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Social projects. Ideas of social projects for young people

Social projects, whose ideas have been put into practice, can be distinguished first of all according to the priority goal they pursue. In the second they differ in the degree and quality of influence on the life of society.

It is fair to say that the ideas of social projects cover many spheres of human life. It is not always possible to observe the "ideality" of the priority goals.

Priorities and objectives

Social projects, whose ideas can be called genuinely social, have, as is commonly believed, a significant improvement in the life of society. For example, in the summer season active and enterprising people in many cities organize and successfully hold a city social project called "Ran" for several years already. The essence of it is described in more detail below, and now it is important to mention the results. More than 100 000 people voluntarily took part in this kind of project in just one million-city. More than half of the people reached the finish line, running more than 300 kilometers in total for 3 months! Social projects, whose ideas meet such a response, really change the life of society for the better.

One can only imagine how many people have become healthier, what beneficial effects have been exerted on the younger generation by running parents or relatives. As a result of participating in the project, many people have a useful habit of engaging themselves and their health systematically. They have new friends who are like-minded, with whom it is easier and more cheerful to move forward.

"Antisocial" project

"Trolley bus of happiness" - such a name has a "social" project implemented in practice, which even won prizes in the competition on this topic. Its stated goals are to modernize the system of higher education by developing an ecosystem of innovations.

The project managers, based on published information, set themselves rather prosaic tasks. Realizing the "Trolleybus of Happiness", they wanted to activate the educational process, conduct training for masters and publicly defend themselves in the competition of similar projects.

What in deed

In fact, the university turned to the electric power company with the proposal: "And let us decorate our trolleybuses with the forces of our students, and together we will call this all a social project?". No sooner said than done. Allocated 4 trolleybuses, students in their spare time free of charge, they invited musicians, wrote to the press - it's ready! 4 motley trolleybuses, really beautiful, ride around the city and are mobile mini-exhibitions of various themes - festive, romantic, patriotic ...

How has the life of the city changed? Basically no. How did the spent energy and money of people, students, teachers modernize the higher education system? Basically no. How has the system of eco-innovations developed with the help of a trolleybus that has existed for more than 100 years? It is for certain unknown. Has the life of the city significantly improved as a result of the project? Hardly so you can say.

Common alternative

"Ran" - one of the real projects that could be called truly social. The essence of it is that a person wishing to run in the morning is registered in social networks. He makes a certain small monetary contribution and then runs 100 days in a row.

After each lesson, according to the rules of the project, you need to upload your photos "in the process" and the chosen route. In the absence of such "evidence", the participant was excluded without a refund. Of course, the rules also provided for such various small details as skipping jogs for good reason and other similar moments, but the basic rules are simple as two and two.

After the project, the available amount of money was divided among the remaining participants. Interestingly, they received back the amount that is 50% higher than the amount paid. Many after the project did not leave their useful habits and continued to run the established groups and without the project, waiting for the next mass "race". So with the help of the project, people became healthier and the society united, and a growing example was given to the younger generation.

More examples

"Nightingale" and "Virtual Market" - social projects, ideas and examples of which could also be attributed to the truly social. They are realized at the expense of charitable organizations and when using the intellectual resource of youth.

The first project is a network of shelters for the homeless. A map has been created showing specific addresses of places where you can eat, sleep or get medical or legal help. For multimillion-dollar megacities, such a project significantly improves the social situation - fewer robberies, the overall level of crime decreases, and the burden on the law enforcement agencies is less. In addition, the project allows more or less tolerably to control the situation with the homeless in the city and even in some way influences the situation.

The second project allows you to place and see on the interactive map of the city requests for help. It would seem that nothing like this. Who is interested in this? But in practice the application turned out to be very in demand - because it solved the main communication problem, connecting those who need help and those who can provide it. Moreover, anyone can join the project. He will be aware of the queries around him and get a convenient opportunity to take help in case of anything.

The sphere of youth

An important role in the popularization of social projects is played by the ideas of social projects aimed at students and students. They make it possible to increase the employment of this active segment of the population, develop a sense of patriotism and show personal potential in many spheres.

It should be noted that the ideas of social projects for young people are diverse. They concern, for example, the scope of work. This organization of construction teams or activities to prevent child neglect and juvenile delinquency. Projects can be aimed at resting young people, intercultural interaction and promoting healthy lifestyles in practice.

The sphere of culture

The ideas of social projects, examples of which can be found in the sphere of culture, are usually the most notable. They are supported by the state with the help of government grants.

It is not always possible to call creative social projects whose ideas relate to this topic. The events concern the support of the library, museum and club (entertainment) spheres. For the younger generation, the idea of social projects in the sphere of culture is critically important.

This creates an additional platform for the development of both personal talents, for example, in the field of music or singing, and develops communication skills. Sometimes there is an opportunity to travel and learn new knowledge. It is worth noting socially significant projects, the ideas of which inspire talented young people, allow us to reveal potential and talent. Often this is a television show.

At the borderline of the concepts of "youth" and "culture" are also social projects, the ideas of which are not original. This is an educational excursion. Such projects provide an opportunity for young people to really expand their horizons and ideas about the surrounding reality.

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