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Sights of the Urals. Historical monuments of the Urals. Natural sights of the Urals
If the rest for you is associated with the sea, the sun and the beach, then the Urals for these purposes is hardly suitable. But for those people who want to see the beautiful mountain nature, historical monuments and visit wonderful places, it's better to find a piece on the planet and not find it. The nature of the Urals, the photo of which is unable to convey all its charm and freshness, helps all those who wish to improve their health, as there are a lot of medical sanatoriums here. The Ural ridge is in a unique place - just on the border of Europe and Asia. Naturally, this affected the formation of fauna and flora. I must say that all the sights of the Urals (a photo of some of them you can see below) can be divided into historical and natural. In this article we will consider the most famous and popular ones, which it is desirable to visit at least once in life. So, what to see in the Urals?
Kungur cave - a unique monument of nature
Historical monuments of the Urals: Nevyan Tower
This mysterious tower was built by the prosperous industrialist Demidov. It was inclined from the very beginning, as the architect intended, but did not settle down from time, as some believe. The name of this creator is unknown until our days, but there is a legend that Demidov threw him from this very structure, so that he did not build the same unique tower for some other person. This landmark has a unique room with unusual acoustics. If, for example, you say a word even in a whisper in one corner, you can clearly hear it in the opposite, but it is absolutely impossible to understand in the middle of the room. And to this day, not all the secrets of the tower are uncovered, the researchers still find in its rooms skeletons, cellars, flooded ladders. In a word, it's unclear why Demidov built this building. Such mysterious are the sights of the Urals.
Arkaim - the birthplace of the Aryans or not?
Relatively recently in the Chelyabinsk region was discovered ancient settlement Arkaim, but its age, as it turned out, is approximately the same with the Egyptian pyramids. This place has a special energy, which attracts an endless stream of tourists, including many yogis and followers of astrology, psychological teachings. To believe in such esotericism or not is your business, but it is just necessary to visit such historical monuments of the Urals, if only for general acquaintance with the ancient civilizations. Some scholars believe that Arkaim is the birthplace of the ancient Aryans, but there are no unambiguous facts proving this theory at the moment. Found this fortified city in the late 1980s, during the expedition. Scientists had to study the territory, as there was planned to build a reservoir, but the found ruins of Arkaim did not allow to realize this project. Today there is a protected nature reserve, which includes more than 70 monuments of archeology. The sights of the Southern Urals are not only Arkaim, but also many other places that will be interesting to visit everyone. These are Turgoyak and Uvildy lakes , included in the list of the most valuable reservoirs of the world, and the mountain massif Iremel, which Mamin-Sibiryak compared once with a huge ship, and the waterfalls of Gadelsha and Atysh, and much more.
Writers in the Urals - a unique sight!
The nature of the Urals (photo you can see here) is beauty: mountain ranges, lakes, rivers, caves. It is, indeed, fabulously and perfectly, but such a monument of ancient art as the Ural pisanitsy is unique and unrepeatable! They are a rock painting right on the banks of rivers and occupy a territory that is more than 800 km long! Artists in ancient times applied drawings to those rocks that are located vertically or inclined to protect art from precipitation. Here, people, birds, animals, and various geometric figures are depicted. Such memorable places of the Urals attract an inexhaustible flow of tourists, who simply take breath from such drawings left by ancient ancestors.
To swim in the winter in the Urals? It's real
Verkhoturye - a real Jerusalem in the Urals
What attracts tourists Lower Sinyachikha?
This village is the most real museum of wooden architecture, located in the open air, and UNESCO defends this monument of culture. If you decide to explore the sights of the Urals, here, then plunge into the atmosphere of the 16th century. Here you will find architectural complexes in the form of a unique collection of wooden buildings: a prison, huts, chapels, a fire tower and much more. The ancient exhibits and painting of the walls will amaze you with their originality, and the products that people used in past centuries will allow you to imagine how their ancestors lived.
Preserve in Bashkortostan
This place is ideal for the most ecological rest in Russia. The territory of the reserve, formed in 1930, is protected at the federal level. And it was formed on the very border of Asia and Europe. The reserve includes two districts: Ural-Tau and South Krak. The first is in the eastern part, the second - in the western part. The area of the natural complex - 50 thousand hectares - is an amazing beauty of the forest with a unique flora. In total, there are about 800 plant species, there are also endangered specimens, for example orchids. Naturally, the reserve is prohibited from hunting and fishing, but you can enjoy these benefits in other parts of the Urals, and in this place you can see the rarest butterflies, deer-marals and many other kinds of animals.
The park of dinosaurs will appeal to children
In Bashkortostan, namely in Abzelilov district, there is a real park of the Jurassic period, where everyone can see the iguanodont, ichthyosaurus, brachiosaurus and even more than 20 kinds of dinosaurs that existed many millions of years ago. All the figures presented in the park were ordered in China. They are made of rubber, and the external similarity with living creatures is simply amazing! Here you can see not only extinct species, but also zebra, camel, gorilla, lion. What is most surprising is that all figures are made in full size, and they can also move and make sounds! On the territory of the park there is a mini-express, from which the kids, for sure, will be delighted. Animators conduct interesting excursions. Also there is a children's playground, a trampoline, a restaurant, a hotel. So if you decide to explore the sights of the Urals, do not forget about this amazing place.
Sugomak cave
Every tourist who is in the Urals, simply must see the only cave that appeared in the marble. It is located in the Chelyabinsk region. Skip the entrance to the cave is almost impossible, because once one admirer of Lenin knocked out the profile of the leader on a nearby rock. In total in the cave there are 3 halls, the floor in which is covered with ice at any time of the year. However, to get into them, you have to overcome the grotto at the entrance, full of ice stalagmites and crystals in the winter. Not far from the cave there is a spring with an amazing name "Maryina Tears", and the water in it is very tasty and clean. It is often arranged for photo shoots newlyweds who are not indifferent to the picturesque nature. Every year at the foot of the cave there is a festival called "Russian Round Dance", which you can witness in June.
Do not visit Taganay - do not see the Urals
All the sights of the Urals are simply impossible to describe, this is an amazing and colorful land that is so rich in natural and historical monuments. Not for nothing every year thousands of tourists come here who want to see holy places, take a dip in healing springs, see exotic plants and strange animals, fish, hunt or just enjoy picturesque places. The Urals are not only attractions. This region is rich in minerals, both the chemical industry and metallurgy are well developed here, and the locals are kind, friendly and always happy to help and tell something to the tourists. So do not delay, but lay your route, and have a good trip to these wonderful places!
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