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Acne rash on the face. Laser treatment of acne. Acne rash: causes of appearance

Acne rashes on the face are quite common, especially in young men and girls. This skin damage is a consequence of the interaction of certain pathological factors, as a result of which the production of the sebaceous secretion increases, the stratum corneum of the sebaceous glands thickens, the necrotic cells begin to exfoliate irregularly and the flow of the follicle is blocked by horny scales. As a result, opportunistic pathogens proliferate in the follicle, an inflammatory process develops and, accordingly, acne develops. The reasons for such processes will be considered a little later, and now we will talk about how the elements of the rash are formed.

Acne formation

As you probably know, each hair follicle is surrounded by the sebaceous gland, and they are connected by means of an appropriate duct. The secret produced by the gland covers the hair and skin and thus not only protects them from any environmental influences, but also, of course, moisturizes. If the amount of fat is excessive, the keratinized cells will begin to stick together, eventually a sebaceous hair plug forms at the mouth of the follicle. More often than not, it provokes the swelling of the follicle walls. This is how the acne on the face is formed in most cases. Photos of people who suffer from this disease, sometimes just scare. Acne can cover the entire face. Yes, really scary! But such a vast defeat is already in the most neglected cases.

At the first stages of the inflammatory process, the elements of the rash have the appearance of white hemispherical nodules no larger than the head of the pin. These are closed comedones, or so-called miliums. When the sebaceous-hair plug is oxidized, black dots are formed-open comedones. And already as a result of active reproduction in the follicle of bacteria, papules are formed - inflammatory cone-shaped elements of red color, with an abscess on top and a hem of hyperemia around it.

Causes of acne

The main provoking factor is changes in the hormonal system. That's why acne most often appear in pregnant women, adolescents, women in the last days of the menstrual cycle, as well as in people who take hormonal drugs. Excessive irritation of the skin by all possible means of care also leads to the appearance of such an unpleasant phenomenon as acne. The reasons for this reaction are as follows: First, a variety of scrubs, gels, soaps lower the barrier function of the skin, which opens the access of pathogens to the follicles; Secondly, such funds can simply cause allergies, which leads to the onset of the inflammatory process.

There are several varieties of acne:

  • Steroid - appear with inadequate intake of hormonal medications;
  • Necrotic - arise in the scalp;
  • Fulminant) - a rare form, found predominantly in boys thirteen to seventeen years old and accompanied by weakness, fever, malaise, joint pain, increased fatigue;
  • Neurotic - are formed by ripping off or squeezing out existing acne and manifesting as erosions and scars;
  • Professional - are formed as a result of exposure to the skin of oils, tar, lubricants, chemicals, herbicides and the like.

Acne rash: treatment

Reviews about various methods of fighting with pimples can be found very different. One person helps one, another - another. A universal remedy, which, at the behest of a magic wand, would instantly make your face clean, smooth and radiant, unfortunately not. Treatment of teenage acne, as, indeed, any other, requires considerable effort and financial investments. But first things first.

Identification of microbial flora

This is the first thing to do. Sowing the contents of the pustules will determine their susceptibility to antibiotics. In addition, it is necessary to identify the level of androgens. With results of analyzes it is possible to go for consultation to the endocrinologist, and to representatives of fair sex - also to the gynecologist. You also need to make a general blood test, and if deviations are found, continue to conduct follow-up studies every ten days. Such monitoring (determination of cholesterol, triglycerides, total bilirubin and fraction, ASAT, AlAt) is necessary when systemic retinoid therapy is administered, but we will talk about this a little later.

Cosmetical tools

The main approach in the treatment of acne is aimed at careful and proper care for the affected skin. If you use alcohol-containing cosmetics, then acne on the face will remain for a long time. Aggressive lotions and creams will further violate the barrier functions and lead to an aggravation of the inflammation process. Therefore, it is necessary to wash and cleanse the skin only with sparing means, which will promote recovery. To get rid of acne, apply facial products of dermatological lines "Aven", "Urjazh", "Bioderma", "Klinans" for the face.

Antibacterial agents

To begin to treat inflammatory elements should be with the use of external antibacterial drugs, such as "Zinerit", "Imex", "Dalatsin T". You can also use a variety of medications that are prescribed by dermatologists in pharmacies. Often anti-acne is prescribed "Metrogil" gel, it really helps many, but remember and know that this medicine has a phototoxic property.

When the acute process of inflammation begins to subside, it is necessary to add to the therapeutic process the agents that affect the keratinized cells of the epidermis and thus reduce the formation of comedones. Azelaic acid, which acts as an active ingredient of the Skinoren preparation, possesses similar properties in full. The medicine is available in the form of a gel and cream. What option to use, decide for yourself, but it should be noted that the cream also produces a depigmenting effect. If you want to get rid of such an unpleasant phenomenon as acne as quickly as possible, treatment with external antibiotics and Skinoren remedy is recommended to combine with selective phototherapy sessions (fifteen to twenty procedures must be done).

