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Speech therapy sessions with a child 3-4 years. Correction of speech defects

Children with defects in sound production have significantly increased in recent years. A decade ago, the picture was different. The most common problems are in burrs, distortion of sounds, replacement or omission of those that are difficult to pronounce. These types of defects are considered light and are denoted by the term dilation. They are relatively easy to adjust in a speech therapist.

But there are also more complex variants of speech disorders. The reasons for this lie in the defeat of the central nervous system, in which there are problems with the normal functioning of the tongue or the entire lower jaw. Such defects are corrected very very hard. At the same time, pronouncing hissing and whistling sounds, the child puts out the tongue between the teeth, why instead of a whistling sound he gets the sound of "f" ("mafina" instead of "machine"). Very common and incorrect pronunciation of sound "p" (guttural or complete absence of it). As a rule, begin speech therapy with a child 3-4 years, sometimes earlier.

The nature of logopedic disorders

Complex defects occur for a variety of reasons - such as a mother's infectious diseases during pregnancy, birth trauma, or fetal hypoxia. If a child was born after a serious illness, the result may be a blood circulation disorder with nerve endings and, as a consequence, speech defects.

Among the causes is an incorrect bite, and the source of certain disorders (for example, the throat "p") can even be an imitation of a child to someone from adults who also distorts speech. In addition, the child can copy and heroes of modern cartoons, very harmful for development.

Illiteracy directly depends on the wrong pronunciation. That is why the parents of each preschooler must take care that speech defects in the baby are corrected in time. The problem may be the parents' inability to detect a speech defect in children. It is believed that any kid karavit, and it will pass by itself.

When to start worrying

But most often without regular training with a speech therapist can not do. If a 1.5-year-old does not know how to write phrases from individual words, or if the speech of a two-year-old child is practically absent, an appeal to a speech therapist will most likely be required. Planning for speech therapy sessions by prudent parents is carried out in good time, taking into account the dynamics of child development.

With each of the children, the speech therapist works individually. The setting of one separate sound, as a rule, occurs during several sessions. If there are serious deviations in development, visit logopedic sessions will have much longer.

It happens that the cause of violations is too tight a bridle of the tongue, with no organic lesions. Then at home you should do exercises with the baby for her stretching. The lessons of a speech therapist will help you in this.

Parent family - the basis of all

Often in the family it is not customary to talk a lot with the baby. With him can communicate on a lisp "childish" language. Or he becomes a witness of family scandals. In all these cases, as a rule, the development of speech is hindered.

For the normal development of language skills, a favorable home environment is extremely important. With the baby you need to talk always - during a game or a walk, at a meal and at bedtime. It is necessary to learn by heart poems and read the book aloud aloud.

If you recorded even a slight violation of the sound of the son or daughter, do not isolate yourself from the problem. It is possible to organize speech therapy at home, the benefit of specialized literature is now a dime a dozen. For example, you can arrange a game with the singing of special songs. And only when homework does not give the desired effect, you should think about visiting a specialist.

Do you need a logopedic kindergarten?

Often parents tend to give their baby not to a regular kindergarten, but to a speech therapy. There is an opinion that the conditions there are preferable for solving the problems that have arisen. Is it really so important to get there? If so, from what age? Will the logopedic classes in the kindergarten really benefit your child?

As a rule, it is not very effective to give a child younger than 3-4 years into the hands of specialists. With the youngest parents can successfully deal with, after consulting with a speech therapist. He will prompt a set of measures and necessary exercises. Logopedic exercises with a child of 3-4 years are already capable of giving a lasting effect.

Arsenal of parental communication with children is huge. This constant correct and active verbal communication with the baby, finger exercises, a lot of speech games, carpal massage, special exercises designed to develop fine motor skills, drawing, modeling and so on.

When to go there

Most often, speech defects of a child who has not reached the age of 3-4 years, are classified as physiological. If there is no independent correction of speech by the age of four, you can contact specialists. By this time, the child's initial speech skills should be already formed. And then it makes sense to give the baby to the speech therapy kindergarten.

The advantage of the latter is the saving of parents' time and money in classes with a specialist in a private way. In public kindergartens there are free speech therapy classes. If the benefit of visiting the group for a long time is not found, most likely, you will need the services of a speech therapist-defectologist with the purpose of general development of speech.

Try to communicate with the baby forever to abandon the funny children's language, which often affects mothers and, especially, grandmothers. As mentioned above, communication in such a "warped" manner inhibits the development of normal children's speech.

What should a baby know by the age of 4

But even if everyone in the family speaks correctly, and the problems, nevertheless, are there, do not hurry upset. Organizing speech therapy with a child of 3-4 years at home is not so difficult. And the main thing here is a sensitive attitude to the speech of the baby and careful monitoring of any changes.

