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Removal of moles in the oncology center in Moscow. Methods of removing moles, consequences, reviews

Mole is not always an adornment. Sometimes she just gets in the way and wants to say goodbye. It is not worth taking any measures independently, it is better to contact a specialist. Removal of moles in the cancer center in Moscow has been conducted for a long time and effectively. We'll talk about this a little later, but for now we will learn more about the problem itself.

What is a nevus

That's what mumps are called - stains on the skin. They appear throughout life, but sometimes the baby is born with a mark. Adolescence is the period when there are a lot of nevi.

They come in different colors. Some of them rise above the surface of the skin, while others spread on it.

A bit about the types of spots:

  • Hemingiomas. Arise at any age, hanging, something like a wart. This species includes: red nodules of small size, moles are not vascular.
  • Convex. Appear in the deep layers of the skin, small in size, they meet hairs.
  • Blue. The formations are dense and smooth, the appearance is like a sphere, the color is purple or light blue.
  • Large pigmentation spots. Education congenital. A person grows, and they also increase.

The classification of moles depends not only on the size, but also on the color and shape. Speaking of the first characteristic, we can state that the nevuses are: brown, red, pink, blue or very dark.

Why and when moles are removed

Removal of moles in the oncology center in Moscow is carried out by highly qualified specialists. They will answer all questions of interest to the patient, but still it is not bad and he himself should know what should be prepared.

Do I need to remove the nevus? A positive answer is guaranteed in two cases:

  • According to physiological indications. Moles are in places where they constantly rub against clothing, are injured during haircuts, shaving, or during other procedures. Frequent damage to the nevus can lead to cancer.
  • There is a threat of degeneration of the stain.

Be sure to contact the Cancer Center (Moscow, Kashirskoye Shosse, 23), if:

  • The nevus increases rapidly.
  • There is a change in the shade of the spot.
  • Formed growths, sores, vesicles.
  • There is itching and burning.

Removal methods

There are several methods of getting rid of a mole. After a conversation with a patient, a highly qualified specialist will propose one of them. Oncological center Blokhin (Moscow) practices the following ways of removing the nevus:

  • Surgical. Used to get rid of large, deep formations or malignant tumors.
  • Exposure to liquid nitrogen (cryodestruction) is often used. There is one drawback of this method - the risk of injuring healthy tissues.
  • Electrocoagulation is a method of influencing a nevus with the use of an electric current. This method can not remove moles on the face.
  • Getting rid of formations with the help of heat (radio wave method). The safest and most gentle way.
  • Removal of moles in the oncology center in Moscow is carried out with the help of a laser. During the procedure, healthy tissues are not damaged.

All methods, except for surgical, are used only to get rid of benign formations.

Surgical method

This method is considered the oldest, but reliable, used for suspected oncological disease. The minuses of this method include the formation of scars.

Removal of a birthmark by surgery is performed under local anesthesia. The nevus is removed with a scalpel along with a small patch of healthy skin. After this, the wound is treated and sutured. The procedure lasts about an hour. Healing occurs within a few weeks. The operation is performed only in a specialized clinic, where after removal, a histological analysis of the cut skin is performed.

Now turn to the reviews of patients. They say that removing a birthmark surgically removes them from the problem forever. This procedure is reliable and safe. In addition, the operation is painless.

To positive moments, people also refer to the fact that after the procedure, a histological analysis is done. Thus, the prevention of the appearance of a malignant tumor.


This method of removing moles has gained wide popularity. A loop-tip with an electric current is used. The procedure is carried out under the supervision of a specialist. In general, the current is applied with a high frequency, and the power is regulated depending on the size of the spot.

The operation lasts no more than twenty minutes. At a low pain threshold of the patient, local anesthesia is used.

You can not do this operation if there are: blood diseases, infections, malignant tumors.

The positive aspects of this procedure include:

  • Absence of bleeding.
  • Fast healing (eight to ten days).
  • No scars, scars, or spots.

Patients of this procedure say the following: the operation is rather quick and painless. However, the next day there are small painful sensations, but quickly pass. The stain remains a little lighter than the skin color, but there are no scars or scars.

Prices also please customers.

Radio wave method

Education is affected by radio waves of high frequency. To be afraid of it it is not necessary, on a human body of any negative influence does not appear. The advantages of this method include:

  • Duration - not more than twenty minutes.
  • Removing birthmarks by radio wave method excludes damage to healthy tissues.
  • The procedure is performed on any part of the body and has no post-operative scars.
  • Healthy tissues are not damaged. There is no bleeding, swelling, inflammation and redness.
  • Conducting a histological analysis.

This method is the only possible if the mole is near the eyeball.

The procedure for removing moles by radio wave method is carried out as follows:

  • Local anesthesia is performed.
  • For the operation, a radio knife is used, which performs several functions simultaneously: cuts tissues, stops bleeding, disinfects the incision site.

The feedback of patients who have undergone this procedure is positive. They say that the operation is painless, does not take much time.

A large number of people testify that thanks to this method of removal the birthmarks no longer appear and do not create problems.

Pleases patients and a small recovery period, during which no special care for the injured area is required.

Using a laser

Now let's talk about one more method, which is often used recently - laser removal. It has many advantages:

  • The integrity of healthy tissues is not compromised.
  • The procedure is carried out in an outpatient clinic.
  • Removal of moles by laser (reviews of patients testify) is painless, there are no post-operative scars and scars.

The procedure is no more than five minutes. The laser beam not only removes the formations, but also strengthens the small capillaries, and this eliminates bleeding.

The taken material is sent for histology.

The recovery period is small, a couple of days. Within two months, it is forbidden to visit the solarium and you will have to avoid direct sunlight.

Those who wish to give preference to the method of removing moles by laser, reviews of former patients will be interesting.

And they say that the procedure is painless, does not take much time. If desired, it can be done under local anesthesia.

Other patients add to the above that the procedure is very effective. Nevus does not appear even a few years after its holding. The place where the mole was located is slightly lighter than the rest of the skin.

Postoperative period

After removing the birthmark what to do? This issue can not be ignored. Proper care of the wound excludes the occurrence of complications.

After the procedure, on the spot where the mole was, a black crust appears. Two days it is necessary to carry out its processing, alternating a solution of manganese with diamond green. In addition, wound healing ointments are prescribed, which include an antibiotic.

In no case can not rip the crust. Otherwise, the wound will open and the healing process will slow down.

Within a week it is worth noting: visiting the pool, bath and taking a bath. It is desirable that water does not fall on the crust.

No decorative cosmetics, only creams and lotions from the sun are allowed.

All of the above activities will be told to you by the doctor after the removal of the moles at the cancer center in Moscow.


In order to avoid complications, all recommendations of a specialist should be strictly observed. Only in this case, you can be sure that there will not be any negative consequences after the procedure. Otherwise, a small temperature may rise, a tumor scar may appear, an infection may occur. And one more thing: try to do surgery only in medical institutions. Of course, the financial side of you, too, can bother. Removal of moles (the cost depends on the size of the stain and the way the manipulation is performed) - an available procedure.

On average, removal of a stain up to 0.5 centimeters costs from 300 to 3000 rubles. The most expensive is getting rid of education in a surgical way.

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