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Step-by-step process of conception of the child: by days, as happens and features

The birth of a new life is a very interesting process. Just two cells, quietly existing separately from each other, merging together, show the world a miracle. The process of conception of a child practically does not differ from that of other forms of mammals, but in the course of a long nine months it needs to go through a more complicated path. Today we want to penetrate a little deeper and see in detail, step by step, what happens in the body of a woman at the earliest stage of pregnancy, when she still does not suspect that she will soon become a mother. The process of conception of a child is not at all an act of love between a man and a woman, but what happens after that.

The miracle begins

It is quite difficult to call it this way. Indeed, the true miracle that occurs most often at night, while the parents are fast asleep. The process of conception begins with the discharge of a seminal fluid into the woman's vagina. In a relatively small amount of nutrient solution, which also allows you to lower the acidity of the vagina, there are about 3 million spermatozoa. Each of them carries the X or Y chromosome, and depending on which of them will be the first to enter the egg, a boy or a girl will form.

But we ran a little forward. While the process of conception of the child has not yet begun. Just able to penetrate into the body are able to fertilize sperm. Now begins their long and difficult path to the goal. They can stay active for 9 days, and if during this time they are lucky enough to meet a mature egg on their way, their life will not be wasted.


достаточно скрытно, мы о нем можем узнать только по фильмам или книгам. Since the process of conceiving a child is rather secretive, we can only learn about it from films or books. The woman herself is not allowed to feel the movement of spermatozoa and their fusion with the egg. Many mistakenly believe that all the sacrament is performed in the womb. This is not true. Spermatozoa through the vagina do fall into this large, muscular sac. However, this is not the end of their journey. Then they have to go through the fallopian tubes, where the main prize, the mature egg, can wait. About 24 hours, it retains the ability to fertilize, and, obeying the pledged program, moves to the uterus. If on this way it is not met and fertilized by the sperm, the egg will reach its goal and collapse. Menstruation will begin, after which the cycle will be repeated.

In the fallopian tubes

These are paired organs that connect the uterine cavity with the abdominal cavity. They are equipped with ciliated epithelium, the cilia of which are directed inwards. Of course, it's not just that. They are necessary in order to push the egg to the uterus. It is here that the mature egg is surrounded by sperm. Each of them seeks to penetrate into it, but it only manages one, in rare cases two, then there is a chance that the twins will be born. Maybe there is an option that two eggs will come out at the same time. In this case, they can both be fertilized, and mother also takes out two children, but they will not look like two drops of water.

It's amazing how fertilization takes place. The head of the spermatozoon penetrates into the egg cell, it contains a special enzyme that slightly dissolves the wall and makes it possible for the fusion to occur. After that, the tail falls off. He fulfilled his motor function and is no longer needed. At this moment, the surface of the egg changes. Now this is already a zygote, and access to it by other spermatozoa is closed.

The beginning of the long journey

Next, we need to consider in more detail how the process of conception of the child takes place by days. What is the general picture now? The nuclei of the ovum and spermatozoon are joined together. A zygote forms. After about a day and a half, division begins. Still being in the fallopian tube, it is already turning into a complex set of cells. And 48 hours after the merger, the zygote ends the first stage of division. Now these are two cells, which are called blastomeres. By size, they are still very large, but gradually the amount grows, and the cells decrease. In this case, the zygote remains the same size. Fallopian tubes are not a suitable place for intensive growth.

Rapid complication

Every pregnant woman becomes very interested in the process of conception of the child by day. How does the birth of a new life occur at a time when nobody knows about this miracle. So, the third day. No, not yet pregnancy, it starts counting from the moment of implantation of the embryo in the uterus. It is still the third day of its formation. Now there are six to eight blastomeres in the zygote. At this time, the embryo already has his personal genome.

Day four, the zygote begins to move into the uterus

All this time was not wasted. Now the zygote already consists of 16 cells, and their chaotic cluster begins to take on a definite shape. In other words, the embryo is condensed. Soon the zygote will forever leave the place where the formation of the future little man began. However, it is this period that is marked by a certain danger. The fact is that if for some reason the fertilized egg can not descend into the prepared womb, its implantation can occur directly in the fallopian tube.

Since the process of conception of the child is in the fallopian tube, nature provides for the modest size of the zygote, which it retains until reaching the uterus, where there is room for growth and development. However, adhesive processes can lead to narrowing of the tubes, and the egg simply does not have any options how to penetrate the wall where it stopped. What happens then? It continues to divide and grow in size, which will lead to rupture of the fallopian tube. If you do not take emergency measures, the consequences can be the most unfortunate.

Fifth-seventh day

The gradual process of conception of a new life is always very interesting for the future mother. How amazing it is to tremble with the changes that happen inside you! But if we talk about this stage, the woman still often does not suspect her interesting situation. And inside the uterus, the embryo already moves freely and is looking for a haven for final implantation.

Having determined a suitable place for itself, the egg is attached to the uterus. Now her long journey is over, there will be a cozy little house for the next 38-40 weeks. By the way, at this stage the yellow body serves as a source of nutrition for her, which means that the way of life of a woman does not have any influence on the development process.

The diameter of the embryo now does not exceed 0.5 mm. Literally in a few days, that is, on the 9-10th day of its existence, the zygote completely plunges into the wall of the uterus. This period lasts about 40 hours and is called implantation.

Feeling of a woman

If this is the first pregnancy, then most likely, all these symptoms you will write down a simple malaise. However, women who already have children are much more responsive to the signals that the body sends. These days you can face implantation bleeding. At first glance, it looks like menstruation, with which it is often confused. However, bleeding is not abundant, and most often occurs on the first day. Sometimes brown discharge continues for 10-14 days, but this is already a signal to call a doctor.

It is now that HCG is being developed. Because of him, a woman feels nauseous in the morning, weak and drowsy. Almost all note that the breast is poured, it becomes very sensitive. In addition, there is a tingling sensation in the uterus, a small weight in the lower abdomen.

We gradually examined the process of conception of the child by day. The characteristics of each organism can make some adjustments, but this is the general framework for the birth of a new life. And notice that all this occurs even before you notice the first symptoms or notice a delay.

If pregnancy is very desired

Some are waiting for the appearance of a second strip on the test with fear, others - with hope and trembling. And how to speed up the process of conception of a child, if you are ready for motherhood for a long time, but it does not work out in any way? It is very useful to monitor the onset of ovulation. This means, every morning to measure the temperature and months to draw the charts? In general, yes, but today there are special tests that show the onset of a favorable period for conception. The appearance of two strips indicates that ovulation has occurred. The ovum came out of the ovaries and is ready to meet with the sperm.

The woman's body should be full of strength and energy, otherwise he will not simply take on such responsibility as bearing a baby. Therefore, it is very important to eat right, eat lots of vegetables and fruits, greens, take vitamins. As for traditional medicine, it also offers a number of ways. For example: tea made from lime flowers improves the work of the ovaries, the infusion of carrot seeds is useful for men, as it improves the quality of sperm. The infusion of the boron uterus removes the inflammatory processes and improves the menstrual cycle. It is recommended to lie down after 10-20 minutes after sex with legs raised upwards. This will allow spermatozoa to get into the uterus faster. And, of course, think about your baby, because thoughts are material.

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