Other effective drugs

Recently, more and more often doctors prescribe to patients with acne medication "Baziron AS". It is characterized not only by antimicrobial action, but also by keratolytic action, that is, it promotes softening of the outer layer of the skin and its rejection. However, remember that during a stay in the sun, you can not use a medicine. Acne rash on the face can be reduced by using the drug "Differin". It is a retinoid, an analog of vitamin A, which produces anti-inflammatory and comedonolytic effects. It stabilizes the processes of rejection of keratinized cells. Similar medicines are "Retin-A" and "Locacid". It should be noted that they all exhibit a phototoxic effect and are contraindicated in lactating and pregnant women.

Oral medications

Typically, the combination of the above drugs is sufficient to cure an easy form of the disease. And what to do if a neglected stage has acne? Treatment with antibiotics with a wide range of effects - that's what can help. Such medicines not only fight acne on the external level, but also reduce the production of lard. The best choice is the medicine "Doxycycline" (take 100-200 milligrams per day) and "Tetracycline" (apply twice a day for 500 milligrams). The course of antibiotic treatment is two to four weeks. These drugs also have a phototoxic effect, so they are prohibited during the active sun. In addition, medications are contraindicated to children under the age of thirteen, nursing and pregnant women.

Acne rash on the face can also be eliminated by using a staphylococcal vaccine. Women are often prescribed oral contraceptives, such as "Diane-35", "Jess", to weaken the influence of androgens on the sebaceous glands . They should be drunk for a long time, for half a year or longer.

Systemic retinoids and hepatoprotectors

If the above methods of treatment do not work, you can resort to using the drug Roaccutane. Remember, we talked about the need for regular monitoring of the level of blood components? It is made just when the funds are assigned. The daily dose of the medication, based on the characteristics of the condition, is selected individually. In combination with "Roaccutane" or isolated, the drug "Prednisolone" may be prescribed.

To support the work of the liver, the use of hepatoprotectors is indicated. The most popular of them are "Essentiale Forte" (three capsules three times a day) and "Karsil" (take one tablet three times a day). The course of treatment is one month.

Modern methods of treatment

If external drugs and acne tablets are not relieved, it is worth thinking about more radical ways to fight hated acne. For deep and large acne, intraocular administration of corticosteroids is indicated every two to three weeks. This procedure has its drawbacks: it thins and discolours the skin. Clear the face can be by means of ultraviolet irradiation, cryotherapy, laser therapy, vacuum and mechanical cleaning. Let's consider these procedures in more detail.


It is a painless and practically accessible way to eliminate acne, consisting in exposure to skin with liquid nitrogen of low temperature. Local freezing allows you to first narrow, and then expand the capillaries, thereby increasing the flow of blood. Some people who subjected themselves to this procedure, write in reviews that after cryotherapy on the face, scars remain.

Irradiation with ultraviolet light

Ultrasound deeply cleanses the skin of contaminants that cause the appearance of acne. Such cleansing of the face with acne will remove dead cells and skin fat. At the same time, the procedure is safe and does not leave local swelling or redness, which happens after mechanical cleaning. Also, ultraviolet irradiation improves drainage, at the cellular level produces tissue massage, rejuvenates the skin by toning the muscles and inflowing oxygen and nutrients. This method of treatment is ideal for people with sensitive skin, because when exposed to ultrasound, the epidermis is not actually damaged.

Laser treatment of acne

This is a relatively new, but very effective technology, which is confirmed by massive positive reviews. The laser acts on the skin cells gently, warming slightly the place of treatment and creating an acoustic wave. Due to this, the inflammation zone is disinfected, soft tissues are fed, the protective properties of the epidermis and its ability to restore sharply increase, resulting in the optimization of the process of skin fat production. Laser treatment of acne, perhaps, gives the best results regarding the impact on the infiltrative focus. Improvements, as a rule, are noticeable after the first session, but the doctor should tell you how many procedures you need to perform.

You can also use a pulsed laser to kill bacteria and reduce the secretion of the sebaceous glands. As a result of the thermal effect on the skin, the intensity of production of glandular cells of sebum decreases, and therefore the nutrients to the bacteria are becoming problematic. This procedure normalizes the metabolism in problem areas, activates local immunity and starts the process of skin regeneration.

Often a diode laser is used to treat acne. Therapy completely stops the functioning of the sebaceous glands, as a result of which the skin fat is no longer released.

Vacuum cleaning

This is a fairly effective method of eliminating acne, but it is worth saying that it is very specific. The affected areas are carried out with a special vacuum suction, as a result of which small eels and sebum plugs are drawn from the pores. The irritating effect on the skin during the procedure is minimal, but there is one significant drawback - deep pimples remain untouched.

Mechanical cleaning

This is the most aggressive, but the most common way to treat acne. This procedure after itself often leaves damage to the epidermis and considerable chances for the formation of scars, especially if the technique was violated. In the classical version, the method is as follows: the person is steamed and then intensively treated with a scrub to release the skin from sebaceous plugs and keratinized particles.

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