Law, State and Law
Rem Vyakhirev: biography, activities, family
In August 1934 in the village of Bolshaya Chernigovka, Kuibyshev Region, the manager and statesman, the future "gas king" Rem Vyakhirev, was born. The senior child in the teacher's family from early years was not only a craving for knowledge, but also did not shy away from simple physical labor: as few high school students, unloaded ships on the Volga, thus earning their own money to help their parents. In 1956, Rem Vyakhirev graduated from Kuibyshev Industrial University, because future mining engineers, students for the specialty that had just appeared in the region, were paid a higher stipend. So spontaneously, but exceptionally true, the profession was chosen, the main one in which is the development of gas and oil fields. Rem Vyakhirev devoted this business all his life.
For the first fifteen years, a graduate of an industrial institute worked for the Kuibyshevneft corporation, where for the first time his skills were shown to organize production and to rally people for the sake of a common cause. That is why in 1971 Rem Vyakhirev takes under control all the management of Orenburggazdobycha. And two years later, fateful acquaintance took place.
Vyakhirev Rem Ivanovich met and became friends with the new director of the neighboring gas processing plant - Viktor Chernomyrdin. This circumstance, naturally, played a leading role in the sudden jump in career advancement of Vyakhirev that followed many years later. Even then, in the seventies, no one would say that his promotion is slow.
In 1976, Vyakhirev Rem Ivanovich already director of the "Orenburggazdobycha", and in 1978 he became the chief engineer of a much larger association - HPE "Orenburggazprom". Five years later, simultaneously making the transition to the leadership of Tyumengazprom, falls under the direct authority of the Minister of the gas industry of the country Viktor Chernomyrdin, becoming his deputy.
Rem Vyakhirev, whose biography will be associated for a long time with his new brainchild - Gazprom, largely thanks to friendly relations, was able to translate his ideas into reality. RAO Gapzprom, where Vyakhirev is the first deputy chairman of the board, was initially created on the basis of the ministry of the gas industry, but was later given to the shareholders.
RAO Gazprom and not only
In 1992, when Viktor Chernomyrdin switched to government work, Vyakhirev Rem Ivanovich, whose biography was already closely connected with Gazprom, became chairman of the board in this concern. Until 1996, he was also the head of the Board of Directors of RAO.
From the nineties, he was added: he worked in the Industrial Policy Council of the Government of the Russian Federation, and presided over the Board of Directors and the Board of Trustees of Imperial Bank; in 1995, the boards of directors of Public Russian Television and Our Home- Russia ", since 1996 - the chairmanship of the Board of Directors of the concern" Siberian Oil Company ".
Rescue the drowning
In 1998, until 1999, Rem Vyakhirev was the head of the Supervisory Board of Promstroibank of Russia, until the moment when the bank lost its license. But the richest, the largest campaign of Russia - RAO "Gazprom" was always afloat and enjoyed the enormous influence under the chairmanship of Vyakhirev in the country, being, as it were, the second cash desk for all sorts of crisis situations. It was Gazprom that could at that time help in maintaining the ruble exchange rate or pay off debts to unhappy pensioners. Naturally, the concern and its leaders received support from the authorities in all their endeavors.
Underwater currents and stones
Having removed Minister V. Lopukhin, former Minister of Fuel and Energy, in 1992, Chernomyrdin and Vyakhirev disrupted the reform of their industry (and the reform carried out by Yegor Gaidar in those days was a parable in itself ). Plans for the "Young Reformers" were relatively "Gazprom" - gromadyo, because the Vyakhirev concern is an exceptionally tasty morsel. Moreover, it was possible to create even a special stabilization tax-free fund, where Gazprom deducted part of the proceeds, thus saving many billions of dollars. Privatization also took place on special terms.
The government of Chernomyrdin in 1994 allowed the concern under the trust agreement to get into ownership almost the entire package of shares owned by the state, that is thirty-five percent, leaving only five to the country. Under the terms of this trust, Gazprom could redeem these shares at par value in 1996, then sell them, and invest in the numerous programs of the entire gas monopoly for the proceeds. But the "young reformers" Chubais and Nemtsov also did not doze, and so in 1995 the terms of the trust were reviewed unfavorably for Gazprom, and in 1997, the contract with Vyakhirev was canceled.
What did
It is Rem Vyakhirev, whose state will be examined below, made Gazprom the richest company in the country, carrying its economy. By creating joint companies (Wintershall, Wingas), the concern brought Russia for the first time in its history to the ultimate European consumer.
At the same time (and personally Vyakhirev same) the largest projects for the construction of gas mains were created, including the bottom of the sea (the Blue Stream). Those connections, which the gas industry has now, were created for the most part during the management of the Vyakhirev concern.
How it was
However, smoothly the business did not go smoothly, the criticism of his undertakings was sometimes overwhelmingly tough, especially on the part of the "minors" (the minority shareholder can not directly participate in the management of the company, since he does not have enough shares for this). Most often, Vyakhirev's actions were not liked by those who had business with American funds and firms.
