EducationSecondary education and schools

Teacher's credo of the teacher. The pedagogical credo of the class teacher

The problem of fathers and children is as old as the human species itself. Often the older generation absolutely does not understand the younger, and therefore there are always disagreements and disputes between them. We think that each of you in your life has repeatedly heard talk about "lazy" and "slovenliness", which is represented almost all the younger generation.

All these conversations unite that almost all complain about the lack of education of adolescents. What is it? Perhaps this is the name of one of the most complex and sublime arts in our world? This is what the pedagogical credo of the teacher says.

The main tasks of the teacher

To begin with it is worthwhile to clarify, what is a creed? This is the name of the general "installation", the worldview of the teacher and his vision of the ways to be followed during the education of children.

But the "correct" pedagogical credo of the teacher often consists only in creating a cozy, benevolent atmosphere for any student. The teenager should understand that the school is a place where people love and wait for him, sincerely want to give him all the knowledge that will be useful to him in later life. The creation of such a favorable atmosphere is best served by the constant interrelation between all the participants in the teaching process.

Working with primary classes

Let's enumerate some basic rules and regulations that should always be guided in their pedagogical activity , provided they work with very young children:

  • At the head of the corner should be only the personality of the student. You must learn to empathize with his failures, rejoice at his successes. Every child should absolutely trust you.
  • All children should always be treated equally. Unfortunately, this rule is constantly violated.
  • School life needs to be diversified, as only the brightest, the best and the brightest should be remembered.
  • If there is such an opportunity, it is necessary to promote in every possible way the creation of profile classes in which each student can most clearly express his or her individuality. Remember that the pedagogical credo of the teacher of primary classes in many respects is the development of the talents of each student!
  • Remember that each student has his own character, his own inclinations and talents. All students should try to sincerely love and respect.
  • It is necessary to constantly engage in self-education, try to expand your horizons.
  • A lesson is not "an actor's theater". You should talk to the guys, and they - with you; It is best to make sure that the students can guess themselves. In this case, they only need to lead to the correct answer.
  • Behind your appearance and behavior you need to follow always and under all conditions. Children, especially in junior classes, will surely imitate you. This is almost the most important part of what the pedagogical credo of the primary school teacher should mean!
  • A good teacher is always different, and therefore he is remembered for life. A good teacher is a politician and an actor at the same time. Remember that any actor will inevitably lose its popularity if it constantly plays the same role. Every politician will quickly lose the confidence of his electorate if he constantly utters the same speeches. Alas, many teachers forget this completely.

The main disappointment

People who have already formed the credo of a primary school teacher or a senior class teacher speak only about one situation that can cause sincere repentance in failure. If one of the students after a lapse of just a couple of years after graduation does not know (or pretends that he did not recognize) and does not greet him at the meeting. Of course, people are different. But if this situation is repeated regularly and with different releases, it makes sense to think.

If your graduates say something unfairly, it always makes sense to shame the speaker. The teacher should always remain the elder brother for his wards, even if they have long grown up and independently seek the road in this world.

About the role of the class teacher

What should the pedagogical credo of the teacher mean if he is also a class teacher?

It is important to understand that the class teacher is the most necessary person for the student at the initial stage of training. This teacher has a mission not only in direct training, but also in direct participation in the educational process. But all this in an ideal. How does a modern society view a class teacher?

In general, the media often talk about sore, rather unpleasant reality. Class leaders in recent years have turned into a sort of "bureaucratic appendage": teachers are completely not interested in real work with the class, they view this post as a kind of "duty". But what should be the relationship of a normal class teacher and his students?

First, the pedagogical credo of the teacher in this case should include understanding and practical use of personality-oriented technologies. A teacher should become an equal partner for children, and not a bureaucrat, to whom there is no concern. Secondly (which follows from the first), he must seek an individual approach to each trainee, develop his faith in himself. Finally, you just need to remember that the ultimate goal of any training is a person. More precisely, the education of his personality, cultural characteristics.

And it does not matter which educational technologies the teacher uses: group or individual. The bottom line is just that all this helps bring up a full-fledged member of society.

What are the responsibilities of the class teacher

To realize such a responsible goal, it is vitally important to enlist the full support of a good pedagogical team. If it was created in the school, then every teacher has a powerful tool for educating students. In his class, the teacher should strive to the same: he must create a friendly team of like-minded people who will jointly solve all their problems.

In general, the pedagogical credo of a class teacher can not be simple, since this post imposes a number of obligations on a person:

  • This assumes a huge responsibility for each student's mentee.
  • You need to be able to listen to your students, take their problems and give good advice.
  • Take care of the mental, social and physical health of your students. It is necessary to help them to build relationships both with surrounding people, and with parents.
  • Of course, the importance of the ability to maintain discipline and order is great. To some extent, you have to replace parents, older brothers, sisters and friends at once.

Finally, in their actions, one should always be guided by the norms of morality and justice. However trite it may sound, the teacher is an example for imitation. To a particularly great extent this simple fact must take into account the credo of the teacher of primary classes.

Kids are like sponges, they easily absorb all information from the external environment, and therefore such a teacher should strive to create a truly flawless, impeccable image, so that the children really had someone to equal.

Teachers of foreign languages

In the modern world it is difficult to overestimate the ability to speak a foreign language. Therefore, the pedagogical credo of the teacher of the English language acquires a very special significance. After all, on how successfully you will be able to give the child the material, how much you can interest him in further studying the material, depends its success in the further, adult life.

