Automobiles, Cars
Scratched the car in the yard, what to do? What if you scratched your car in the yard?
A personal car is for someone a luxury and pride, for someone an assistant in the work, and for someone - only a means of transportation. In any case, this is a valuable personal property. Suppose, one day you parked and went home. When you return it becomes clear that someone has damaged your car. The situation may be different, for example, if the car enthusiast herself scratched the car in the yard. What to do when the culprit of the accident is you? And how to get compensation if your car is injured?
You scratched the car in the yard: advice to the culprits of the road accident
What if you scratched the car without driving?
In life, there are different situations, how to behave, if you damaged someone else's car, being a pedestrian. It is pointless to prove your innocence if you are caught red-handed and there are witnesses. In such a situation it is easier to recognize your own guilt and agree on personal compensation for damage. To bring the case to court is only if the injured party demands an unreasonably high, in your opinion, the amount of compensation. If you consider yourself to be innocent, while you are being accused of spoiling someone else's property, do not enter into a dialogue, but advise the victim to go to court. This is the best way to resolve the conflict, provided that there is really nothing to fear the defendant.
Why can not we hide from the scene of an accident?
You disappeared from the scene of an accident, but you were found ...
Many novice motorists are afraid of any accidents, even the most frivolous. The usual story - a young avtoledi disappeared from the scene after she scratched the car in the yard. What if you left, causing damage to someone else's car, without intent, but simply because of inexperience? Remember, ignorance of laws does not relieve you of responsibility. The best position in this situation is to say that you did not notice the accident that happened. We rush to upset you, these explanations rarely satisfy the court.
A good culprit
Who will pay for the damage?
Remember one simple rule: the victim always turns to the insurance company, and not the one who scratched someone else's car in the yard. Usually, petty accidents are considered quickly enough. After the examination of the car, the injured person can only wait for compensation, which is calculated according to the internal rules of the insurer company, prescribed in the insurance contract.
There are scratches, there is no culprit.
A very unpleasant situation if, going to work in the morning, you found that you were scratched at night in a car in the yard. What if the culprit is not present? First of all, try to understand whether your car really suffered as a result of an accident. If the traces are typical for a collision with another vehicle, call the DPS or precinct officer, depending on the place where the car is parked. While waiting for law enforcement officers, photograph the damage. Please note, if your car is parked incorrectly, you will be fined for violation of parking rules. But to rearrange the car before fixing the incident is not worth it. Employees GIBBD and representatives of the insurance company, most likely, will understand that you hide the details of the incident. Examine the scratches on the body of your car. By their arrangement it is possible to assume which machine caused the damage. Sometimes on scratches there are also inclusions of another's paint. If such traces are found, they should be inscribed on the protocol. When the culprit is established, these details will be proof of his guilt.
We carry out an independent investigation
Another option is to go round all the nearest services and find out if someone has recently applied to them for minor repairs. Remember, all collected information must be recorded. Take photos and keep witness contacts. If you managed to identify the culprit yourself, contact the GIBBD or the police and provide the information gathered together with the evidence.
Damage to the car outside the road accident
Do you think that only another car can scratch your car? In fact, this is not so. Scratches on the paint and varnish coating of the car can leave a person, an animal or an inanimate object, for example, branches of a fallen tree. An accident is not considered as damage to the machine caused by another vehicle out of motion. It's about those cases when your car becomes a victim of an inaccurate opening of a neighbor's parking door. What should be done in all these situations and is there a probability of compensation for damage? The easiest way to solve this issue personally, provided that you know who the culprit is. And if you can not agree, or did unknown people scratched the car in the yard, what to do? As in previous cases, it is required to document the fact of property damage. Call a policeman, take photos personally. If you have a CASCO policy, you should contact the insurance company. Usually, proceedings on cases with unidentified culprits last long enough.
Damage to the car by an individual
How to prevent damage to the car in the parking lot
If for some reason you are forced to leave the car in the yard, try to put it right. The car should not interfere with anyone, do not park your car too close to the neighbor. If you are still afraid of scratches on the car, you can leave the DVR on. It is also useful to get a card with the phone number, which you will put under the windshield for a long parking time. In this case, a respectable culprit of damaging your car will always be able to contact you promptly in case of an accident. What is important, you can call and in the event that your car someone will interfere. Now you know what to do if your car was scratched in the yard, or you yourself became the culprit of spoiling someone else's property. We hope that this information will be useful to you!
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