
"Rebilan": reviews, user manual, description

It is not a secret for anyone that smoking cigarettes causes irreparable harm to human health. Such a harmful habit lowers immunity, promotes the development of cardiac and vascular diseases, and causes disruptions in the endocrine system. In addition, people who smoke for a long time, the premature aging of the body.

Representatives of the weaker sex, subject to this habit, lose their beauty and wilt more quickly, and men suffer impotence.

As for passive smokers exposed to cigarette smoke, they also develop diseases that are characteristic of those who can not refuse tobacco. It was for them that such a complex preparation as "Rebalan" was developed. Instructions for use, description, reviews, application of this medication (indications) are presented below.

general information

What is a "Rebalan" medication? The reviews say that this remedy was developed specifically to protect the human body from the harmful effects of cigarette smoke. The active ingredients of this complex effectively and quickly block the harmful effects of smoking, helping to strengthen and restore the body.

This drug can be taken not only by passive smokers, but also by actively smoking people.

Description of the product, its form, composition and packaging

What form is inherent in the medicine "Rebilan"? Customer feedback indicates that this product is sold in the form of white and blue capsules, which are packaged in blisters and boxes of heavy paper. They include such components as vitamin C, pine bark extract, vitamin E, grape seed extract, vitamin B6, Peruvian macuels, vitamin B2, thyme extract, vitamin B1 and selenium.

In addition to these ingredients, the preparation under consideration includes such auxiliary elements as magnesium oxide, potato starch and zinc oxide.

Mechanism of action of the drug

How does the "Rebalan" medication affect the human body? Instruction for use informs that the components of this complex contribute to:

  • Restoration of the body's natural defenses, general strengthening, stimulation of collagen synthesis, as well as maintaining a healthy appearance and slowing the aging process of the skin;
  • Strengthening the immune system, as well as restoring metabolism;
  • Restoration of normal operation of all systems and organs, activation of the process of cleansing the body of nicotine accumulation and other consequences of smoking;
  • Reduction and suppression of the negative effects of smoking.

Basic properties of ingredients

What is remarkable about the medicine "Rebilan"? The reviews state that this remedy is designed to protect the human body from the harmful effects of cigarette smoke. Its ingredients eliminate the negative effects of smoking.

The effectiveness of this tool is due to its composition. We represent the properties of each component in more detail.

The extract of pine bark contains pycnogenol, that is the most powerful antioxidant. It improves blood circulation, protects against the negative effects of free radicals, prevents thrombosis of veins and edema, eliminates headaches, insomnia, dizziness and fatigue, and also slows the aging of the skin. In addition, this substance effectively acts against increased anxiety.

Mac Peruvian increases stamina and vitality, increases sexual desire in women and potency in men, normalizes hormonal imbalance and inhibits the aging process.

The composition of the grape seed extract includes proanthocyanidins. They reduce the damage to the cellular structure by free radicals, which helps strengthen immunity, reduce the likely development of diseases from adverse environmental effects and toxins, and prevent cardiac and vascular diseases.

Vitamins C and E strengthen the immune system, stimulate the synthesis of collagen, neutralize free radicals, prevent the formation of thrombi, regulate blood clotting and preserve the youthfulness of the skin.

What role does creeping thyme play in the "Rebalan" preparation? The doctors' comments state that this substance clears the lungs and upper respiratory tract, facilitates breathing, facilitates the sputum, normalizes digestion and eliminates pain.

Vitamins B2, B1 and B6 are very important for the normal functioning of the nervous and circulatory systems. They increase the human body's resistance to adverse environmental factors.

Zinc regulates the work of endocrine glands and the reproductive system, as well as normalizes metabolism.

Selenium prevents necrosis and destruction of the liver, neutralizes aggressive and dangerous free radicals, protects against poisoning by cigarette smoke, and also removes all heavy metals from the body.

Indications for taking capsules

In what cases is the patient given the "Rebilan" capsules? The experts' testimonies testify that this complex preparation is designed to protect the human body from the harmful effects of tobacco smoke. It can be used not only for people who are susceptible to the negative effects of secondhand smoke, but also to active smokers.

Contraindications to the use of capsules

In what cases should not you use the drug "Rebilan"? The reviews indicate that this remedy is forbidden to be prescribed for breastfeeding and individual intolerance to its components. In addition, the drug in question can not be used during pregnancy.

Medication "Rebilan": instructions for use

According to the instructions, this drug should be taken one capsule twice a day during meals. The course of treatment with this drug is 4-6 weeks.

If required, the medication can be repeated, but only after consultation with the doctor.

Cost and similar preparations

There are no structural analogs to this tool. If it is necessary to replace it, contact your doctor.

How much is the drug "Rebilan"? The price of this medicine is about 370 rubles (for a package with 36 capsules).

The drug "Rebilan": consumer reviews

According to the opinion of patients, this medicine really protects the body from the negative effect of tobacco smoke. Due to the presence of natural components and vitamins in it, it restores the normal operation of all organs and systems, and also prevents the development of heart disease and premature aging.

The shortcomings of this tool include its inaccessibility and a relatively high cost.

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