novocaine

Very often injections with this drug are recommended by Novokain. And how to grow "Cortexin" with novocaine? One bottle of the first medicine requires 0.5 or 1 milliliter of liquid. Such a solution should be used to treat an adult.

If a child is prescribed "Cortexin", how to dilute 10 mg of the drug with novacoin? Then you need to bottle the first 2 ml of the second drug. Although the exact proportions can be chosen by the doctor based on the diagnosis of the child.

What are the advantages in the resulting solution? Since breeding "Cortexin" with novocaine should be strictly according to the instruction, it can be used for adults and children. Such a composition is made specifically to reduce pain during injection.

For children

And than to breed "Cortexin" to a child? This drug is produced specifically for children. The only difference is that the dosage is slightly less. The solution is made from the same liquids as for adults, but it is best to consult a pediatrician. In general, water for injection or saline is prescribed, as well as novocaine (in very rare cases).

The use of this drug for children with complex therapy with other drugs is undesirable. With its action in young patients, the motor activity of movements is much faster. Very small begin to sit down, crawl on the floor, get on their feet. There is also an improvement in memory and attention.

Step-by-step instruction

How correctly to plant "Cortexin"? Follow the instructions:

  1. On the syringe (necessarily sterile and of the required volume) a needle is inserted on the needle holder.
  2. The ampoule in which the solvent is located is opened.
  3. In the prepared syringe the necessary quantity of a liquid is typed.
  4. If there is foil on the bottle with "Cortexin", it should be removed.
  5. The rubber stopper on it is punctured with a needle from a syringe, in which there is already a liquid.
  6. The needle should be lowered approximately to the middle of the vial.
  7. The solvent is released by slowly pressing the plunger from the syringe. This is necessary in order not to foaming the drug. It will be even better if you point the needle to the wall, and then the liquid will flow into the powder in a uniform stream and will not inflate it.
  8. After all the liquid is in the vial, the needle is not removed. The container itself should be slightly rocked, as if to shake, so that the powder dissolved completely.

In the bottle in the end should be a solution of a homogeneous type without any flakes. When there is such a result, it means that the preparation is ready for injection.


Before cultivating "Cortexin", it should be noted that the resulting liquid for injection should be fully used at a time. If the cooked solution has stood for more than twenty minutes, it should be discarded and a new one prepared. It is strictly forbidden to store the remains of the composition, then to use it with the next portion of the solution.

One can not ignore such a point: before you raise "Cortexin" to an adult, you must put aside all the other drugs prescribed for the patient for injections. Nothing, except for the solutions described above, can not be added to it (sometimes they can do so in order to save not only syringes, but also time). You need to enter an additional medicine separately.

So, we examined in detail, than to breed "Cortexin"? And they found out that Novokain, saline, and also water for injections are suitable for this. All these funds should be in containers of small volume. For example, an ampoule or vial with a volume of 2 or 5 milliliters. This is necessary to ensure that the injection formulation is always in a sterile state. After all, with a large volume of capacity, especially in a home environment, sterility can not be maintained. Because of this, you need to acquire a small container, which will always be hermetically sealed.

Contraindications and side effects

Contraindicated in pregnant women breastfeeding, as well as those people who are completely incompatible with the components of the drug "Cortexin".

During treatment, you should never drink alcoholic beverages. They not only neutralize the effect of the drug, it can also negatively affect the patient's health.

When applying special side effects has not been observed, unless that allergic reaction.


Now you know what to breed Cortexin. But before using this solution, you need to carefully study the instruction, its contraindications and possible side effects. Also, of course, you need to consult a doctor. After all, only by his recommendation you can take any medications.

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