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Solar storms: forecast, impact on people

How often do we hear from family and friends that they have a headache due to magnetic storms. Of course, it is possible that they exaggerate, and the reasons for the deterioration of their well-being lie in something else. But many are absolutely right: a person is constantly under the influence of the activity of the Sun, which can affect the state of health. It's about why this happens, we'll try to tell.

Outbreaks in the Sun

The sun can be compared with a huge thermonuclear boiler. There are processes of incredible power here and explosions periodically occur, which increase the activity of solar radiation. Explosions are called solar flares, and further development of the process is "solar storms".

For a long time scientists believed that the Sun emits only visible and invisible light. But then it was found that in the radiation there are particles carrying electric charges. Such particles all the time evaporate from the atmosphere of the Sun, being, as it were, an extension of the solar corona. At moments of increased activity, wave solar radiation also increases. At these moments, powerful electron and proton fluxes, as well as helium nuclei, emerge from the solar atmosphere into the interplanetary space. Streams have tremendous energy and speed. They fill the entire space of the solar system and are called the solar wind. Sometimes people replace the generally accepted name "solar wind" for more sonorous - "solar storms". It turns out that outbreaks on the far Sun influence on any point of our planetary system, including Earth.

Geomagnetic response

The Earth's magnetic field protects the planet from solar wind currents. But solar storms press on the magnetosphere, as a result of which it contracts. This greatly increases the intensity of the magnetic field, which leads to a change in its properties. The response of the Earth to an increase in the activity of the Sun, that is, a flash, is geomagnetic storms. These processes are considered in the framework of studying the physics of interactions between the Earth and the Sun. Scientists even introduced a special term "space weather". And the power of the storms is described by the indices Dst and Kp. Under the greatest influence of the perturbation of magnetic fields are the middle and low latitudes of the Earth. Closer to the equator, the impact of geomagnetic storms becomes less.

What is the time interval from flash to geomagnetic storm?

Solar storms, consisting of flows of high-speed particles, reach the orbit of the Earth in 12-24 hours. Magnetic oscillations can last from several hours to several days. The whole process is called the world magnetic storm. Conditionally, the geomagnetic disturbance is divided into several phases:

  1. The initial phase. The period of the greatest influence on man, when the pressure of the magnetic field increases. The length of the phase is about 4-6 hours, then the field returns to normal.
  2. The main phase. After the end of the initial phase, geomagnetic storms enter the period of the planet's magnetic field lowering. The duration of the phase is from 10 to 15 hours (sometimes more).
  3. Recovery phase. During this period, the magnetic shell restores the natural value. It may take several hours.

Can I make a prediction

Scientists have long understood that, when studying solar storms, the forecast is not very difficult. Observation of the Sun is now available not only from terrestrial observatories, but also from extraterrestrial sites. It can be, for example, astronomical satellites. Thus, observation of solar flares and coronal mass ejections has become much more accurate. At the same time, many scientists believe that solar flares and coronary discharges are different processes. And, when predicting unfavorable days for the Earth's magnetic field, it is necessary to focus on coronary emissions.

Effects on humans

Forced vibration of the Earth's geomagnetic field has an adverse effect on the person's well-being. And it hits the most vulnerable points. One of the first to draw attention to the relationship between solar activity and exacerbation (occurrence) of diseases Soviet biophysical scientist LA Chizhevsky. It was he who initiated the study of the influence of magnetic storms on the physical and psycho-emotional state of a person.

It has now been established that in unfavorable days, the heart and blood vessels first of all suffer. Appears arrhythmia and tachycardia. Often there are jumps in blood pressure, intensified manifestations of VSD. Many are exacerbated by chronic processes. Migraines and depressive states become more frequent. The most unpleasant thing is that you can not hide and protect yourself during this period. The processes that cause solar activity (magnetic storms) affect all corners of the Earth, although they affect with varying degrees of intensity: at the poles - as much as possible, at the equator - is minimal. But it is proved that there are points in which it is especially dangerous to be in the period of magnetic storms.

Dangerous places

The strongest impact on a person's well-being during geomagnetic disturbances is felt in the following cases:

  1. If a person makes an air flight. At height, the protection of the air layer is weaker. In addition, because of the difficulties with concentration and dispersal of attention during this period, air crashes are more frequent.
  2. Space weather affects the health of the inhabitants of the northern regions, especially in settlements beyond the 60th parallel.
  3. Increase the negative impact of magnetic disturbances low-frequency magnetic fields of tunnels and underground stations of the metro.

After reading the forecasts of space weather, a person can plan his schedule so as not to be in dangerous places during unfavorable periods.

help yourself

People quickly realize their vulnerability in the period of solar activity. To minimize the consequences, it is necessary to learn to observe several rules:

  1. Do not weaken the body with alcohol and nicotine on days of solar storms.
  2. Avoid heavy physical exertion.
  3. Keep a stock of essential medicines at hand. This is especially important for cores and hypertensives.
  4. Try not to overeat, use during periods of magnetic storms more fish, vegetables and cereals.
  5. Use infusion of sedative plants if prone to anxiety and insomnia. Take soothing baths with herbs and essential oils.

If these measures are not enough, then refer for recommendations to your doctor.

Under the influence of only a person?

Alas, not only people, but also electrical appliances, and computer technology react to changes in the geomagnetic field during solar storms. At these times, telephone communication deteriorates, navigation systems may malfunction, mobile phones, tablets and computers fail, and transformer malfunctions occur. In addition, there are disruptions in the operation of space satellites. Since all these events can affect the quality of life of a person, and in some cases even endanger it, the forecasting and studying of solar activity becomes especially urgent.

The strongest solar storm

In 1859, a superflare occurred on the Sun, which caused a severe solar storm. Observing and describing this phenomenon was studied by astronomer R. Carrington. Then, under the influence of a solar storm, large sections of telegraph networks went out of order. Subsequently, a number of studies were carried out and it was proved that as a result of the "Carrington events" (the so-called geomagnetic storm), the ozone layer around the Earth was damaged.

What awaits us in the near future

The closest one can be considered the forecast of space weather for December 2016. The first solar storm in December will begin on the 3rd. She will be of average strength and will be able to affect the emotional state or cause insomnia.

And here is 8.12 the Earth will experience the impact of a strong magnetic storm. This is a dangerous period for hypertensives and cores. In addition, we should postpone the flights.

End of December, too, will bring fluctuations in the magnetic field. The process will continue from the 26th to the 29th. This solar storm will be average, however, given the proximity of New Year's holidays, it can negatively affect tired and tipsy people.

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