
Secrets of gardening: planting tui in autumn

The best time to land tuja in the open ground is spring. This heat-loving plant really does not like the cold season. But, despite this, it is perfectly permissible to plant tui in the fall. But immediately it should be noted that it is possible mainly in warm regions with mild winters. Otherwise, the probability is very high that the plant will not survive. All the efforts of gardeners will not be justified. In especially severe winters with severe frosts, losses can be up to 90% of all seedlings.

So, how effective is the planting of thuja in autumn, the question is, of course, controversial. The rate of growth of this plant largely depends on the site of planting. It will not be superfluous to recall that this is a southern plant. It is necessary for him to choose a site with fertile soil, well-moistened and completely protected from winds. In this case, the planted young plant will grow quite rapidly. Tui has a well developed root system. It is superficial, so it needs mulching. As mulch use peat, crushed bark, nut shell. Such a layer on the surface of the well can save the plant not only from drying out, but also from freezing. So you can maintain the integrity of the roots, even in fairly strong frosts.

Planting of thuja in autumn should begin with a preliminary preparation of pit and soil. There are no definite recommendations on the size of the landing irrigation ditches. The pit should be twice as deep and three times as large as the earth clod, which contains the root system of the plant. At its bottom, a layer of peat, compost and chernozem is necessarily covered. If the groundwater is not deep, and the soil itself is heavy, it is better to provide drainage. Very good for these purposes is pebbles or rubble, but only in large fractions. In extreme cases, a broken red brick will do.

Planting tui pyramidal or some other should not be accompanied by fertilization. Top dressing must be done in the spring without fail. After the seedling was placed in the planting pit, it is covered with earth and the ground is compacted with the feet so that a hole is obtained. Further, at least two buckets of water are poured into it. To increase the chances of the plant to survive, it can be treated with "Kornevin" or other growth stimulant. Also, anti-stress drugs are not placed. They spray the crown of the plant. Do not be scared, if after planting, the thuja will turn yellow. This is quite typical for her.

Perhaps it is difficult not to agree with the fact that one of the most moody plants regarding acclimatization is thuya. Planting and nursing, the price of which is everyday work, can be reduced to zero if a weak seedling was initially chosen. In general, buying any coniferous plant, you need to pay attention primarily to the root system. And more specifically, whether it completely covers the soil in the pot. It is the integrity of the earth coma, when tui is planted in autumn, often plays a decisive role. When buying, if there is a choice, it is better to purchase a seedling, wrapped in sacking. So you can provide him with a great deal of survival.

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