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Physical properties of water

Water is one of the basic substances that ensure the existence of the planet and humanity. This is a completely unique element, without which the life of any living being is impossible. Some chemical and physical properties of water are unique.

The importance of this substance is difficult to overestimate. Water occupies most of the planet, forming oceans, seas, rivers and other water bodies. It directly participates in the formation of climate and weather, thus ensuring certain conditions of existence in this or that corner of the planet.

For many organisms, it serves as a habitat. In addition, almost every living being in one way or another consists precisely of water. For example, its content in the human body is from 70 to 90 percent.

Physical properties of water: brief description

The molecule of water is unique. The formula is probably known to everyone: H2O. But here some physical properties of water directly depend on the structure of its molecule.

In nature, water exists immediately in three aggregate states. Under normal conditions, this liquid substance without color, odor and taste. When the temperature falls, the water crystallizes and turns into ice. When the temperature rises, the liquid turns into a gaseous state-water vapor.

Water is characterized by a high density, which is about 1 gram per cubic centimeter. Boiling of water occurs when the temperature rises to one hundred degrees Celsius. But when the temperature drops to 0 degrees, the liquid turns into ice.

Interestingly, a decrease in atmospheric pressure causes a change in these indicators - water boils at a lower temperature.

The thermal conductivity of water is approximately 0.58 W / (m * K). Another important indicator is its high surface tension, which is almost equal to the corresponding value for mercury.

Unique physical properties of water

As already mentioned, it is water that ensures the normal existence of the planet, influencing the climate and vital activity of organisms. But this substance is really unique. It is these amazing properties of water that provide life.

Take, for example, the density of ice and water. In most cases, when frozen, molecules of substances are closer to each other, their structure becomes more compact and denser. But this scheme does not work with water. For the first time this amazing property was described by Galileo.

If the temperature is lowered slowly and the freezing of water is monitored, then first the scheme will be quite standard - the substance will become denser and more compact. Changes will occur after the temperature reaches +4 degrees. With this indicator, water suddenly becomes easier. That's why ice floats on the surface of the water, but does not sink. By the way, this feature ensures the survival of aquatic flora and fauna - the water rarely freezes completely, preserving the life of its inhabitants.

By the way, when freezing, the substance expands by about 9%. This feature of water causes natural corrosion of rocks. On the other hand, the pipes of the aqueduct are therefore torn apart by an unexpected cold snap.

But this is not all the interesting properties of water. Another unique feature is the abnormally high heat capacity. For example, the amount of heat that is needed to heat one gram of water by one degree is enough to heat up about 10 g of copper or 9 g of iron.

The entire world ocean is a global thermostat that smoothes temperature fluctuations, both daily and annual. By the way, the same properties are given to water vapor, which is contained in the atmosphere. It's no secret that the desert is characterized by sharp temperature changes - the day is too hot, and at night it is very cold. This is due precisely to the dry air and the lack of the necessary amount of water vapor.

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