Health, Preparations
Droplets in the nose vasoconstrictive: use with extreme caution
There are many diseases that cause a cold (cold, flu, rhinitis, allergic reactions). Among the common methods of treatment is the use of drops in the nose. However, before you start using drops in the nose vasoconstrictor, you need to consult a doctor who should establish the cause of the disease.
As for the child's organism, it is necessary to approach the solution of the problem with special care. It is possible that the cause of the common cold is simply the contamination of the spout with dust or other microscopic substances that can be eliminated with a solution of sea salt or saline that can be cooked even at home. To do this, you need to dissolve a teaspoon of salt in 1 liter of boiled cool water. If you overdo it, it will harm the baby, because the solution will overdry the mucous.
Let's define how the drops act in the nose vasoconstrictor, and why their application is still justified. The fact is that they cause an instant contraction of the blood vessels, getting on the mucous membrane of the nose. During this, an edema is eliminated, which made breathing difficult, blocking the flow of air. In this case, too, mucus is not produced as quickly and already has a more dense consistency. As a result, there is relief in breathing.
Most often, vasoconstrictors for the nose are made on the basis of xylometazoline. Such drugs are "Galazolin", "Tanos", as well as "Rinonorm" and "Ximelin." These same medicines can also be found in the form of sprays, which can be used only after a year and a half to prevent damage to the baby's mucosa. Among the advantages of this form of the drug is the exact dosage, economical use, as well as reducing side effects.
Another active agent on the basis of which droplets in the nose are vasoconstrictive, is oxymetazoline. These are "Nazivin", "Nazol", "Nazol Advance" and "Fervex Spray" preparations.
Each of us should remember that the use of vasoconstrictive drugs should not last longer than 3-7 days. If these drops are used from time to time, as a rule, side effects do not appear. This is observed if they are used regularly and for a long time. The fact is that the vessels become dependent on droplets, and therefore are in a relaxed state, which causes the constant occurrence of edema. But if the drops in the nose vasoconstrictive apply almost constantly, the blood vessels just stop reacting and get tired at all. Sometimes even an increase in edematous condition develops.
In addition to addiction, these drops can cause other side effects. If a person has a chronic runny nose, the nasal mucosa can be disturbed, which leads to its thinning and brittleness of the vessels. They can be damaged in any trauma or physical exertion. As a result, frequent bleeding from the nose occurs. If there is an overdose of the drug, the patient has heart palpitations, arrhythmias, increased blood pressure, as well as problems with sleep and depressive syndromes. Remember that all vasoconstrictive drops are strictly prohibited for glaucoma and atrophic rhinitis. Only after a medical consultation, these funds can be used for heart disorders, thyroid diseases, as well as hypertension.
As for the allergy, drops in the nose are very often prescribed for her treatment. However, in this case, an obligatory consultation of an allergist is required. The fact is that drops in the nose from allergies should be prescribed by a doctor, because the reasons for the allergy may be a lot. And the drugs all have a different spectrum of action.
In any case, these methods of treatment should be chosen only after consulting a specialist.
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