HealthDiseases and Conditions

Sore throat without fever. What is it?

All are given the habit that the sore throat without temperature does not arise. Here we looked in the mouth - and there are white raids on the tonsils! The temperature is normal. Or maybe it's still a sore throat without temperature? An experienced specialist can immediately understand what caused the raid on the tonsils. We will try also.

Angina without temperature is infrequent, since the causative agent of this disease is beta-hemolytic streptococcus or staphylococcus (much less often), which cause the onset of fever. In addition, there are symptoms such as redness of the throat, soreness in swallowing, joint pain, weakness, general malaise and headaches. Angina without temperature is found, mainly in the early stages of the development of the disease, as well as with a pronounced immunodeficiency of the body.

Carefully inspect the tonsils: maybe it's not a raid, but just a remnant of food (often kefir or yogurt). They will disappear if you drink a couple of sips of water. Injuries and burns of the oropharynx can also cause raids without increasing the temperature. However, in this case, fibrinous plaque is formed, which closes the wound surface. In chronic tonsillitis there are "purulent" or caseous stoppers, which can be mistaken for plaque in angina. They can also occur in healthy people. Pharyngicemia, or fungal infection of the oropharynx, can occur without a rise in temperature. In this disease, the raids are similar to the curds. Angina Vincana usually proceeds without significant changes in the general state of the body, but local changes are very pathognomonic: a massive film is formed on the one hand, if it is removed, a bleeding ulcer appears. With syphilitic sore throat is characterized by the formation of a unilateral infiltrate, in which the amygdala is condensed, erosions are formed, and regional lymphadenitis occurs. But the pain and fever for sore throat with syphilis are not characteristic. The occurrence of aphthous stomatitis can deceive you. But do not forget that aphthae can be located on the inner surface of the cheeks or on the mucosa of the soft palate. Soreness in this case is very significant, especially when swallowing. Thus, we first determine: angina or not.

At the beginning of the disease, the surface tissue of the amygdala is affected, there is swelling and redness. It is this stage that most often takes place without temperature. This angina is called catarrhal. It is also characterized by perspiration and dryness in the throat, enlarged lymph nodes. Purulent sore throat without temperature is a rarity. Almost always occurs only in people with deep immunodepression.

If you are sure that you have a sore throat without fever, treatment should begin immediately. It is best not to self-medicate, but to consult an ENT doctor. He will prescribe antibiotics for you, since the main cause of angina is bacterial contamination. Penicillins and cephalosporins are mainly used. In addition to antibiotics, it is necessary to use other means to get better soon. There are a number of drugs in the form of aerosols specially designed for irrigation of the throat (inhalipt, colustan, hexaspree), a number - in the form of tablets (falimint, septotlet, etc.). Treatment is often supplemented by rinsing the throat with solutions of potassium permanganate, furacillin, soda, kitchen salt (a spoonful on a glass of water), the infusion of St. John's wort, sage, chamomile. The warming compresses are used: semi-alcohol (ratio 1: 1). The first tissue layer is moistened with the prepared solution and applied under the jaw, then covered with a polyethylene film, then with cotton wool and woolen material. Put compresses every 2-3 hours, but leave it at night it can not.

Be healthy!

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