Food and drinkRecipes

Stolen: recipe for a Christmas German treat

Each country has its own traditional daily and festive dishes. People especially appreciate, cherish and pass from generation to generation of food for a variety of solemn occasions. And if, for example, the English are proud of their puddings, assuring them that they can not train them anywhere else, in Germany, admission is of special esteem. The recipe is, it must be admitted, much less fanciful and difficult to perform than the beloved British delicacy. But the result will be no worse. Variants of the same cooking allow you to choose the German gallery, the recipe of which you can. The only drawback of this dish is the fact that it should be prepared well before the upcoming holiday.

The Christmas Tree

In Germany, this dish is traditionally prepared for Christmas. Indeed, in this country, as well as throughout Europe, this holiday is perhaps the most important in the year. But on the eve of any other celebration it is quite possible to prepare a German Christmas gallery. The recipe for this dish involves the use of a filling. Prepare it as follows: 50 grams of orange or lemon candied fruits are mixed and mixed with the same amount of ground almonds and small raisins. A quarter kilogram of flour is sieved, combined with a teaspoon of baking powder, the same volume of rum, vanilla packing, margarine or oil (150 grams), egg and three large spoons of sugar. Mixer mixes the dough: first at a low speed, and as it is stirred, it should be increased. Then the filling is added. The dough is divided into parts, each forms a semblance of a loaf. The pan is lined with bakery paper, on which the future galleries are laid. In a preheated oven, small cupcakes should be baked for about 12 minutes. The larger the size of the sticks, the longer it takes to keep them in the oven. This variant of cooking is fast. Next, we will consider more complex and time-consuming recipes.

Curd option

This is a more "long" gallery: the prescription involves soaking a quarter kilo of dried fruits (cherries, raisins) and candied fruits in rum a couple of days before cooking begins. For the dough, a pack of oil is softened and whipped with a glass (with a slide) of sugar. In the mass in turn, 2 eggs are introduced. Then add 250 grams of cottage cheese, vanilla, zest and juice from one lemon. A pound of sifted flour is mixed with a pack of baking powder and added to the cottage cheese. In a kneaded dough a glass of chopped almonds, candied fruits and dried fruits are poured. From this amount of test 2-3 "loaves" are formed. They turn out to be quite large, so they will be baked for about an hour. While they are not cold, you should grease them with melted butter and sprinkle with powder. When the muffins cool down, they should be wrapped first in parchment, and then in a bag. This is how the maturing Christmas gallery is prepared: the recipe suggests baking it two weeks before the holiday so that it rests. However, in a couple of days the cupcake can be eaten completely.

Dresden's gallery

The process of preparing this dish is also not fast. So, the raisin for the gallery is suggested to soak the day in orange juice (it is possible and in alcohol if desired), and the dough is required yeast. You can use your favorite and tested in your experience recipe, just replace it with margarine or lean butter on creamy. The dough will rise a little longer, but it will be more elastic. As a spice it is supposed to add cardamom besides vanilla. During the test run, the raisins are carefully inserted. When the dough finally came up, it is wrapped in marzipan, rolled up by sausage. By the way, marzipan necessarily enters the Dresden adit. The recipe of this dish can also be varied using various ingredients (for example, instead of raisins, you can enter cherries). However, the marzipan in its composition must be mandatory. The edges of the dough are tied and leveled. The gallant is put on parchment, covered with a towel and left to rise for an hour and a half or two, after which it is lubricated with milk and sent for half an hour to the oven. At the end, powdered sugar powder is placed in a container and exposed to cold "ripen".

Mini Shuttle

Usually these cupcakes are made quite a large size and when served, they are cut across. However, you can bake a small, "one-time" gallery. The recipe of the test can be chosen any, but the German housewives advise to use the curds: in tightly closed containers such baking can be stored for two weeks after maturation and will not lose softness. When the dough is ready, it is divided in half, rolled into sausages, cut into small circles, which are then rolled into balls. What you should pay attention to when baking, so this is the distance between the muffins: when baked, they increase and can stick together. But when stored, this danger does not threaten them.

Try on the next holiday to bake a tunnel - you already know the recipe, and not one, but its embodiment depends only on your diligence.

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