Law, Regulatory Compliance
Resume template for work. Learn how to write a CV
When applying for employment in the recruitment agencies of many companies today requires a resume. This is a small questionnaire containing basic information about applicants. The resume template includes contact information, information about the education, work places of the candidate in a given position.
The information provided by the applicant to the employer should be as complete as possible. The resume template for work in different firms contains the same items. But in some places great importance is given to age, and somewhere employees of a particular sex are required. Such narrow requirements are most often applied to employees without specific skills: loaders, cleaners, packers, sorters and others. The more solid the organization, the more information about yourself you need to indicate to the applicant.
How to write a resume: a template. Personal Information
Filling in the resume template should begin with the bolding of the surname, name, patronymic. So it will be easier for an employer to find a candidate's profile in a bale of others. Then you need to specify the date of birth, the address is the city of residence (you do not have to tell the full address, just specify the city to orient the employer), phone number, email address. Many companies require to place a photo of the applicant in the resume. Its size - no more than 3 x 4 cm. The photo should be standard, strict, as in the passport. It's no secret that in any case, including in employment, it is important to like. Therefore, you need to choose the most successful your picture. True, there is an opinion that the resume template with the photo forms the employer's prejudiced attitude towards the future employee. Therefore, some companies do not require photographs.
Here you need to specify the name of the educational institution, faculty and specialty, which the applicant received. If the universities are several or graduated from the technical school and university, the first place in the resume template is the last place of training. Write years of training, for example - 19 __- 20__. They celebrate with honors. It should be written about the availability of certificates of additional education. The young applicant - graduate for want of places of work should indicate their success in those or other subjects, inventions, research works, wins in olympiads, contests. Available publications should be indicated with references to them.
As well as information about education, work places should be listed in the reverse order, that is, the last place of work should be the first on the list. Indicates the period of employment in the organization, for example - September 20__ - March 20__, without specifying the dates of admission and dismissal. The resume template for the job in this paragraph contains a detailed explanation of their job responsibilities in each organization. For those who work long ago, you need to specify the data for the last 10 years, or 3-5 work places. This clause of the summary includes information on the upgrading of qualifications and obtaining relevant certificates, diplomas, certificates.
Extra skills
Here you should write your skills, which can be useful in the desired work. For example, an accountant can specify that he is not only a confident computer user, but also a connoisseur of special accounting programs. It is necessary to write which ones. Almost always and at any job driver's license will be useful, the possession of which must also be reported to the employer. Knowledge of foreign languages is another plus of the competitor. Specify the ownership of a particular foreign language should be in this block of the questionnaire.
Personal qualities
This paragraph, which contains a summary template, would seem to be one of the easiest to fill. It does not contain numbers, dates, it does not need to be backed up with documents. What's so difficult about describing your character? But job applicants should remember that writing should be extremely honest. After all, the slightest embellishment of oneself will very quickly open, and then one can not only not get the desired job, but also lose it.
What can you write in this section of the questionnaire? Purposefulness, diligence, pedantry, learning. These qualities are very much appreciated by employers. Useful in work reliability, communication skills, the ability to analyze, delegate authority. You should not write a whole list of qualities, just two or three personal traits. At the same time it is necessary to take into account the official duties that will have to be performed at a new location. The programmer is better to point to the analytical mindset, and the accountant - for honesty and mindfulness.
Hobbies and interests
In this block of the questionnaire, too, an abundance of information is unacceptable. It is enough a couple of points. How to guess what will please the employer? It has been proven that intellectual pursuits, such as history, painting, visiting theaters and museums, can produce a good impression. Not bad chances for fans of team sports. In fact, this section of the questionnaire is no less important than the rest. After all, those qualities of the future employee, which did not appear above, can be revealed here. The hobby for needlework characterizes the applicant as a calm, quiet, but not without imagination nature. And diving is inherent in a physically strong and bold person.
Secrets to writing a resume
Before writing, you need to think over the general style of the questionnaire. It must meet the following requirements:
- Brevity. Information about yourself should be expressed laconically, without detailed transcripts. It should be remembered that the average time to review the resume by the employer is 2-3 minutes.
- Purposefulness. Writing the main points for a particular position. Lack of unnecessary information.
- Honesty and literacy. It is unacceptable to exaggerate or provide false information. After all, at the interview of the applicant can be asked to provide documentary confirmation of the information.
- Activity. The resume template should not contain past verbs, such as "participated", "developed" and others. It is better to replace them with the present time - "I have perfect knowledge", "possess" and so on.
- Clarity and accuracy.
In general, the resume should disclose the positive qualities of the applicant and mask the negative ones. It is better not to try to write down all your achievements and positive aspects in the questionnaire. It is better to make a few summaries for each post with a description of some of their qualities. In general, writing a questionnaire for an employer is a serious job. Resume will help to write in the recruitment agency, but there are specialists who are engaged in this work for a fee.
If there is any doubt about the number of items, it's best to look for resume templates for work. A sample of the questionnaire can be provided by the employer or a recruiting agency. However, there are general requirements for the questionnaires. A completed resume should occupy one or two printed pages in A4 format. The optimal font is number 12. It is better to use different fonts for headings, sub-paragraphs and main text. After completing the resume, you must check the spelling. The test should be placed on the page evenly.
Deviation from the standard form of the resume is acceptable for applicants for creative positions. But if an applicant wants to get a job as an accountant, engineer, technical worker, it is better to follow the above rules.
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