Computers, Software
Smartinf ru: how to remove from the computer?
Many users recently face such a computer infection, as Smartinf. En. How do I remove it from my computer? Where does it come from? What if you suspect that this "guest" has settled in the operating system? We all have to learn about all this. But right now you can already say - this virus is rather difficult to clean. Also it is necessary to observe many rules which will help to cure system of the computer. In rare cases, extreme measures may be necessary. So be prepared for the fact that our today's virus is able to take your personal data and files from you if you do not start treating it in time.
Smartinf. Ru - how to remove this muck once and for all? The question, of course, is not easy. But before starting to treat the computer, it is necessary to understand what we will generally deal with. After all, all viruses are divided into different categories. And, depending on whether you belong to this or that type, you will have to take different methods of eliminating the "problem".
The thing is that "SmartInf" is nothing more than a hijacker of a browser. Sometimes such malicious objects are also called spam. It seems that it does not sound so scary. But, as practice shows, the question of how to remove Smartinf. Ru from your computer (and other hijackers) can take you too much time. And the forces included. After all, spam and hijackers pretty strongly register in the operating system.
The principle of the work of our virus - it gets to the computer and "settles" in the browser. Instead of the start page, Smartinf is issued. Ru (how to remove it, we'll figure it out a little later), as well as a lot of advertising and banners. You can not remove this infection in the settings or any other method from the initial page. But what is so dangerous about the virus?
Danger close
It seems that changing the starting address in the browser is not such a problem. Yes, not very convenient, but not dangerous for the user and data. Why then are many puzzled how to remove Smartinf. Com from a computer?
The thing is that in addition to changing pages in the browser and issuing advertisements and banners, the virus is also starting to load the operating system processes. Of course, like any other computer virus, hijackers enter the computer to steal your data and documents. The first to attack are saved addresses, passwords and logins in the browser. So it's time to be alert, if the start page for you has changed, you will have to take decisive steps to cure the system as soon as possible.
Plus, the work of the computer at the time of infection is reduced several times. Sometimes even a simple inclusion can take you 5-10 minutes. How to remove Http: / / Smartinf. Ru once and for all? To do this, will have to properly prepare. And, of course, stock up on free time. After cleaning the computer takes from 30 minutes to several hours. Where does the action begin?
The first thing that a user thinks about when a virus is detected is about the safety of his data. And it is right. No one wants to lose photos, games, programs and working papers. So, if you're thinking how to remove Smartinf. Ru from the browser, it's time to start overwriting all the important data on a removable media.
However, try to do this at the first manifestations of the virus. Otherwise, infected data can be transferred to the carrier. And then even after reinstalling the operating system, you still can not cure the computer. So, it's better to systematically rewrite important data on media and clouds on the Internet. This is a very important point in the treatment of any virus. After all, the security of the data is what every user wants to receive after a number of specific actions.
The next stage is the preparation of content for the fight against computer infection. Smartinf. En - how to remove? Windows 7 is most often infected by this hijacker. So, it will have to install special programs. Which ones? Now we'll figure it out. It should immediately be taken into account - it is desirable to always offer the content on any operating system. It helps not only when fighting viruses and spies. In most cases, the programs stabilize the operation of the operating system as a whole.
Let's start with the simplest - antivirus. It should be on every computer. And if you think how to remove Smartinf. Ru from the browser (or its analog), then without this content can not do. You can use any antivirus system at your discretion. The main thing that she liked you and was comfortable. But, according to users, the best way is to cope with the viruses Dr.Web, Nod32 and Avast.
Further - you will need programs to track spies and work with the computer registry. For example, SpyHunter 4 and CCleaner. In principle, you can do without them. But then you have a long time to suffer with cleaning your computer from possible threats. And to stabilize the operation of the operating system in this case is extremely difficult.
In principle, that's all. Just in case, you can still take the installation disk of the operating system. After all, sometimes you may need a full reinstall of "Windows". It is rarely needed, but you still need to be reinsured. It's not always possible to answer how to remove Smartinf. En. "Winds 7", which often suffers from the work of this infection, to be honest, often requires recovery using the installation disc. And without it it is extremely difficult.
We proceed to fight the virus. You should start with a computer scan. This requires an antivirus, as well as a program for tracking spies. Scanning will have to be done deep. And under the "distribution" are all partitions of hard drives, as well as browsers.
You found Smartinf in your home. En? How to delete it after scanning with antivirus? Just cure everything that gave you the results. Of course, not every document will be subject to treatment. In this case, malicious objects are quarantined and deleted.
After scanning the computer with the anti-spyware program, you will simply delete all results. Clearing documents does not make sense. But remember - do not restart the computer until all the stages of treatment have been passed. After all, in this case the virus will recover. Everything has to be done from the very beginning.
After the computer is theoretically cleared of viruses and dangers, it is necessary to clean the operating system registry . This is the only way to completely get rid of our today's infection. Smartinf. En - how to remove? Windows 7 will help with this. And the programs that we installed on it - too.
It's time to turn to CCleaner. This application helps to clean the computer's registry. Open it and then tune it. You need to check all the hard disk partitions, as well as the browsers. Now click on the "Analysis" button on the right side of the screen. After a few seconds, it will be replaced by "Cleaning". It should also be clicked. And all - the problem with the registry is solved.
The last stage that will eliminate Smartinf. Ru (how to remove it, we almost learned to the fullest) - this is the cleaning of the computer's processor. Open the Task Manager (Ctrl + Alt + Del), and then go to the same tab. Look at the list of running processes.
If in it you find incomprehensible inscriptions without descriptions, hieroglyphs or a direct mention of Smartinf. Ru, immediately complete these procedures. After a small sweep (pay special attention to the items that most load the system), you can proceed to reboot. When "Windows" starts, try changing the start page in the browser. All should turn out.
If this does not happen, it's best to reinstall the operating system. In general, this step should be taken if the computer has already slowed down very much. This means that the system is severely damaged. And it will only get worse from checking with antivirus and other applications.
As you can see, if properly prepared, then the removal of viruses and Smartinf. Ru including, it's not such a difficult thing. If you doubt your own abilities, better take the computer to a service center. Sometimes there you will be helped faster than you do it yourself. Now you know how to remove http: // smartinf. Ru once and for all.
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