Food and drink, Wines and spirits
Teachers: history, properties, price, reviews
As for any of the alcoholic beverages, consumers treat the Teachers (whiskey) in different ways. Someone, having tried once, enlists it in the category of favorite drinks, but someone did not like it very much. Probably, someone became a victim of swindlers, having bought not real, thus cases of a poisoning are possible even. But if you have not tried this drink, then it deserves tasting. A product with a history of 150 years and still in demand, can not be bad by definition.
The history of creating a Scottish beverage
Traditionally it was produced by Ireland and Scotland. In fact, the exact date of the beginning of the production of this drink is lost, and up to now these two countries dispute the right to be called his homeland.
The history of the creation of Teachers (whiskey)
The history of the creation of Teachers (whiskey) began with the idea of one of the Scots - William Ticher, who began to mix malt and grain products. Having his grocery store, he first sold a blended beverage in it. But over time, thanks to his taste, mixed whiskey became very popular, profits from it gradually blocked the income from all the combined products. After that, it was decided to re-profile the grocery store to the institution for selling the drink with the possibility of drinking on the spot.
As a result, the institution turned out to be similar to the one in the Russian sense, but with certain rules that forbade making noise, being ugly, getting drunk, etc. The culture of service and high-quality whiskey in Ticher's establishment made it very popular, which prompted the idea of its founder to open Production with its own trademark. The drink was produced under the name Teacher's Highland.
Malt whiskey is produced from pure barley malt, and a grain beverage is obtained, as is not hard to guess, from grain. In view of the fact that it does not have any flavor, it is very rarely sold through the points of trade, basically all the manufactured volume goes to the production of a blended drink or gin and vodka.
Taste and quality characteristics
The total number of varieties used in its preparation is 30 items. The two most important components are Glendronach and Ardmore. Ardmore is produced at the Highland distillery, where the ancient technology of drying malt on peat fire is still maintained. Fortress of the drink is 40-43%. Extract of Scotch whiskey can not be less than 3 years, it is established by law.
In Russia, its two types are common:
- Teacher's Highland Cream has already become legendary. This drink has a mild and rich taste with predominant dry heather notes, with a light tinge of cherry and pear flavor. The color is golden.
- Teacher's Royal has an excerpt of 12 years. The taste is rich in sweet notes, it has a continuation of taste with a touch of bread and smoke.
There are 3 new Teachers (whiskeys), but so far they are not popular in Russia: Teacher's 50, having 12 years old, Teacher's 25-year-old and Teacher's Single Malt.
Reviews of whiskey
How much will have to pay for it depends largely on the place of purchase. After all, today it can be purchased not only in retail and wholesale trade points, but also via the Internet.
Approximate cost of Teachers (whiskey):
- 0.5 liters - 680 - 828 rubles.
- 0,7 l - 1,187 - 1,195 rubles.
- 0,75 l - 1,241 - 1,363 rubles.
- 1,0 l - 1,536 - 1,550 rubles.
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