
Preparation "Epigaline": instructions, method of application, composition, analogs, reviews

Quite often in modern medicine, so-called oncoprotectant drugs are used that help normalize metabolism in tissues and prevent the development of malignant process. One of them is a biologically active supplement called "Epigaline". The instructions for use here are simple, and many experts recommend taking this particular remedy. Quite naturally, many people are looking for some additional information.

In what cases is it appropriate to take this medication? Is it effective? What kind of feedback do patients leave? Is the therapy associated with any risks? Answers to these questions will be of interest to many.

Description of the composition and form of release

The drug "Epigaline" is released in the form of white capsules. They are placed in blisters of 15 pieces. In the pharmacy you can buy packages containing 60, 120 or 240 capsules. It is a biologically active additive to food, which is allocated by natural composition. The main active components are indole-3-carbinol (200 mg per capsule) and epigallocatechin-3-gallate (45 mg each).

In addition, some auxiliary substances are present in the formulation, in particular silicon dioxide and magnesium stearate. The main component of the capsule shell is gelatin.

What are the properties of the medicine?

Indole-3-carbinol is a biologically active substance, which is obtained by extraction of cruciferous plants. It blocks mechanisms that are responsible for stimulating pathological cell growth in the tissues of the uterus, breast and prostate. This component normalizes the balance of estrogens, prevents the proliferation of cells in tissues sensitive to the effects of estrogen, and also neutralizes the effect of growth factors - substances that activate the development of tumors in the reproductive system. In addition, the substance has antiviral properties, causes selective death of cells affected by human papillomavirus.

Epigallocatechin-3-gallate is obtained from an extract of green tea. This component activates the processes of phagocytosis, suppresses the pathological growth of new vessels in the myomatous nodes, prevents the penetration of endometrial cells into the muscular layer of the uterus, and also helps to reduce neoplasms.

Basic indications for admission

In which cases are patients recommended to take Epigaline? Its use is effective in the failure of metabolic processes in the organs of the reproductive system of women and men (we are talking about the prostate gland). In the presence of such problems, the capsules become an additional source of such useful substances as eligallocatechin-3-gallate and indole-3-carbinol.

The main indications for admission are such widespread female diseases as mastopathy, endometrial hyperplasia, polycystic ovary. Also capsules can be effective in endometriosis, adenomyosis, uterine leiomyoma. The drug is prescribed for men with prostatic hyperplasia. Also, indications for use are diseases caused by the human papillomavirus.

Medicinal remedy "Epigaline": instructions for use

Appoint a similar drug is entitled only by the attending physician. It is not recommended to take the Epigaline medication without permission. The instruction contains only some general recommendations, which, if necessary, can be adjusted by the doctor, depending on the condition and individual characteristics of the patient's body.

The daily dose, as a rule, is 1-2 capsules. Take them immediately before or during meals, with plenty of water. The duration of therapy is also determined individually for each patient. For example, with papillomatosis or disorders in the tissues of the mammary glands treatment lasts about three months. If it is a question of hyperproliferation of the organs of the female or male reproductive system, it is recommended to take capsules for at least 5-6 months.

Are there any contraindications?

Naturally, many patients are interested in questions about whether in all cases it is possible to take a biologically active supplement "Epigaline". The instruction shows that some restrictions are still available.

  • The drug is not prescribed for patients with increased sensitivity of the immune system to any of the constituent components.
  • Contraindications also include pregnancy. If a woman during lactation has a need for taking this capsule, then breastfeeding for the duration of therapy should be discontinued.
  • Also during treatment, patients are recommended to exclude from the diet products that reduce the acidity of gastric juice.

Possible adverse reactions

Important points are also whether some complications can develop on the background of taking epigalin capsules. Reviews of patients and doctors, as well as statistical surveys, indicate that the side effects of therapy are extremely rare and are considered exceptions.

For the most part, patients complain of the manifestation of certain allergic reactions. The main symptoms include skin rashes, redness, puffiness, burning and itching. Rarely develop urticaria and contact dermatitis. Anaphylactic conditions were not recorded on the background of therapy, although there is a certain probability of their development.

If during treatment you feel any deterioration or notice signs of an allergic reaction, you should stop taking the capsules and immediately consult a doctor.

Medication "Epigaline": price and analogues

For many people, the question of the cost of a given medicine is important. Naturally, the exact figure can not be specified, since it will depend on the manufacturer, the pharmacy, the conditions of which you use, the city of residence, etc. A package of 60 capsules will cost 1100-1300 rubles. The price for 120 capsules, as a rule, ranges from 1800 to 2100 rubles. It is worth considering that it is possible to complete a complete course of treatment you will need a package of 240 capsules, which will cost somewhere in 3900 rubles.

For some reason, not all groups of patients are suitable for the drug "Epigaline". Analogues of the drug on the modern pharmacological market are difficult to find, since it has a unique composition. Some doctors appoint "Epigallat" instead. There are other drugs that have some similar properties. To their list it is possible to carry "Гемафемин", "Климатон", "Экстровэл", "Мастофит", "Biolift" and some others.

Patients' feedback about the drug

Of course, many people are interested in buying what they think about this product before they buy a drug. So what do they say about the drug "Epigaline"? The reviews are mostly positive. Indeed, the full course of treatment positively affects the health status, promotes resorption of cysts in the organs of the reproductive system, normalizes metabolism in the tissues of the breast, slows down the processes of hypertrophy in the prostate gland.

To the negative moments, perhaps, only high cost is attributed - BAA by the pocket is far from everyone. On the other hand, health costs any money. By the way, some patients note an increase in appetite after taking the capsule.

It should be understood that this is not a drug, but a biologically active additive to food. It affects the body slowly and gradually.

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