
Raspberry leaves: benefit and application

Raspberry - long since the most revered berry in our country. The combination of the benefits and unpretentiousness of this shrub causes a wide spread in folk medicine and in cooking. The berries of malinki are loved by everyone, because they can be used to prepare a lot of delicious desserts. And they are very useful, not only berries, but also raspberry leaves.

And that all the properties of the leaves of raspberries manifested themselves in full force, you need to know how to properly prepare them. You need to collect when the end of May or June begins. It is advisable to dry them in the shade on the street. Then the raw material is placed in paper bags.

All useful properties of crimson leaves are caused by the content of essential ascorbic acid (ie, vitamin C), organic fruit acids, a large number of mineral salts, including salicylates, flavonoids, tannic and astringent compounds.

Raspberry leaves help with:

- catarrhal diseases - have anti-inflammatory, expectorant and antipyretic effect;

- angina;

- viral infections, while stimulating immunity;

- gynecological diseases ;

- inflammatory processes of the gastrointestinal tract;

- hemorrhoids;

- conjunctivitis.

Raspberry leaves are used fresh, prepare broths (inside, lotions, rinsing).

Application of raspberry leaves

To get rid of acne (acne), fresh leaves must be crushed and used in the form of a mask - put on your face, hold it for 15-20 minutes, and then wash it off with lukewarm water.

In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and colds, one should take half a cup of non-corrosive broth 4 times a day. With angina it is useful to gargle with a warm broth. With conjunctivitis, they also lubricate the eyes. With hemorrhoids, you can use crimson lotions.

To improve the condition of the hair and skin, you should regularly wash off the decoction from the leaves, and also rinse it after normal washing.

Also, raspberry leaves are included in the composition of vitamin teas, which are allowed to children to increase low resistance to infectious diseases, especially colds. The most effective in this case - a combination of tea, which consists of raspberry leaves, linden flowers and rose hips. For this, the herbal mixture is poured with boiling water and insisted for a while, then cooled to a warm state and allowed to drink. For children, a decoction of crimson leaves will be useful as a rinse aid for stomatitis.

Raspberry leaves during pregnancy

Raspberry during pregnancy is an excellent remedy for various diseases, because in this position, women are contraindicated in a huge part of the medications. And it is this red berry that can help, for example, with colds.

In general, raspberries have long been considered the best home healer. After all, in its composition - fructose, organic acids, glucose, fiber, vitamins C, B2, PP, A, B1, trace elements, folic acid and essential oils. So this simple looking berry is a real storehouse of useful substances.

Decoction of crimson leaves was widely used even in gynecology. For example, because of the content of folic acid in it, it is recommended for use in preparing for pregnancy. This is necessary for the body to accumulate all the necessary vitamins for a successful and healthy gestation of the baby.

But still, during pregnancy, you need to drink raspberries with great care. Raspberry leaves slightly soften the ligaments near the birth canal. And this contributes to uterine fights and somewhat accelerates the process of the birth itself. Therefore, the ideal use of raspberries is suitable to relieve pain from fights.

So it is advisable to use raspberries during pregnancy only after the 32nd week. If you start drinking it earlier, you can even cause unintended premature births.


- chronic constipation;

- individual intolerance;

- Pregnancy before the 32nd week.

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