Health, Healthy Eating
Rigid Diet
Today, many people are trying to improve their appearance. The first step in the transformation path is getting rid of excess weight. To which only the resourceful and enterprising of this world can not resort. Some run around in the morning, others do not eat in the evening. If you combine all the different ways to lose weight, then, most likely, among the most popular and productive of them, the diet will come to the fore. It is a panacea for most people who are overweight.
There is a huge, I would even say, an infinite number of varied diets. So, for people who want to get rid of "excess" faster, there is a special tough diet. Her popularity will never go down, as the number of people who want to change at any moment will diminish. While people will naively believe that there is a kind of "super-diet", which for three or four days can change everything - a tough diet will be in favor.
What is this tough diet?
No, it's not a diet specifically, it's a whole list of diets that offer you practically to refuse food or limit it to an insignificant amount. Caloric content of the diet is only five hundred calories per day. Such low-calorie diets are used for a limited time, so during the time of such a "hunger strike" the human body not only actively gets rid of excess kilograms, but also experiences serious stress, being on the limit of its adaptive capabilities.
What is the most rigid diet? Of course - a hunger strike, although the diet to call it will be fundamentally wrong. Energy, protein, and most importantly micronutrient (developing due to insufficient intake of vitamins and minerals with food), exhaustion of the organism is likely to be felt in the coming days.
No doctor today will take such a responsibility to recommend you giving up food for weight loss. This is not only highly illiterate, but also unsafe for your health. These diets are contraindicated to all people with acute and chronic (diabetes mellitus, nervous disorders, gastrointestinal pathology) diseases. However, if you still decide to take part in such an adventure, watch carefully and react with your attention to the sharp decrease in calorie content of food.
What are the recommendations for people who use hard diets? First, in order to reduce stress stress on the body and reduce the negative impact, it is necessary to avoid illiterate diets. This means that no matter how stiff the diet, the amount of protein consumed with food should be no less than the recommended daily rate, which is calculated taking into account your age and weight. A complete exclusion from the diet can only be affected by carbohydrates. Diet dictates you completely to give up fat? It is not necessary to go on an occasion, since the admission of PUFA is necessary. Therefore, you can always afford to eat high-protein sea fish, which is also rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Secondly, during the time of such a high-intensity diet therapy it is worthwhile to buy a good vitamin-mineral complex in tablets in order to fill the lack of micronutrients. Third, use a similar diet no more than once a month and last no more than six to seven days, otherwise there is a huge risk of deterioration of your health and the development of various diseases, both the digestive system and any other.
Thus, I want to note that a tough diet is not the best choice for losing weight. By subscribing to this diet in pursuit of an ideal figure, you run the risk of losing your own health.
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