Thus, the pedagogical credo of the teacher of the English language includes the ability to instill in the child a sincere interest in his subject. This can be achieved only by talking about interesting facts from the history of the country of the language being studied, and also proving the importance of owning it in the modern world. It should be noted that in this case priority is given to various kinds of modern projects that pupils must perform individually.

This technique contributes to a significant improvement in the assimilation of additional material, gives the student a lot of information about the cultural characteristics of the country he is studying. It is not necessary to tell, how much this circumstance is important at real dialogue with foreigners. Do not forget about the existence of modern technology: its multimedia capabilities allow you to arrange an analogue of the linguistic class, even if you do not have specialized equipment to solve this problem.

All this contributes to the formation of personal, creative characteristics of each of your students. If you manage to cope with these tasks, then you can safely consider your credo as an English teacher absolutely correct. To all your studies try to be as creative as possible: you need to create real situations that can be in real life. If your wards ever go on a trip, all of this will surely come in handy.

Teachers of additional education

In everyday life, it is very often necessary to come across the opinion that the work of a music teacher or an additional education class is not so important. In many respects this is due to the fact that many teachers have no pedagogical creed of a teacher of additional education at all. People simply accept their work as a routine, without contributing to the interest of children in obtaining additional knowledge.

It's stupid, of course. In addition, this approach is extremely harmful for children themselves. A good teacher, who conducts classes on additional education, should be able to interest the students in the subjects they study. In general, the pedagogical credo of the teacher of additional education should mean the maximum possible use of extracurricular activities, individual projects and developments. Allowing children to engage in really interesting topics, you will stimulate their creative, cognitive abilities.

Teachers of music classes

But all this is not so difficult in comparison with the tasks of the music teacher. As we have already mentioned, almost no one thinks about the importance of this profession in everyday life, but in vain. Let's enumerate what should mean the pedagogical credo of the musical leader:

  • Your main goal should be to help the child in the process of his self-realization.
  • Classes in music contribute to the development of memory, savvy and creative thinking. Try to activate all these processes!
  • We must try with all our might to remove the child's inhibition at the time of public speaking, since the ability to speak and even sing before an audience in life can be useful to everyone.
  • Music - an indispensable tool in the development of communication skills.
  • Ability to work in a team can also be trained, using for this purpose group performances in public.
  • Try to ask children more independent tasks to study the history of music and reading lyrics: this is how the vocabulary expands, imaginative thinking is formed , and elegant language turns appear.
  • Do not forget to introduce the child to theatrical performances. This not only hones the musical ear, but also contributes to the overall development of the cultural personality.
  • Give children a chance to feel themselves the heirs of the richest Russian culture. The same, by the way, you can say about the pedagogical credo of the teacher of history!
  • Use music lessons to develop the children of humanity, a sense of compassion. The theme of many world-famous works contributes to this.

About the role of the teacher of the Russian language

Oh, and it's not for nothing that the British and Americans have a teacher of native, English, and a language that is so universally respected! And not in vain - after all, from the ability to competently, confidently and beautifully express themselves in their own language, the whole further life of man depends in the literal sense! Unfortunately, the pedagogical credo of the Russian language teacher seldom takes into account such global goals. Meanwhile, the main tasks of this teacher include the following:

  • It is important to develop in the child the ability to discipline oneself. This should also take into account the pedagogical credo of the teacher of mathematics, by the way.
  • The study of the native language, with all its richness of speech and forms, its history and origin, helps to raise the general cultural level of the trainee, instills in him love for his own country, the bases of a common ethic and strong moral principles.
  • In the process of creative tasks in writing essays and compositions in children, spatial thinking develops, which must be taken into account.
  • It is necessary to involve children in a variety of staged scenes in which one could express the depth and richness of the native language.
  • Finally, the teacher of the Russian language should teach his students the ability to express their thoughts and feelings, using for this purpose the richest native language, the whole range of colors of which it is simply impossible to express even in the whole book!

Mathematics is the queen of all sciences!

Historically, in our country, it so happened that mathematics for most schoolchildren is not associated with anything pleasant. Simply put, many children openly dislike this subject and are afraid of it. Thus, the pedagogical credo of the teacher of mathematics can be formulated much simpler than everything we discussed above: "We need to give students to understand that mathematics is an interesting, fascinating science, and lead them through the world of numbers, honing their logical and spatial thinking."

Developing the body - developing the spirit!

Finally, I would like to discuss another important issue. It is about the pedagogical credo of the teacher of physical culture. We have repeatedly stressed that many townspeople do not see particular meaning in some of the teaching professions. Of course, this is a gross error, but it often occurs. This is especially noticeable in relation to teachers of physical culture.

Meanwhile, a good fizruk must have its own credo. In principle, it can be expressed in words that are in the subtitle to these two paragraphs. From the teacher in this case, it is required to instill in the children a sincere love for sports, development and improvement of their body. Bring to them the old idea of a healthy spirit in a healthy body, try to make physical culture an integral part of their daily life.

This will not only help your students in the future, but will improve the quality of their lives due to good health.


As you can see, there is a huge amount of nuance when working as a teacher. It should be noted that all the examples of the pedagogical creed that are presented in this material are a synthesis of the experience of many teachers from all parts of our country. Of course, it is possible and necessary to use their achievements, but it should be understood that the credo is a purely individual concept.

You have to work out your own teaching methods, based on your own experience. Only in this case will the teaching activity be as productive and successful as possible.

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