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Signs of mental disorders in men: appearance, mood swings, jealousy, aggression

In today's world, not all people can always remain calm and positive. We often do not pay attention to the bad mood of the surrounding people and even the closest relatives. And in vain! What signs of mental disorders in men can be seen in the initial stages of the disease?

Mental disorders - what is it?

Disorders of the psyche are the variety of mental states of a person that do not correspond to the norm. Often, such diseases begin to be treated only in critical stages with vivid manifestations of inadequate behavior and thinking. In our country, many people are still serious about mental illness.

Many people prefer to write off the manifestation of symptoms of mental ill health on the bad character of the opponent. At the same time, many signs of mental disorders in men can be seen without being an expert. Be attentive to yourself and your close people. Do not be lazy and do not be afraid to seek professional help if you find any suspicious symptoms.

Main external signs

People's proverbs call not to judge others in appearance. And this is not always the right decision. If a person has abruptly stopped looking after himself, began to disregard the rules of personal hygiene, often looks untidy and inaccurate - this is an occasion to think about his mental state. A neat and attractive appearance is one of the indicators of mental well-being and inner balance.

What is noteworthy, the person who is ill can realize what is happening. To criticize his appearance, he can respond with something meaning, that "appearance is not the main thing." This image of self-confidence combined with indifference is also a sign of mental disorders in men. As symptoms of such diseases, one can also mention the degradation of the personality as a whole. In this process, a person loses interest in everything that happens to him and around him.

Behavioral Symptoms

In everyday life, it is easiest to notice the main signs of a mental disorder that are manifested in the behavior of the ill person. The brightest symptom is a quick change of mood. Sadness, joy, apathy, anger, anxiety and other emotions change, as in a kaleidoscope. At the same time, emotional reactions are not related to real events.

Quite often, people with mental disorders are aggressive. To manifest aggression in different ways, one person has only excessive coarseness in words, another has physical attacks on surrounding objects, attempts to organize fights. Often there is also hypertrophied jealousy in mental disorders. It is a common symptom of mental illness among the stronger sex. If a man is constantly jealous of his woman without any real reason - this is the reason for seeking professional psychological help.

Emotional manifestations

What does a person feel when they are mentally ill? Do not forget that mental disorders can occur with a variety of symptoms. With some diseases, excitement of consciousness is noted, while for others apathy is characteristic. Almost every person with psychological problems comes to the idea that "no one understands him." The ill person feels lonely and unwanted.

In some cases, there may be a critical attitude towards others. With this symptom, a person sincerely considers others guilty of all his problems. Despite the instability of the emotional background, most people with mental disorders experience something unpleasant. Most often these are emotions such as sadness, sadness, anxiety, fear.

A variety of phobias and psychological complexes can also develop against a background of more serious diseases. Curiously, many patients note changes at the physiological level. Sleep disorders, migraines, uncaused pain, cramps - all this can be indirect manifestations of mental disorders. Sometimes there are problems with eating behavior. The sick person can begin to eat more than usual, or, on the contrary, refuse to eat.

Cognitive symptoms of psychological disorders

Any mental disorder proceeds with a noticeable impairment of mental abilities. Especially noticeable memory impairments. Ill may forget some facts and events. The ability to operate with existing knowledge is reduced, logical thinking is disrupted. In some cases, there may be a slowing down of the reaction, and in others, on the contrary, acceleration of mental processes. Clear signs of mental disorders in men: the inability to adequately assess what is happening, the aggravation of adherence to principles.

Many diseases occur with the formation of obsessions, criticism of which is met with a vivid negative reaction. Often a person in this state feels himself literally an "unrecognized genius." On the basis of this, an obvious fascination with philosophy is possible. At the same time, it can be expressed in the study of the works of recognized sages or in the creation of one's own "teaching." Most of the mental illnesses take place with a distorted perception of reality and yourself. People who suffer from them are immersed in the world of their own, often not quite adequate, fantasies and cease to realize the boundaries and importance of reality.

Perceptual manifestations of mental disorders

Serious mental illnesses flow with a whole bunch of bright symptoms. The most popular among them is hallucinations. The diseased can see or hear something that does not exist in reality. Hallucinations are diverse. Sometimes it's a disembodied voice that sounds "in the head" or in a dark room. Some patients see quite real objects, animals or even familiar people. Others talk about watching irrational paintings, unreal creatures.

In 70% of cases, hallucinations are frightening and disturbing. In this case, the sick person fully believes in their reality. Most people who have experienced this symptom are happy to talk about their visions and experienced emotions. Some patients try to find a rational explanation for their visions. This applies primarily to auditory hallucinations, when the patient hears strange sounds, and can not accurately determine their source.

