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Raynaud's Disease: Symptoms and Treatment. Raynaud's disease: treatment with folk remedies

The name "Raynaud's disease" to most people does not say anything. For the same reason, hearing such a diagnosis, it is difficult to immediately understand how to behave. But this fact does not exclude the possibility that someone may encounter a situation when the patient will need help with this disease.

This is not the most common disease, but it will still be useful to know what Raynaud's disease is, the symptoms and treatment of this disease, including treatment with folk remedies.

What it is?

Raynaud's disease (ICD 10 - code I73.0) refers to the rare diseases of arteries in the limbs.

The main manifestation of this disease is a sharp reduction in the walls of the arteries. As a result, some part of the affected limb stops eating due to a sharp decrease in the amount of incoming blood. Then the color of the plot changes. It is the discoloration of the skin that is one of the main visual signs of Raynaud's disease.

The most common localization of the disease is the peripheral parts of the limbs, that is, the feet on the legs and the hands. The defeat of the extremities occurs symmetrically in most cases.

Although the disease is rare, it is necessary to find out the factors that cause Raynaud's disease, the symptoms and treatment of this disease. It will also be interesting to understand a little with terminology. For example, see the difference between Raynaud's disease and Raynaud's syndrome.

Regardless of whether one is going to have to face a disease, the willingness to fight it will never hurt.

Raynaud's Disease: Causes and Predisposing Factors

The causes of the onset of this disease have not been sufficiently studied at the moment. But observations show that it is possible to identify several factors that significantly increase the risk of developing the disease. These factors include:

  • Subcooling. The disease is more likely to occur in people who are often overcooled by the hands and feet. In addition, the symptoms sometimes go away when a person moves to a place where the climate is warmer than in a place where the symptoms of the disease appeared.
  • Injuries. Dangerous and physical injuries, which include excessive squeezing of limbs, excessive and intensive workload, and injuries associated with exposure to chemicals. In cases when a person with a disease needs to come into contact with such factors, it is desirable for him to change his place of work or at least reduce the load.
  • Smoking.
  • Excessive emotional stress, great stress.
  • Disorders of endocrine organs.

As the medical history often shows, Raynaud's disease often develops in women younger than 40 years. Also, people who have migraine attacks can be affected.

Syndrome and Raynaud's Disease: What's the Difference?

There is also the term "Raynaud's disease" and "Raynaud's syndrome". It is widely believed that these are simply different names for the same phenomenon or disease. But in reality, such an assertion is not entirely true.

Raynaud's disease is an independent disease. Reynaud's syndrome is a syndrome that is a manifestation of other diseases, especially often it is observed in patients with systemic scleroderma or in the presence of pathological characteristics of connective tissue.

Syndrome and Raynaud's disease differ not only in etiology, but also in manifestations. Although the symptoms are almost the same, but with Reynaud's syndrome they do not appear so quickly, their appearance is not so expressive, the lesions of the limbs are rarely symmetrical. In the anamnesis, there are usually references to the presence of other vascular or autoimmune diseases in a person.

And, of course, the treatment of these conditions varies. With Raynaud's syndrome, one must treat the underlying disease, with Raynaud's disease - this is the disease. Therefore, it is worthwhile to separately consider Raynaud's disease, symptoms and treatment of this particular nosological form.

Stages of development of the disease

There are three stages of the development of Raynaud's disease.

At the first stage of the disease, the tone of the vascular walls rises, that is, hypertension arteries of the extremities arises. Because of this, there may be a short-term spasm. Moreover, the skin of the affected area pales noticeably, becomes cold, the patient feels acute pain, but sensitivity with respect to external stimuli is lost. The attack usually does not last long, after it the pain passes, the color of the skin returns to normal. Such phenomena are the main symptoms of the disease at this stage.

The second stage is characterized by the addition to the listed signs of other symptoms of the disease. For example, the skin color at this stage is no longer just pale, but with a cyanotic shade, the skin color becomes "marble". On the affected extremities, the appearance of puffiness may occur, especially in areas that are affected by the disease. Pain during an attack becomes stronger and more intense.

The duration of the first two stages of Raynaud's disease is up to 5 years.

During the third stage, necrosis or death of tissues begins on the affected limb sites. Since blood circulation has already been severely disrupted, the formed wounds heal very poorly, and often do not heal at all and start to swim. As a result, there are also problems associated with the attachment of secondary infections, and in severe cases - with the development of sepsis.

In addition to local manifestations, people with Raynaud's disease often have neurotic complaints. They can talk about problems with sleep, headache, a sense of heaviness in the limbs.

How to diagnose a disease

In order to determine the presence of Raynaud's disease, evaluate a few points:

  • How much the blood circulation is disturbed. Particular attention should be paid to the study of blood supply to the limbs, their peripheral parts.
  • Symmetrical lesions? With Raynaud's disease, in the vast majority of cases, they will be symmetrical.
  • How long does the patient's complaints appear, similar to the symptoms of Raynaud's disease? An accurate diagnosis is possible if the symptoms appear within a period of not less than 2 years.

Special samples are also used:

  • Capillaroscopy - examines the nail bed. With this study, you can visually see the present changes in the arteries, both structural and functional.
  • Cold samples - limbs for 2 or 3 minutes lowered into cold water (about 10 ° C), and then assess their condition.

But we should not forget that the diagnosis is not so simple - it involves the exclusion of about 70 types of diseases in which Raynaud's syndrome may be present. And this is very important in order to choose the right treatment option.

