Arts & Entertainment, Theater
Scenario of children's play for staging in kindergarten and school
Children's theater is a powerful means of influencing the formation of the child's personality. Children love to play, it develops them and prepares them for adulthood. And when they see a talented game on stage, their soul absorbs the whole idea to the smallest detail. Participation in action children also like. For small actors, this is a transition to a fairy tale, and make-up and costumes complete the reincarnation. For the performance to be successful, a good script of the children's play is needed, adapted to the age of the children.
What are the scenarios
The scenes that are put in the kindergarten are usually one-act actions. All events unfold in real time. There is no curtain, so you should select scenarios with this in mind.
In the elementary school the performance can take place both in a classroom with shifted furniture and in the assembly hall. During the school-wide events, the cast of the play can be of different age. It just brings the guys together.
The script of the children's play often carries an educational direction:
- Street transition rules;
- The importance of cleaning the house;
- Responsibility for pets;
- Condemnation of greed;
- The importance of honesty.
In the kindergarten
Performances in kindergarten are simple and short. The attention of the children is still unstable, and it is difficult for them to work as schoolchildren. You can suggest the play "Little Red Riding Hood".
1 scene. A house, a forest in the distance. The path leads in two directions.
The storyteller tells of a beautiful village where Mama and her daughter, Little Red Riding Hood, live. He explains why she is so called, and points to the forest in the distance - there lives Grandma. Grandfather is a logger, so he and Granny live in the forest.
Mom comes out of the door, calls his daughter and asks her to take Grandma's presents. She says she has already called her, and she is waiting. Mom asks my daughter to call her mobile grandmother when she comes to her. They set up a new second door with their grandfather, and neither calls nor knock can be heard.
The girl takes the basket, looks into it. Mom goes into the house. My daughter walks along the path, collects a bouquet and sings a song.
The Wolf comes out. He finds out where the girl is going, what she carries in the basket - and also decides to visit Grandma. He points out a long road, and the girl leaves the stage. The wolf runs away, saying that he will eat Grandmother first, and then a girl.
The storyteller explains that the Wolf is running along a short road and now will be with Grandma. Sounds music. A curtain.
2 scene. The house after the opening of the curtain is already on the other side of the stage. The Wolf runs out and knocks on the door. An old woman in a scarf and glasses looks out the window, sees the Wolf. He does not notice her. She takes off her handkerchief and glasses and disappears in the house. The wolf climbs out the window.
From the house the voice of the Wolf is heard: "There is no one here!". He looks out the window, notices a handkerchief and glasses. He puts on and says: "Nothing, I'll wait for the Red Riding Hood."
The storyteller explains that Grandma turned off her mobile phone so that he did not accidentally rang and hid in the closet. A handkerchief and glasses specially on the window left, so that the Wolf thought that she had left. Because everyone knew that Grandma comes out of the house only in lenses.
The wolf put on a handkerchief, glasses - and settled himself at the window, periodically falling asleep and snoring.
Fits Red Riding Hood. In the hands of a basket and a bouquet. She tries to phone, but no one opens it. She says: "Where is Grandma?"
The wolf wakes up and finds out in a squeaky voice who has come. Then he instructs to pull the rope. The girl says: "Grandma, you changed the door, open it yourself." The wolf disappears in the house and his voice is heard: "Get into the window, the door does not open."
The storyteller explains that the door opens only with a key, and his Grandmother took it with him to the closet. The girl calls Mama and tells about the door and that grandmother offers to climb out the window.
The storyteller reports that Mama did not say anything to her daughter, and she called Grandpa, and he is about to rush into the new jeep with his team of loggers.
There is a dialogue between Wolf and Little Red Riding Hood about the hands, ears, eyes and teeth of Grandma. Eventually the Wolf climbs out of the window and rushes at the girl. The music of lumberjacks sounds. Out the Woodcutters, surround the Wolf. A curtain. The music stops.
Before the curtain Red Riding Hood is crying. Out comes the lumberjacks, the Wolf and the Grandmother. They embrace. The woodcutters say they took the Wolf to the brigade. Now he will not have to starve. Grandmother tells how she was sitting in the closet. The wolf asks him to give him tea. Everyone goes to drink tea with pies, which brought Little Red Riding Hood. She goes to the audience and treats to sweets. Everyone is bowing.
The musical screen saver includes a storyteller, he also gives signs for the performance of actors and a group of sound design.
In the school circle
Scenario of a children's play for school production can include dance numbers, monologues in verse, children's performance of musical works from the stage. It is proposed to put the musical "Mukha-Tsokotukha".
1 scene. Field, music. There is a Fly, a big gold buckle on the belt. She collects flowers and sings "I see a wonderful freedom." Leans and raises a fake coin.
The fly reads the beginning of Chukovsky's fairy tale: she went around the field and found the money. She decides to go to the bazaar for a samovar. He leaves the stage.
The music of the Paint Fair sounds. The traders come running, place their trays. Mukha is walking along the rows, looking for a samovar.