The most common disorders in the modern world are mental disorders

Studying the main signs of a mental disorder, you probably remembered at least one friend who has any of these symptoms. And this is not surprising, the life of a modern person is full of excitement and stress. With constant haste and an abundance of cares, it is always difficult to remain positive and keep the peace of mind. It sounds scary, but today depression is considered a common occurrence. But this mental disorder, despite its external harmlessness, can cause death.

A well-known fact: women are more emotional than men. Perhaps, it is because of their openness and desire to share the experienced emotions that the fairer sex is less likely to suffer from serious mental illnesses than their husbands. If you believe the statistics of mental disorders, among men - 60% for the first time face this problem at a young age. The remaining 40% are representatives of the stronger sex, who fell ill in adulthood.

The most common mental disorders in men are: neuroses, psychoses, manic-depressive syndromes, phobias, anxiety disorders and schizophrenia. Only an expert can make an accurate diagnosis. But if you suspect that one of your loved ones is suffering from a mental disorder, you can fix the most vivid symptoms and convince the sick person to seek professional help.

Schizophrenia: symptoms and signs in men, features of the disease

The name of this disease was heard at least once by each of us. This is a serious enough mental disorder, which can be corrected at the beginning of therapy in the early stages. Pathology is characterized by a loss of interest in life. How does schizophrenia manifest itself? Symptoms and signs in men of all ages are similar. The responsible person gradually ceases to think about work or study, gradually loses interest in his family. All personal interests and hobbies schizophrenic also throws.

Many patients develop symptoms of autism. This, first of all, isolation, unwillingness to contact other people. The ill person as though tries to be fenced off from the world by an invisible wall, to remain alone with own thoughts, experiences and problems. Signs of anxiety disorders in men are easy to confuse with schizophrenia. This diagnosis occurs with a deterioration of mental abilities, a violation of concentration and attention. As the disease progresses, a person begins to think illogically, and his speech can become incoherent.

Patients with schizophrenia do not like to leave the house, they do not leave disturbing thoughts. The mood of a man with such a diagnosis is more often suppressed and apathetic, sometimes close ones may notice an unreasonable fright. In special cases, schizophrenia occurs with impaired motor functions, neuroses and hallucinations. For this pathology, seasonal exacerbations are characteristic. Painful symptoms in schizophrenics become more pronounced in spring and autumn.

Causes of mental illness

To date, official medicine does not always work to establish the root causes of diagnosed mental illness. And yet there are a number of provocative factors. These are: stress, increased mental and emotional stress, tense situations at work or at home, serious upheavals. Also, one should not forget about genetic predisposition, brain diseases and other medical factors.

The first signs of mental disorder in men may appear against the background of the systematic use of alcohol and drugs. More often, drug addiction and alcoholism provoke the development of psychosis, white fever, delusions of jealousy and other specific disorders. Very often, the cause of mental illness can be traumatic brain damage. Disorders of the psyche are observed against the background of epilepsy and somatic disorders. With these pathologies, the person's psychoemotional state is extremely unstable.

A high percentage of people suffering from mental disorders among patients with malignant tumors and diseases of the cerebral vessels. In these cases, mental problems occur against the background of physiological disorders, the most common among which is an increase in blood pressure. A separate group of diseases - age-related mental disorders. Symptoms in men of this category are diagnosed in the older age group. These are diseases such as paranoia, Alzheimer's disease, marasmus, dementia, Pick's disease and some others.

Treatment of mental disorders

Most of our compatriots still do not perceive mental disorders as serious diseases. And this is an unforgivable mistake. We sign up for an appointment with a doctor with bronchitis or pain in the heart, because we are afraid of serious complications, up to a lethal outcome. And at the same time do not pay any attention to bad mood and anxiety, writing off these symptoms for natural reactions of consciousness or banal laziness. But disorders of the psyche can be much more dangerous than a cold or fever.

If you are careful enough, it is not difficult to notice signs of a mental disorder in men. The test can be done at home. If at least 2-3 symptoms are observed in a person for quite a long time, it is absolutely necessary to show it to a specialist!

To what kind of doctor should you address with suspicion of a mental disorder? You should start with a visit to the therapist. During a confidential conversation, this specialist will be able to diagnose, and if it is required - refer to a psychiatrist. There is no universal formula for treating mental disorders in men. In each case, the supervising physician develops an individual treatment plan.

Many disorders of the psyche can be cured with the help of psychotherapeutic techniques and psychological exercises. In some cases, medication is also prescribed. Most mental disorders are amenable to complete cure. It is important that the treatment is carried out under the supervision of a specialist and started as early as possible.

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