Spiritual developmentAstrology

Star nuances, or Which sign of the zodiac is the worst character?

We are sure that the development of mankind is built on scientific progress. These clever heads came up with systematization, typification, analysis and synthesis. However, astrologers began to use these methods earlier. They figured out, for example, which sign of the zodiac is the most nasty character, unhappy fate and so on. Do not believe me? Let's look at their classification.

General characteristics

In astrology, it is common to divide people according to dates of birth. There are twelve groups in all. Representatives of each have similar features. This is well known. But which sign of the zodiac is the most nasty character, not everyone knows. Although, it should be noted that the question is relative. What does bad mean? After all, people perceive each other in different ways. That one - honey, the other - vinegar. We will rely on the average statistical opinion, taking into account the most vividly expressed features of representatives of each sign. Astrologers are sure that they affect the personality traits in one way or another. But first you need to designate them. After all, without factology, it will be difficult to understand which sign of the zodiac is the most nasty. Agree, any statement should be supported by evidence, even if based on the conclusions of experts - astrologers. Moreover, the information they accumulate is checked daily by millions of people on themselves and their loved ones. She can be trusted.

The most nasty traits

Let's take the signs of the zodiac by birth and select those features that people do not like in them. This is easy to do. After all, everyone is already described in sufficient detail.

  • Aries - quick temper, turning into rudeness.
  • Taurus is an unprecedented stubbornness.
  • Twins are duplicity.
  • Cancer is stealth.
  • Leo - narcissism, intransigence.
  • Virgo is skepticism.
  • Libra - directness.
  • Scorpio - vengeance, selfishness.
  • Sagittarius - frivolity, adventurism.
  • Capricorn - secrecy, stubbornness.
  • Aquarius is laziness, secrecy, impracticality.
  • Fishes are multifaceted, egocentric.

You know, finding out which sign of the zodiac is the worst character, it is necessary to be fair. Any of the indicated qualities is not unambiguously bad. Many people benefit from these traits in life, allowing them to solve complex problems.

When is all the nastiness of the character?

Situations in which people manifest themselves in the worst possible light, belong to the category of critical. There are, of course, signs that try to avoid such. For example, Aquarians. They refer to events philosophically, they can look "through their fingers" on the complexity, pull back and wait. But Aries rush into the battle immediately, without bothering to think. Does this mean that one is worse than another? Everything depends on the partners' expectations. Or consider another pair. Taurus and Capricorn are similar to each other stubbornness. Only the first pret that the tank, despite the obstacles, the second - chooses roundabout ways. But to join with both of them in a confrontation is not to anyone's liking. Again, they behave badly or not, depends on perception. Those who depend on them, welcome their actions, rivals, on the contrary, are indignant or angry. Probably, it is already clear. The signs are simply different from each other. And what is more bad, depends not on individual features, but on compatibility.

How to choose a partner for the zodiac?

So we came to the main question. Know which of the signs has a bad character, it is necessary not to make a mistake in those people you rely on. When approaching this dilemma from the position of an astrologer, try to feel the features of a partner from your bell tower. How will you react to them if they manifest themselves in their entirety? In addition, it must be borne in mind that the signs of the zodiac by the years of birth are undergoing certain changes. Some features become sharper, others are smoothed out.

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