Peddlers resorted, they sang the song "It's Full of a Box" and they offer to buy an electric kettle, she agrees.
The fly dances with the quadrille merchants, at the end it is picked up on the hands and she invites friends to tea. A curtain.
2 scene. Apartment Flies. A large table, chairs around. In the corners - sofas. In the background is a window with curtains. On the left is the door. The music "At the samovar I and my Masha" sounds. A bell rings at the door, The fly is opening. Cockroaches come in.
The fly invites: "Come in" - and offers tea. They sit down at the table, they drink tea. The fly comments on the events of the fairy tale.
Bugs come in, they bring milk and pastries. The fly accompanies their actions with the words of a fairy tale.
Bloks come in, they give them boots. The fly accompanies everything with Chukovsky's words.
Lame, it's hard going Bee. He carries a barrel of honey. Cockroaches quickly uncork it and put it on the table. Everyone eats honey, scooping up spoons from a keg. The music subsides.
The Butterfly resorts, she protects the figure. He refuses tea. All of her chorus persuaded: "Eat jam."
Inconspicuously enters Spider. He grabs Mucha and drags him to the door. This notice the cockroaches and in horror comment.
The fly asks the guests for help. They, while uttering Chukovsky's words, hide who is where. The grasshopper jumps to the door, reciting poems about himself.
The fly sums it up: "No one will move from the spot."
The spider ties Mucha with ropes to the chair, rubbing his hands and licking. These actions are commented from under the chair Bug. The fly screams. The bug also commented on this.
Music "Time - Forward" G.Sviridov. Everyone froze. The curtain opens, the Mosquito enters the musketeer suit and the flashlight.
The buccaneer comments on his coming with the words of Chukovsky.
The mosquito says: "Where is the villain?" - and attacks the Spider. Fight, they run out of doors. Back Komar comes alone. Behind him goes Grasshopper and tells what he saw.
Komar continues already: "It takes a fly by the hand ...". They decide to get married with Mukha.
The music "The Wedding Sang and Danced". All get out of cover and comment on the events of the fairy tale.
Komar and Mucha dance "Waltz of Flowers".
Everyone approaches the edge of the stage and throws flowers to the audience. They bow.
Children of different ages can play the roles of both children and adults. This determines the choice of the script. Along with such works that pass through the school curriculum, there are classical things that are unforgettable and loved by everyone. These are "Cinderella", "Swineherd", "Frosty", "Aibolit". The script is not very close to the text, popular songs and music are added. We do not forget about the author's remarks - these are instructions to actors on the place, time, situation and other features.
Magic is replaced by a special effect. The author prescribes in the script how to make a miracle. This is called the author's remark. For example, in the fairy tale "Moydodyr" a candle runs away from the boy. You can do this by tying a fishing line to a candle and holding it by the curtain. There is an actor who will gradually draw a fishing line, and the candle will "run away."
Along with the usual characters of the fairy-tale, you can enter into action new ones: a boy with an iphone, a caring grandmother who follows a grandson with a bag of useful things, a modern scientist (he, like Paganel, will help heroes to get out of difficult situations not with magic, but with help science).
In the theatrical studio
Teachers, conducting classes with children in the theater, the goals and tasks differ from school productions. A child who has been trained in a theater team must be able to reincarnate. He is taught to collect gestures and expressions of the faces of different people in a kind of "piggy bank." Then he will sculpt an image based on this baggage.
The actor's ethics are brought up and the ability to improvise is revealed. This is necessary to beat any hitch or mistake partner. An important role is given to the teacher in the actor's skill charisma. Stage movement, plastic, etudes, work with invisible objects are disciplines of the theater studio.
Scenarios of children's plays for theatrical studio are complex: include actions before the curtain, changing clothes during the performance, can contain interactive elements and monologues. More than a hundred Shakespearean festivals in America have shown that children are able to play complex roles. But it's better to turn to fairy tales.
Scenarios of children's performances-fairy tales
It's better to write the script yourself, as Svetlana Valentinovna Kurmanaeva, a resident of Yoshkar-Ola, does. This is a teacher of primary school and for thirty years the head of the school theatrical circle. All fairy tales are musical, with dances. "Oseniny" even resemble a musical, all the characters sing there. The material for the script Svetlana Valentinovna finds herself, but sometimes it is brought by children. For such works, too, put on performances. In the discussion of the scenario, the guys take part. For a more complex production - with a change of scenery - the script of the children's play "The Snow Queen" is suitable.
Teacher put a lot of performances, mostly fairy tales. "Tsvetik-semitsvetik" introduced the children to the culture of different countries. The tale of traveling to an aquarium taught to be responsible for those who have tamed. "Laughter and tears" according to the works of S. Ya. Marshak teaches mutual assistance and dedication.
Fairy tales are written for children from the very beginning, so good performances are put on their foundation: in kindergarten, in school, in the House of Culture - wherever there is a stage and viewers. Good will necessarily defeat evil, and the main characters are handsome. And a miracle will be, because kindness works wonders.
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