Health, Diseases and Conditions
Papilloma in children: causes and remedies
Why does papilloma occur in children and adults? Quite a serious topic, which should be understood.
Papilloma is a benign tumor that grows bulging or on a stalk in the shape of a fungus on any part of the body. Only 80 years ago, scientists discovered and began to study the causes of these tumors, which became an actual problem for humans.
Flat papillomas on the hands or feet are often called warts, brown bulges on the body - moles. The color range of them is very different: from the corporeal to the dark brown. All of them have a viral etiology. Viruses of papillomas can also cause genital warts. Dimensions - from microscopic to 8-10 millimeters. At this time, more than one hundred strains of the pathogen of infection are recognized.
Papilloma in children is less common than in adults. Children get this disease at birth through contact with the mother, while boys are more at risk than girls.
With weak immunity, children can "catch an infection" by having contact with open wounds or biting off a hangnail on dirty fingers.
Most often, papilloma in children grows to five years, but it happens in newborns. Particular attention should be paid to the papilloma of the larynx, because it can pose a threat to the life of the baby. The fact that the adult causes only hoarseness, in the newborn leads to suffocation (or to the stenosis of the throat). Usually, this disease begins in children under the age of five, then the child "overgrows", and the stenosis of the throat is no longer threatened.
Are you worried about papillomas on the skin? The carrier of the virus is not always sick himself. But if this happens, and the warts shower all hands, become painful and increase in size, you need to go to the doctor.
The disease progresses if you are weakened by immunity, poor nutrition, lack of vitamins and overwork, menopause or pregnancy. Personal hygiene, refusal of promiscuity in sex and a healthy lifestyle will protect you from possible troubles. Your health is the prevention of papilloma in children. Take care of their future.
Papillomas on the skin are not only unattractive appearance, they bring a lot of inconveniences. Warts on the neck cling to the clothes, under the armpits or in the groin rubbing themselves to the bleeding, on the feet make it difficult to walk. While they are a benign neoplasm, it is necessary to consult a specialist.
Papillomas on the face
Most often people try to get rid of warts on the face. In no case should you try to remove them yourself, by "grandmother's recipe", bandaging with horsehair. Damaging the papilloma, you can face a more serious problem - a malignant tumor. A specialist with laser surgery will quickly and painlessly cleanse your face, and most importantly, it will be safe. If on the foot or on the palm of your hand you can try to "burn out" the wart with celandine juice, then the "folk method" on the face will leave an indelible mark. Papilloma in children is less common on the face than in adults. Do not rush into surgical intervention, watch its growth. Perhaps the decision to remove your child will take itself already in adulthood. Do not forget, the papilloma on the face without scars is removed only by the doctor-cosmetologist.
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