For example, this applies to former Finance Minister Boris Fedorov (and it's something he did not do well with Russia's finances, but they founded UFG and Hermitage - with Bill Browder at the head), who was constantly opposed to the leadership of Gazprom. Vyakhirev Rem Ivanovich, whose cause of death - acute heart failure, criticism certainly took to heart.
The year 1998 became the turning point for the influence of Gazprom's leadership on the country's policy: the resignation of Viktor Chernomyrdin occurred, and therefore the next year the question arose about the resignation of Rem Vyakhirev himself. Well, at least they did not sue, like Goldovsky and Sheremet. With the departure of Yeltsin and Vyakhirev, he prepared to leave, because he ceased to be "all-powerful": even property transactions had to be coordinated with the board of directors, many conditions marked in the contracts were canceled. Vyakhirev, as it were, "got bored" and in 2002 left his own offspring definitively, even the chairmanship in the Russian gas society.
There is no doubt that after leaving Gazprom, Rem Ivanovich could settle himself anywhere and everywhere would be in place. He is an active leader and no less inquisitive scientist, the author of more than sixty scientific papers - all of them concern the development of gas fields and ways of using gas both in agriculture and in industry. Many are devoted to the economy and the ecology of gas, its compounds. Vyakhirev has thirteen copyright certificates for embedded inventions. But Rem Ivanovich seemed to have vanished into the air, retiring. No interview for eleven years. No business.
Gazprom Vyakhirev did not like visiting after his resignation, but to meet his friends at the mining enterprises themselves is a nice thing. The former leader flew north of Gazprom almost completely, where he was met everywhere more than cordially. To Miller he sometimes went to the office - with requests. Here, for example, a granddaughter to work to arrange. True, it did not work. They did not go to meet us. Children and grandchildren, however, arranged well, they can no longer worry. Rem Vyakhirev, whose family is connected with the gas industry almost completely, could not worry. He himself is a strangely unpretentious person, being the chief chief in Gazprom, together with his wife and children, settled in a small two-room apartment above the fish store and lived there for many years. But you can walk to work and quickly.
The children of Vyakhirev Rem Ivanovich inherited not to say that much. The son lives in the Moscow suburb of the town of Kaluzhka near Moscow, and his daughter built a house opposite his father's, wooden, two-storeyed and very small, next to which the tall Siberian spruce, brought by themselves from Tomsk, and below them a wooden table. Nothing this estate does not resemble the palaces of other gasproms, and not only them. Here is constantly trying to "Gazprom" and therefore hated by Vyakhirev Chubais, a much more interesting dacha was built opposite Pasternak in Peredelkino, and also in Larks he had real palaces previously owned by Moscow's kindergartens. "There was not a worse person for Russia," Vyakhirev said, "and it is unlikely to appear."
Naturally, Vyakhirev had the opportunity to retire as a pensioner. However, in the Forbes Russia magazine the list of rich people also left in 2004. He had a real estate near Moscow - about fifty hectares of land, where you can observe the squirrels and deer, and fish. Well, there was a stake in Gazprom for thirteen million dollars. He did not starve in the rest of his life: dividends paid annually to twenty-three and a half million rubles. Plus the pension from the state.
In February 2013, he died at his dacha - his heart failed. Many members of the government attended the funeral service, even Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. They buried the "gas king" next to his wife at Vostryakovskoe cemetery. Very few people are interested in the fact that he was a real "technician": a candidate of science defended his thesis in 1981, and ten years later as an engineer-academician, full member of the Academy of Sciences, an honorary professor of the university and an honorary resident of Barnaul (few know here What merits, but, apparently, the merits were, because the city is honest). In addition, the "gas king" before he took this "throne", was awarded many orders and medals for selfless labor.
Children and other relatives
Left after himself two children and four grandchildren Vyakhirev Rem Ivanovich. Biography nationality does not indicate anywhere, but many rancor believe that the "fifth point" is clearly "the one", putting the "gas king" on a par with the Jews Chubais and Nemtsov. Judging by how antagonistic he and the latter had developed relations - it is unlikely, in spite of the fact that Vyakhirev's career was also developing brilliantly. But there was work! And then, the same rancors and even in the same texts even Mahmudov Iskander Kakhramonovich are called a Jew. Judging by the names and surnames - all Vyakhirev Russian.
Son Rem Ivanovich Yuri - former director of OOO "Gazexport." Daughter - Tatyana Dedikova - Gazprom shareholder, has about three percent of shares. Her husband - Eugene Dedikov - is engaged in environmental protection in the Scientific and Technical Council of OAO Gazprom, deputy head of the Energy Conservation and Ecology Department. Rem Ivanovich's brother - Victor - until 2003 was the head of the company "Tyumenburgaz".
Finally, it should be noted that the "gas king" himself has always desperately struggled with the plans of the "young reformers" Nemtsov and Chubais regarding the restructuring of the country's gas sector. Privatization was carried out in such a way that forced these, according to Vyakhirev, "the enemies of the people" to literally boil up: the shares of Gazprom were mostly not distributed in free distribution, but were given to those working in the concern on the ground - that is, in Siberia, in the North, directly At mining enterprises. For the dismemberment of Gazprom was fraught with a threat to the economic security of the country, which Rem Vyakhirev did his best to prevent.
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