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Schizoid personality disorder, its symptoms and treatment

Personality disorder is a long and persistent violation of various areas of the psyche, manifested in the behavior of a person, from which either the patient himself or the society suffers. The disorder most often begins to manifest itself in childhood and continues throughout the rest of life. Earlier, the term "personality disorder" in foreign psychiatry was referred to as "psychopathy". All personality disorders are expressed so much that in most cases they lead to violations of the individual's adaptation in society. These states are characterized by persistence, totality, stability and irreversibility.

Schizoid personality disorder

This kind of psychopathy is characterized by a significant decrease in social contacts. The schizotypal personality disorder is expressed in demonstrating a low level of emotional expression. The schizoids do not have any intimate relationships with anyone around them. Many people simply consider them "hermits".

Schizoid personality disorder and its symptoms

Schizoid disorder is characterized by disharmony, paradoxicality both in the behavior and appearance of the patient, and in the manifestation of emotional life, and, of course, in his mental activity in general. Motor activity in people with schizoid disorder is unnatural, with a serious lack of plasticity. Her facial expressions are limited, deprived of liveliness. The patient's voice is little modulated, so the conversation is often conducted, as if on one unchanged note.

Schizoid personality disorder is also characterized by extremes in emotions and feelings: the patient either admires and worships or hates. Hobbies of such people are often original, peculiar, one-sided. They are detached and indifferent to any needs of practical life, everyday interests and the needs of the family. The schizoids are absolutely not interested in maintaining or establishing friendly ties. They show minimal interest in sexual relations, they are indifferent to their family members. Schizoids are those who tend to work in places where a large number of any contacts with other people are not required.

The temperament of a person suffering from schizoid disorder combines hyperesthesia (features of excessive sensitivity) and anesthesia (emotional coldness). By the predominance of anesthetic and hyperesthetic elements, two main extreme types of characters are distinguished:

1. Expressive schizoid - personality cold, arrogant, incapable of empathy, prone to explosive reactions and with a pronounced predominance of affect of the sthenic. They are determined, not prone to hesitation, they are official and dry in relations with the people around them. Sometimes heartless, and sometimes even cruel, although at the same time can easily be vulnerable. In difficult life situations, the expressive schizoid irritability increases. It is often combined with bright flashes of anger and spontaneous impulsive actions. The suspiciousness inherent in schizoids in more complex and severe cases can go into a delirious suspicion.

2. Sensitive schizoids are hyper-aesthetic, mimosa-like, with a predominance of asthenic affect. They can survive for a long time even the smallest and frivolous offense, do not forget about the once heard rudeness in their address. All their experiences are directed solely at themselves, due to this self-esteem. Often there are sluggish, depressed, and almost always fenced off from the whole world.

Schizoid personality disorder and its treatment

In schizoid personality disorder, a small dose of neuroleptics is prescribed, most often haloperidol, and tranquilizers, for example, diazepam. In persistent depressive states, antidepressants, such as amitriptyline, are required. Group and individual psychotherapy can contribute to social adaptation . Group therapy should be focused solely on accepting patients themselves with existing personal characteristics. Also, the doctor's work should be aimed at helping the patient in the test of positively charged emotions and teaching his social skills.

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