As a rule, the vocabulary of a two-three-year-old child is about a thousand words. A four-year-old should normally be able to tell or describe something using prepositions and various parts of speech, to build an uncomplicated dialogue. But his speech apparatus may not yet be sufficiently trained, why pure pronunciation of complex phonemic constructions does not work.

Well, if there are verbal violations in 5-6 years, this is a serious reason to think about. The following simple exercises related to articulatory gymnastics will help parents at home obtain results.

Lessons with a child at home

To stretch a short tongue bridle for 5 or 10 minutes daily, follow these steps. It is necessary to ask the child to lick the upper lip with the tongue, to offer him to knock them on the teeth, like a horse with hoofs, widen his mouth wider and try to reach the upper teeth with his tongue.

Everyone knows that the brain areas responsible for fine motor skills and speech development are interrelated. That is, the more dexterous the kid is with his hands and fingers, the less problems he has with speech.

There are simple exercises for speech therapy classes, teaching the pronunciation of whistling sounds ("c", "z"), as well as hissing ("ж", "ш", "ч" и "щ"). In addition, problems with "p" and "l" sounds are common, but it can also be adjusted independently at home. When engaged, the child needs to be planted by placing a mirror in front of him for self-control. Home speech therapy classes "p" can "not" always, this sound is considered to be one of the most complex and usually requires the intervention of a specialist.

Examples of exercises

  • Exercise "Fist". Ask the baby to close his teeth, pull his lips as far as he can. Make sure that the lower lip remains fixed while lifting the tongue. Exercise should be repeated 3 to 5 times.
  • Exercise "Calyx". Open your mouth wider, stick out your tongue and try to give it a cup shape, lifting the tip and edges. While you are counting to a certain number, let the child try to keep his tongue in such a position. Exercise is also repeated 3 to 5 times.
  • Exercise "Painter". Smile, then open your mouth. After that, the tip of the tongue, like a brush, "paint" the sky from the inside.
  • "Drummer". Quickly hit the tip of the tongue behind the upper row of teeth, keeping the mouth open. Another thing - to remove the tip of the tongue alternately for the upper and lower teeth. The exercise is done under the score.
  • "We're eating jam." Smile, half-open mouth. Widely lick the upper lip, watching the immobility of the lower jaw.

After completing the exercises, go to the repetition of words containing problem sounds. You can prepare cards with them in advance. The sound over which the work is going on should be repeated at first separately several times (from 7 to 10), then in words. It is very useful to pick up tongue twisters with the right words, their pronunciation significantly speeds up the correction of deficiencies.

Where do speech disorders come from?

Defects of speech can appear in an adult - due to a serious operation, a traumatic injury or a serious emotional experience. Such can be loss or death of a loved one, divorce, serious financial troubles. There are verbal flaws and when the main organs associated with soundproofing are injured - the tongue, teeth, lips, ligaments and muscles of the larynx, and also the palate.

This occurs when there are injuries to the center located in the cerebral cortex and responsible for our speech. Even chronic emotional stress can cause speech problems.

Normal speech means the pronunciation of all the language letters without distinction clearly and clearly. This speech must be rhythmic and smooth. If the speaker's words are difficult to make out, it certainly goes about a violation. Adults and children with speech impairment share the same types of speech deficiencies. These include dumbness, stuttering, lisping, lack of correct pronunciation of individual sounds and much more.

Types of speech pathologies

The most common of these are:

  • Afonia . This term is understood as broken phonation (i.e., incorrect sound production). Developed aphonia (or dysphonia) as a result of changes in the speech apparatus, which are pathological in nature.
  • Dysplasia refers to phonetic defects in the speech of an adult or a child with disturbed hearing and grammatically correct speech.
  • Stuttering is a kind of disorder that occurs in the case of convulsive muscle contraction related to the voice device. It is detected as a violation of the rate of speech, its rhythm and dimensionality.
  • Another violation, manifesting itself in an abnormally slow speech rate, is called bradilalia .
  • Opposite to him (when a person speaks too quickly) - tahilaliey .

  • Rinolalia - a kind of speech pathology, associated with a violation of the anatomical nature of the organs that form the speech apparatus. It appears in a distorted soundproofing and voice timbre.
  • Dysarthria is a kind of disturbance, when nerve endings that function to connect the cerebral cortex to the speech apparatus are not enough.
  • Aphasia refers to the total or partial loss of speech, which arises as a result of damage to the central nervous system.
  • If the speech of the child or adult is underdeveloped, which is often the case with lesions of the cerebral cortex, it is about alalia .

