
Tablets "Advocard": instructions for use, reviews, composition and description

What is a drug such as "Advocard"? Instruction, reviews, price, description and purpose of this drug will be discussed in this article. Also, you will find out what is included in this medication and in what cases it should not be used.

Composition and packaging of the drug, its description and form of release

What is the form of the drug "Advocard"? Instructions for use, reviews indicate that this drug is sold in Russian pharmacies in the form of white sublingual tablets, which are packaged in contour cells, enclosed in boxes of cardboard.

The composition of this medication includes: maladen, folic acid, molsidomin, as well as aerosil, calcium stearate, tabletose-80, pharmaberst and sugar powder.

The drug "Advokard" is able to provide antioxidant, antihypoxic, anti-ischemic, membrane-stabilizing and antisclerotic action.

Pharmacology for oral administration

How does the drug "Advokard" work? Instructions for use, reviews report that all the active components of this medication enhance, and also complement the therapeutic effects of each other. It should also be noted that the mechanism of action of this medication is due to the pharmacological properties of its active elements.

Features of the oral preparation

What is remarkable about such a medicine as "Advocard"? Instructions for use, reviews say that against the background of its use in people with angina significantly reduces the frequency of attacks of the disease and their severity, as well as increases resistance to fiznagruzkam.

Mugladen is a compound whose properties are similar to ATP, but it is much more resistant to the influence of enzymes. The principle of this component is based on its ability to affect receptors (purinergic), as well as reduce the penetration of Ca ions through the cell membranes.

According to the attached instructions, the medicament in question has an anti-ischemic effect. In addition, it reduces the symptoms of arrhythmia, improves the antioxidant resistance of the myocardium and energy metabolism, stabilizes the cell membranes of the vessels and the myocardium, and also regulates the activity of membrane-bound enzymes. This effect significantly reduces the need for cardiac muscle in O 2 and improves myocardial function in oxygen starvation.

Molsidomine is a compound that exhibits pronounced vasodilating properties. The principle of this element is based on the release of nitric oxide, which reduces the tone of the smooth muscles of blood vessels. Also, thanks to this component, the drug under consideration contributes to the antiaggregant effect, improves hemodynamics and reduces the burden on the heart.

What role does folic acid play in the drug "Advocard"? Instructions for use, reviews argue that this component helps to reduce the level of homocysteine, and also takes part in metabolic processes, showing its anti-sclerotic effect. In addition, folic acid is able to regulate metabolism in the myocardium and increase the activity of the heart muscle.

It should also be noted that, in general, the reception of the drug in question significantly improves hemodynamics, normalizes the level of trace elements such as potassium and magnesium in tissues, increases the contractile activity of the heart and cardiac output, and also improves left ventricular function and coronary circulation in the vessels.

Indications for oral administration

At what states should I use "Advocard" tablets? Instructions for use, doctors' reviews say that this drug is prescribed only in the complex treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system. In other words, it is recommended to use it for:

  • Various forms of angina pectoris (at rest and tension);
  • Ischemic heart disease;
  • Unstable angina ;
  • Myocardial and postinfarction sclerosis of the heart muscle (including focal and diffuse);
  • Myocarditis;
  • Arrhythmias;
  • Metabolic myocardial dystrophy (myocardiopathy).

Prohibitions for taking medication (tablets)

Whether there are contraindications such oral means, as "Advokard"? The instruction, the description of the drug indicate that this medicine can not be used in case of individual hypersensitivity of the patient to its ingredients. It is also highly discouraged to prescribe this medication for trauma to the brain and skull, hypotensive conditions, collapse, severe forms of asthma, shock, during breastfeeding, children under 14 and during pregnancy.

It should also be noted that the agent under consideration with special care is prescribed for elderly patients (over 60 years of age).

Medication "Advocard": instructions for use

Reviews, the price of this drug will be considered at the very end of the article. In what dosage is it prescribed to patients? For adults, this drug is recommended to take in a dose of 10-90 mg four times a day, regardless of the meal. The tablet should be kept under the tongue until it is completely dissolved.

More accurate doses of this medication and the duration of therapy, as a rule, are determined individually by the treating doctor. The average course of therapy with this remedy is 20-35 days. If urgently needed, it can be repeated, but not earlier than in two weeks.

According to the instructions, oral pills "Advocard" should be taken in a strictly recommended dosage. It is inadmissible to exceed the maximum daily dose of the drug, equal to 600 mg.

Side effects of the drug

What kind of adverse reactions does the patient need to know before taking the drug "Advocard"? Instructions for use, the description of the drug inform about the possible development of the following negative phenomena: nausea, decreased blood pressure, severe headaches.

Overdose of the drug and its interaction with other drugs

What signs of overdose can cause this drug? Sometimes, when the recommended doses are exceeded, dizziness, lowering of blood pressure and headache are observed in patients. In this case, the victim is provided with therapy aimed at maintaining the function of the cardiovascular system.

With the simultaneous administration of a drug with antihypertensive drugs, there is an increase in their therapeutic effect.

The drug in question should not be administered together with sildenafil citrate because of the high risk of developing hypotension.

Similar medicines and the cost of the medicinal product

How much is the medicine "Advocard"? In tablets No. 30 this medicine can be purchased for 300-370 rubles. If required, doctors replace it with such similar means as Aurocard, A-dyston, Cardioarginine, Korsuit, Cardiolin, Corargine, Corvalment, Kordalon, Kratal, "Ritmocor", "Pumpan", "Homoviocoryn", and others. Prescribe these drugs should only an experienced specialist, since they have their own side reactions and contraindications. It should also be noted that the dosages of these drugs can significantly differ from the above.

Terms and conditions of storage

How long can the drug in question be stored at home? The expiration date is indicated on the carton. As a rule, it is not more than three years.

Medication "Advokard" is desirable to contain in a dry and dark place, where direct sunlight does not reach, and also there is no access for babies.

The recommended storage temperature for this medication is 25 degrees.

Reviews about the drug

Now you know what is needed and how to use the drug "Advocard". Comments, instructions, analogues, applications and indications of this tool are presented in this article.

The reports of patients using this medicine are overwhelmingly positive. Consumers note the high effectiveness of the drug, especially in the treatment of angina attacks. However, it should be noted that some of them very often complain about the long period of docking.

Most patients use "Advocard" medication as a prophylactic during intensive physical exertion. However, the side effects of the drug is extremely rare.

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