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Sex During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful moments in a woman's life. She carries a child under the heart and is ready to fulfill her highest mission - to become a mother. During pregnancy, a woman changes both internally and externally. Some girls in this "interesting" period begin to notice the aggravation of their emotions, there is an increased sexual desire, and, probably, some may experience orgasm for the first time. But, alas, the popular opinion has long laid a taboo on having sex in this period - it is believed that sex during pregnancy can be a threat to the future mother and her baby.

After learning about their pregnancy, women become sexier. There are several explanations for this. For starters, the main danger disappears (especially relevant among unmarried women) - an unplanned pregnancy, when you can no longer think about critical days and protection that can make a difference in your personal life. You can completely relax and have fun, they say, in full force. And men, knowing that their beloved partner was completely absorbed in sensual experiences, and not worries about calculating the onset of ovulation days, become more relaxed. Of course, both partners are interested in this "approach".

Sex with a beloved man will be doubly more beautiful and because a woman is openly (but perhaps secretly) proud that she will soon become the mother of his child. As a result, it becomes even more attractive in the eyes of her lover, as it is proved that a happy woman, even if she is not quite a beauty, attracts and attracts.

All female sensations, especially sexual sensations, will become more sensual and vivid. Physiologists explain the increase in sensuality during pregnancy by the expansion of the vagina and uterus, increased blood flow in the pelvic region, an increase in the clitoris. It is known that some women for the first time can experience orgasm only during pregnancy, while others reach the peak of their sensations. As a result, contrary to popular opinion, doctors say that sex during pregnancy is the same normal phenomenon as before.

In addition to all the above pluses, experts also highlight the physiological effect of sex on the woman's body. The time of orgasm, which a woman experiences, is very useful, and, first of all, for the child. When sexual contact increases blood circulation through the placenta, it also supplies the baby with oxygen and nutrients. Fears of harming a child, according to the doctors, are exaggerated. The baby is in an enclosed space, securely protected by an amniotic bladder, the muscular wall of the uterus and a mucous plug that clogs the cervix. By the way, rhythmic contractions of the uterus will prepare the body for future childbirth, reminding the birth pains. And, of course, all these usefulness should be actively included in your life only in cases where sex during pregnancy is a mutual desire of both spouses, and for this there are no restrictions that are related to the state of health of the future mother.

Any woman dreams of avoiding any complications during pregnancy, so that nine months have elapsed in the happiest expectation of the birth of the child at home, and not in the hospital ward. Therefore, you should always listen to the advice of doctors. It is necessary to refrain from sex, if the doctor warns about the threat of termination of pregnancy or, if in the past there was a spontaneous abortion, that is, a miscarriage. Sex in the early stages of pregnancy can be dangerous because the contractions of the uterus during orgasm can cause the rejection of the embryo, which is still badly fixed on its walls. Therefore, in the first trimester, a woman can be recommended sexual rest.

Such fears are also present at a later date. For example, if the term of labor has not yet come, but there is either a leakage of amniotic fluid, or premature departure of the mucous plug, or any other fears of doctors about this, then sex in late pregnancy may also be contraindicated.

It is also necessary to stop sexual contact with a partner when he has signs of diseases that can be transmitted sexually, since during pregnancy a woman is especially vulnerable, besides, having infected herself with sexual infections, she can endanger the health of the child at serious risk. These recommendations also apply to those cases when the mucous plug comes out of the cervix (basically it starts a couple of days before the birth), which serves as a protective barrier against the penetration of infections inside the uterus.

It is not recommended to have sex during pregnancy if the woman has a low attachment of the placenta or her presentation, and also if the pregnancy is prolific.

When contraindications to sex were not, but during sexual intercourse mucosal discharge or bleeding (even weak) is detected, you should immediately consult a doctor.

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