Health, Diseases and Conditions
What is the main symptom of rubella in an adult?
The symptom of rubella, as the disease itself, is most often manifested in childhood. But there are cases when this disease affects adults of our planet. It is worth noting that rubella is quite hard, and sometimes it causes much more serious complications, rather than a banal rash on the skin.
How is it transmitted?
As you know, the main symptom of rubella is irritation and rubella rash, which usually spreads throughout the body. The source of such an infection can be a child and an adult, especially in the last days of the incubation period, and also within 5 days after the direct appearance of red spots.
The way of transmission of this disease is airborne. That's why the infected person should be immediately isolated from other people in the house or hospital.
Symptoms of rubella in adults (photo of the disease in its active phase)
The incubation period of the presented disease lasts about ten days. It is worth noting that at first rubella can not give itself out and only on the 5th day manifest as multiple rashes. After another 48 hours, the patient may develop a fever with a low temperature. In some cases, a person begins to feel bad immediately before rashes (2 days).
The most famous symptom of rubella is a rash, which is especially pronounced in adults, rather than in young children. Individual elements of the rashes can be combined, forming fairly large erythematous spots.
As practice shows, at first the main symptom of rubella, or rather, the rash, is manifested on the nose and behind the ears, after which it spreads over the forearms, hands, trunk and lower limbs. When drained, it becomes brighter and more pronounced. This period can last for one and a half weeks. At the same time, an adult feels a general malaise, headaches, fever, and joint and muscle pain. Often this "child" disease is accompanied by a severe perspiration in the throat and runny nose.
If a pregnant woman gets sick with rubella (in the first trimester), doctors recommend an abortion, as the infection affects the intrauterine fetus and contributes to the formation of a number of complications.
How to treat?
Not every person can face such a disease as rubella. Symptoms in adults (treatment of the disease is either in the hospital or at home) at any age are the same. During the rash the patient should always be in bed, drink a lot, and also not to contact anyone. Special treatment for the normal course of this disease is not applied. But to prevent its possible manifestation in those people who have never faced it, doctors carry out preventive vaccination.
Usually the outcome of this disease is favorable. However, if there are any complications (for example, arthritis or rubella encephalitis), the patient should immediately be hospitalized.
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