Methods of treatment

The disease is rarely diagnosed, so the question of how to treat Raynaud's disease, or more correctly how to do it, with the greatest efficiency, is discussed from different points of view. As already mentioned above, first of all dozens of other diseases with similar signs should be excluded. Regarding how Raynaud's disease manifests itself, symptoms and treatment - the reviews are varied, but they help to identify the main aspects of this issue.

Treatment is aimed at eliminating the already manifested symptoms of the disease and preventing seizures, eliminating provoking factors.

The first stage of Raynaud's disease requires only conservative treatment. When an attack occurs, it is removed by making a warm bath, wrapping the area on which the attack developed, or massage the limb of the patient.

In order to prevent the development of seizures, it is necessary to exclude or at least limit the effect of supercooling factors, injuries, excessive emotional stress.

It is necessary to know what Raynaud's disease has, and prescribe medications in a timely manner. Thus, drug treatment is prescribed when a vasodilating effect is required. For this, various vasodilating drugs are used. If there are wounds and necrotic areas, it is necessary to prescribe drugs that promote wound healing. Treatment with drugs is relevant for the first few years, then attacks of spasm of the vessels of the extremities lose sensitivity to the drug effect.

In such cases, surgical intervention is indicated - sympathectomy. The essence of such treatment lies in the surgical removal of nerve fibers, which are responsible for the arising vasospasms. There are several options for surgical treatment, the most optimal chooses the attending physician depending on the features of the course of the disease in this patient.

Some people who have been diagnosed with this problem are studying Raynaud's disease, symptoms and treatment with folk remedies. This issue deserves serious study. Patients with a diagnosis of Raynaud's disease treatment with folk remedies often help to relieve the condition, so it will be useful to consider some of them.

Tincture of elecampane high

To prepare the tincture you need one bottle of vodka and 30 grams of crushed root elecampane. All this is mixed and placed in a cool place. After two weeks, the medicine is ready for use, it remains only to strain.

Tincture is taken three times a day, the dose for each intake is two tablespoons. The entire course of treatment requires 1.5 liters of tincture.

Fir essential oil

With the diagnosis of Raynaud's disease, folk remedies often involve the use of fir essential oil. Fir oil is used both externally and for oral administration.

A good therapeutic effect is the reception of patients with fir baths. To do this, add 5 or 6 drops of fir essential oil to the bath. The water temperature should be moderate, close to 37 ° C. The time of reception of such a bath is about 15 minutes.

For ingestion, butter (1 or 2 drops) is dripped onto a piece of bread and swallowed quickly. But it is important to exclude contact of oil with tooth enamel and remember that there may be contraindications for this method of treatment for certain diseases of the stomach, intestines, pancreas.

Onion and honey for Raynaud's disease

To prepare the medicine, take an equal amount of honey and onion juice, mix thoroughly. The mixture is ready for use immediately after preparation.

The course of treatment is 3 weeks. During this time, three tablespoons of the medicine should be taken every day. Each reception should be one hour before a meal.

If treatment needs to be continued, the course of treatment can be repeated. But it is necessary to make a two-week break.

Needles, dogrose, honey and onion husks

This mixture is more difficult to prepare.

Necessary ingredients:

  • Young pine needles (can also be used pine needles, fir or juniper), pre-crushed;
  • 5 tablespoons of honey;
  • 3 table spoons of dog rose;
  • 3 tablespoons of peeled onions.

All the ingredients must be mixed and poured with water (liter to the amount corresponding to the one described above). The mixture is boiled for 10 minutes, poured into a thermos bottle and left to stand for one night. After the medicine has stopped, it must be filtered.

The mixture is taken in half a glass. Every day, the reception is repeated 4 times.

When using this option, it is necessary to be extremely cautious, and it is best to replace it with another option for people who suffer from diseases of the stomach or pancreas.

Infusion of wild rosemary

To prepare the medicine, you need to take two tablespoons of chopped ledum and 5 tablespoons of sunflower oil, mix and infuse 12 hours in a closed container or container.

While the mixture is infused, it needs to be stirred from time to time and make sure that the temperature of the mixture remains warm. When the medicine is infused, it must be filtered. After that it is ready for use.

Infusion is used externally - it is used for baths and in the form of compresses.

Herbal Collection

Effective in the treatment of Raynaud's disease is considered an herbal collection, which includes such medicinal herbs: garden rue, creeping thyme and lemon balm.

To make it take rutu and thyme in equal quantities and about a half times the amount of melissa herb. All this is mixed up. From the mixture, a teaspoon is taken and poured into one glass of boiling water, it is infused 2 hours (preferably in a thermos - to maintain high temperature throughout the preparation time). Then the mixture must be carefully filtered.

The remaining liquid is divided into parts of 50 ml each and drunk in four divided doses for one day.

Mixture of honey with garlic

To make a mixture, you need to take honey and garlic mush in equal quantities, mix together. The mixture is placed in a dish that is very tightly closed, insisted for two weeks. From time to time it needs to be stirred.

After the mixture is infused, it must be taken 3 times every day for half an hour before meals. The course of treatment lasts two months. If treatment needs to be continued, the course is repeated after a one-month break.

Using folk methods of treatment, it is important to remember that Raynaud's disease, symptoms and treatment can not be left without attention, we can not limit ourselves to folk methods. Moreover, many of them can have side effects. It requires careful medical supervision, control of the course of the disease, medical treatment. Only with complex treatment it is possible to achieve the best result.

Of great importance is also the good knowledge of the sick person about the disease. Before choosing a treatment option, it is best to get acquainted with information about what Raynaud's disease is (photos depicting the symptoms of the lesion can be found in the medical reference book), and what the results of the various treatment options are.

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