Education, The science
Successful socialization of preschool children as a result of competent interaction between the family and the children's preschool institution
Modern scientists understand socialization as an ongoing process, as a result of which the individual is involved in various kinds of relationships between people. They make a person dependent on society. The emergence of the social development of the individual consists in the assimilation of the universal human experience, namely, knowledge, skills and skills, and in using them in their work activities. And also in public life.
Successful socialization of preschool children is associated with such concepts as "education", "education", "upbringing," "development of a harmonious personality of the child." These processes become full only if they are targeted. The development of children's sociogenesis is a very specific moment that requires the direct influence of adults. Their specially organized activity allows you to accompany the formation of the child as a person with his own opinions and beliefs, making this process comprehensive. Socialization of preschoolers arises not only in the family, but also in preschool institutions in the course of the processes of upbringing, education and development of the harmonious personality of the child. A small person can also be influenced by religious organizations and countercultural groups that have very different goals and objectives.
Socialization in kindergarten is a specially organized process, during which children learn and master the existing reality of the world around them. Ensure its favorable flow is capable of competent pedagogical work of the Dow, which allows to organize continuity and continuity of all stages of familiarizing the child with human being. Socialization of children has as its ultimate goal the formation of their readiness to enter into interpersonal relations and further develop their culture. Readiness is understood as the child's desires, abilities and abilities.
At present, special attention is paid to the problem of the socialization of preschool children. Psychologists and teachers are studying issues related to the harmonious development of the personality of children and education in the family, which directly affect their ability to access the reality of the world around them. And also lay the foundations of social competence, allowing this process to proceed in the most optimal way. It is these characteristics that will enable a person to continue to be successful in all his major activities. Currently, social competence is understood as the child's ability to meet needs through interaction with the outside world on the basis of socially acceptable ways of realizing his activity.
According to L.S. Vygotsky, the child is originally a social being, because it directly depends on the surrounding people, in the first stages - from parents and other family members, and then - from educators and teachers. This is a fundamentally significant fact for the activities of the POW. The kindergarten teacher acts for a small person as a cultural example. The successful socialization of preschool children will depend on the literacy of the educator's work. Since he acts as a direct role model. The meaning of success is considered in the context of creative socialization of the child and his individualization, ability in the conditions of constantly changing being to create not only himself but also a new culture. And also get involved in spiritual and material values. The possibility of creating a culture is based on the emergence of universal human abilities, based on the knowledge and assimilation of knowledge, skills and habits. They become the basis for inclusion of a small man in society.
V.T. Kudryavtseva notes that the process of creating a culture should be understood not as the creation of new things or ideas, but as the realization of creative imagination, the ability to focus on the position of other people, arbitrariness, mastering common ways of acting with things and objects, mastering the elements of reflection, building a sensual picture of the surrounding world And the formation of universal forms of thinking and a moral attitude toward oneself like that.
The basic characteristics of successful socialization of the child are: competence, ability to initiative, creativity, arbitrariness of mental processes and behavior in general, responsibility, independence, security, developed self-awareness, freedom of behavior, ability for adequate self-esteem.
In the upbringing and development of a small person, as well as in the acquisition of his social experience, the family plays an important role. It is in the family, which is the primary institution of education, that the socialization of preschool children proceeds naturally and painlessly. Its formation is based on the continuity of generations.
Experts have repeatedly proven the fact that the family and kindergarten ensure the integrity and completeness of the cultural, educational and social-pedagogical environment for the development and self-realization of the child. Successful interaction between the family and the DPU is based on the competent and harmonious complementarity of each other, and not on duplicating and replacing the socially significant functions of one educational institution with another.
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