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Series on Ustinova: a list of interesting pictures

Today we will review the series on Ustinova. The list of these paintings will please those who read the author's books. The heroes of films are ordinary people (men and women) who fall into difficult situations. They find the strength to cope with the problem, do not expect from other help. The series on Ustinova, the list of which is presented below, are examples for imitation. In these pictures you can find something useful for yourself. Viewers can learn a lot by looking at them.

Series on the works of Tatyana Ustinova: a list of popular paintings

"Always Say Always" (2003)

Olya is the main character of the series. The girl lives with her children and her husband in a small town. Olga is working as an accountant at her husband's company. We can say that this woman is absolutely happy. She loves family, believes that her family responds the same. When problems arise at work at the spouse, Olga comes to his aid, she sits instead of the faithful in prison. But the husband does not appreciate the nobility of his wife. When a girl goes through an amnesty, she realizes that she has nowhere to go. All that she built for years, collapsed. But the strong woman stood, she goes to meet a new life. Olya goes to Moscow, where everything will be in a new way.

"The myth of the ideal man" (2005)

As you can see, TV series on Ustinova are very interesting. The list will continue this picture. Kovaleva Klava works in a pharmacy, she lives alone. But at one point the girl notices the shadowing. Her acquaintance, a major in whom she is in love, decides to help her, to find out the reason for the persecution. He learns that the surveillance is somehow connected with the death of the famous doctor Mertsalov, who all his life was considered an exemplary man. Soon, there are facts that dispel the myth of the ideality of a doctor.

"My personal enemy" (2005)

At one point, journalist Sasha Potapova is losing everything: work, husband and confidence in the future. In addition, a friend disappears in Chechnya. Sasha does not know what to do. She asks for help from Philippe Beauvais, a French journalist who came to Russia to write a book. This series is a true story about Cinderella.

As you can see, all the above serials are quite fascinating for Ustinova's books. The list will continue one more interesting picture.

"Spare instinct" (2006)

For Arseny Troepolsky, the most important thing is work. His design company flourished, but suddenly everything changed. The deputy, the genius of design was killed. The corpse was found by the owner of the firm. After he had to spend three days in the bullpen, he decided to figure out who and what killed his deputy. Suddenly, he realizes that everyone around him is lying. He decides to bring everyone to clean water.

Series on the works of Tatiana Ustinova (list) continues the following, no less interesting, picture.

"Defects and their admirers" (2006)

The protagonist is Vladimir, a lone programmer. He works in his company, and in a fairly prosperous. Vladimir lives with the Tinto mastiff. His bachelor life suits him, he does not want to change anything. His neighbor Lizaveta Petrovna anticipates an imminent death. She asks him to take care of the girl she took to raise earlier. After this conversation, the next day the woman dies. The girl, who was asked to take care of a neighbor, turned out to be an adult girl named Masha. Vladimir tries to help her understand why Lizaveta Petrovna did not leave her an inheritance apartment. It turns out that this sect was claimed by one sect. Soon Masha herself disappears. Vladimir decides to look into this matter, find the girl and return her apartment.

"The law of reverse magic" (2010)

Continuing to describe the series on Ustinova, whose list we now compose, we offer one more fascinating picture.

The main character is Anfisa Korzhikova. This girl is not particularly interesting, she works in a pharmacy. But she has one talent - she knows how to perfectly unravel the various intricate detective puzzles. Anfisa always dreamed of revealing a real crime. Once an elderly ethnographer, a neighbor in the country, dies mysteriously. Anfisa, along with granny, who loves puzzles, begins her investigation.

A small conclusion

Now you know the popular series based on the novels of Ustinova, the list of these pictures is presented above. If you like this author, then the screen version of his books you are sure to be interested.

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