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Soapstone. Properties and applications

Soapstone, wen, wax or ice stone are all names of the natural mineral of steatite. They completely convey its properties and reflect features. To the touch the stone is very smooth and slippery, it seems that it is greasy or soapy, although it is not so. In nature, there are different shades of this mineral. The most common are white, gray and brown colors. Also there are green and yellow, very rare mineral of red and dark cherry flowers.

Soapstone itself is very beautiful, in appearance it looks silky, with a matte finish. In fact, steatite is nothing but a kind of talc. Although it is quite dense, but still, if the stone is enlightened by the dark fabric, there will be a trace, as if from a chalk.

Natural natural stone is found on all continents of the planet. In Russia there are deposits of steatite in Karelia. Most of all this stone in Finland. Finns even consider it a national treasure, calling it a hot stone. The fact is that steatite is used as a natural hot water bottle, if it is left for a couple of minutes in boiling water, then it will be cooled for more than an hour. This is its property is used in medicine.

In folk medicine, soapstone is considered curative. Many healers agree that the Wen improves the condition of bones, spine and back muscles. Therefore , this stone is used to treat radiculitis, sciatica and osteochondrosis. The natural healer perfectly helps with diseases, when it is necessary to warm up a sore spot for a long time, because steatite perfectly preserves heat. Today it can be bought in the form of a heating pad and used at home. Hot stone is considered an excellent biostimulator, therefore it is used in Chinese folk medicine.

Steatite was known in ancient Egypt, then from it made various decorations and figurines. In our time, the masters also appreciated the structure of this stone, so it is used for making jewelry, miniatures, figurines, decorations for the interior, and it is also used for making stoves and fireplaces. Most often you can find jewelry with steatite framed in silver, but, for example, bracelets or beads made only of stone, look beautiful and original.

Soapstone has also magical properties. As a talisman and faithful helper, it is worn by shamans and sorcerers. It is considered that a stone is able to develop the supernatural abilities of its possessor, because it emits almost the same vibrations as the human brain. During meditation, steatite develops the gift of clairvoyance. It will become an excellent talisman not only for mages, but also for researchers. Most often, amulets are made in the form of a ball or an animal.

Steatite is known to people since ancient times, but until now astrologers can not come to a single conclusion to which sign of the zodiac it belongs, to whom he most patronizes. In this regard, a soapstone can be worn by all who need to cope with their emotions, make the thoughts clear, establish relationships with other people. In addition, steatite is a powerful talisman against evil eye and evil thoughts.

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