Experts will help you

Various factors can serve as the reasons for these anomalies. These are congenital defects such as nezarascheniya sky or upper lip, anomalous bite, incorrectly formed jaws, defects of the lips, tongue or teeth. Acquired violations are in cases of ENT organs or CNS diseases. Violations can be either permanent or temporary.

The peculiarity of young children is that each of them has a strictly individual phenomenon, such as the development of speech. Logopedic classes are held in every kindergarten - not only in a specialized school.

If your child was referred for speech therapy classes, you should not refuse - they will not bring any harm to the child, and the benefits will be unquestionable.

For children 3-4 years of speech therapy there are two forms - individual or group. Classes one-on-one with a specialist (individual) are most effective. In turn, working in the group, the baby feels more comfortable and relaxed.

Individual speech therapy

What are the lessons of speech development? Usually they take place in the form of simple games and events. Kids often do not understand that they are doing some purposeful work. They play with a speech therapist, have fun and have fun.

For an individual logopedic class, the child is usually sent when the violation consists in improper pronunciation of any particular sounds. With the help of specially selected games and exercises, the speech therapist corrects the defect. If the baby stutters, the already mentioned exercises for the language (and also others) are combined with teaching the skill to correctly distribute the breath.

Singing songs, the child is trained to breathe properly, and the stutter disappears. Gradually, children learn to control their own breathing, and the better the skill is learned, the more likely it will be to get rid of stuttering once and for all.

Frontal occupations

Group logopedic classes (otherwise they are called frontal exercises) are conducted among children with various deviations in the development of speech. These include not only the violation of sound and hearing problems. For example, a baby can not distinguish between twin sounds. Other problems of the same series are the violation of speech grammar, the absence of a connection between the words spoken.

Groups for classes are selected in the number of 6-8 people of the same age who have similar speech problems. Plans logopedic classes contain a common goal - to expand the vocabulary and improve the phonemic hearing. Children are purposefully trained in oral speech, are engaged in practical development of lessons learned in individual lessons. Most of the time, most children are engaged both in the group and individually.

Logopedic lesson on the theme "Autumn"

Let's consider, how it is possible to construct corrective employment with children, using the certain subjects, for example seasons. Let us have an "autumn" lesson. It is good to spend in September or October, decorating the room with yellow leaves.

At the lesson of speech therapist, using themes of autumn and natural phenomena, expands and activates vocabulary on the subject, teaches children on pictures to first make separate sentences, and then from them - a coherent story. Along the way, children fix the skills of the answer with a complete sentence and the coordination of speech and movements.

Speech therapy session on the topic "Autumn" solves the problem of the corrective-developing plan - improving fine motor skills with finger surgery, developing memory, thinking through exercises and games. Children learn poems of Russian poets about the fall, listen to music "Sounds of the autumn forest", list the signs of autumn weather, guess riddles on the "autumn" theme.

Kids collect bouquets of leaves, pinching their fingers into fists (fine motor skills), blowing on leaves, depicting the autumn wind (respiratory gymnastics).

We continue at home

Those skills that give the speech therapist's lessons should be necessarily worked out and fixed in the family, at home. To do this, specialists conduct explanatory work with their parents, give the most detailed recommendations for building home classes.

Much here depends on the responsible approach of the parents to the solution of the problem. If the mother or father is not lazy regularly allocate a few minutes a day to develop the speech of the child, then the success will not keep you waiting. The most important task of parents at the same time is to help the child in gaining a sense of confidence in combating the fear of communication and speaking in public.

Future mothers and fathers should encourage the child. Even the smallest success should be appreciated. As a result, the self-esteem of the baby is growing, there is an incentive for further achievements.

Be tactful

At the same time, one should not be too zealous and in principle force the child to constantly use only properly arranged words and phrases. This will lead to unnecessary stress, can discourage the baby from the desire to engage. Let him remain a child. We remind you once again - speech therapy sessions with a child of 3-4 years should be built exclusively in the form of a game!

With the baby exercises should be carried out unobtrusively, not focusing on the existing problems. If, as a result, the toddler is in a frustrated or depressed state, such training will not succeed. You will not achieve anything except a closed and aggressive reaction.

In the intervals between classes, let him speak still with errors that can disappear spontaneously. One day parents will be surprised and happy to find that the kid himself is trying to control the correctness of speech.

For the development of fine motor skills, it is useful to massage the child every finger, bend and unbend them, play board games. Often, let the baby touch the croup or fiddle in the sand. At home, any loose material suits him. Do not forget about articulatory gymnastics. As much as possible pay attention to reading, learn with the kid simple songs and rhymes.

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