Health, Mental Health
Cognitive mental processes
Cognitive mental processes are indefatigable suppliers of unique material for the development of the inner world of man. In the modern world, these processes act as fundamental components of any human activity.
Dynamically developing human habitat makes it constantly improve, and along with it, cognitive mental processes are transformed. A modern person can receive information from several sources at once, while simultaneously analyzing and evaluating its usefulness. The quality of information and its significance is determined by the benefit that a person can now extract.
Cognitive mental processes help a person to more accurately perceive information, while exacerbating attention, imagination, memory, thinking and speech.
In this aspect, feelings are important: they are the first to accompany a person and form the basic perception of the world by a person. The imagination of man is an extraordinary gift, which carries unlimited possibilities. Only man can create through his imagination new images or move through time. Fruits of the imagination of man were brilliant works of science fiction writers, new trends in painting and graphics, thanks to him new genres of art and whole branches of science emerged.
Cognitive mental processes such as thinking and imagining provide the creative beginning of everything that a person encounters for the entire period of his life. Starting from the creation of children's drawings and ending with the modern concept of space exploration. This is the requirement of progress. Man accelerates the pace of its development and, naturally, its habitat and sensations change.
Memory as a mental process is the most significant and unsolved phenomenon in a person's life. Memory provides the optimal development of a person's personality, it is a precious tool that serves a person's entire life for accumulation, and then to use the necessary life experience.
Memory is also an invaluable gift given to a person; Its possibilities are unlimited. Even at birth a person carries hereditary information, which belongs only to him and which is provided by a special DNA molecule. This memory is the most durable, with violations it is restored and is responsible for the stability of information.
Nature has taken care that memory as a mental process for small grains throughout the life of a person accumulates and reliably stores information. In vivo memory is our memory from birth to the end of life. This kind of memory is the most vulnerable, its stability depends on the person himself, his desire to develop and, of course, environmental factors. The loss of memory for a person is a disaster, because the individuality is lost, helplessness and despair come.
Consciousness as the highest level of mental reflection controls human actions and feelings, is responsible for the course of our thoughts, determines the style and character of human behavior. All knowledge of high order is extracted by mankind through cognitive mental processes.
The problems of consciousness have already begun to be included in the number of global problems of modern society. Unpredictable and unreasonable aggression, resentment, nationalistic conflicts refer to the emotional part of our consciousness. Such negative manifestations of human consciousness, unfortunately, have become everyday components of modern life, and therefore require serious analysis.
Consciousness as the highest level of mental reflection includes such concepts as freedom and self-consciousness. These two components are the highest achievements in the development of mankind. The man's eternal desire for freedom has given society a large number of examples of heroism and self-sacrifice.
Self-consciousness is the ability of each person to feel individuality, an integral personality, it helps us to realize the importance of human mission on earth, calls humanity to humanism and to maintain the stability of the universe.
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