Health, Medicine
Chestnuts for the joints. Chestnut tincture for joints
It is clear that the polluted environment, the rapid rhythm of life, constant stressful situations undermine immunity and health in general. Today's ecology is not clean, and in many ways people are to blame. Even newborns sometimes come into the world with some pathologies, not to mention people who have lived for many years on this mortal land. A scourge of modern medicine can safely be called a variety of joint diseases.
It is clear that very few people immediately flees to the clinic, in many respects this is due to the poor quality of the entire health care system. Therefore, mankind increasingly appeals for help to natural resources. Chestnuts for joints are well proven. People's Aesculapes have been making medicinal medicines for a long time and are conducting therapy, which really shows positive results.
What is the use?
Official pharmaceutics and medicine universally recognized the therapeutic efficacy of horse chestnut. Medicinal properties are almost all parts of this plant: fruits, leaves, branches, flowers, bark, seeds, roots. Let us turn to a more detailed description, more precisely, to a rich composition.
In the process of laboratory research, scientists discovered the content in the tree bark of a unique substance - glycoside esculin, which exhibits antithrombotic effects, improves the elasticity of blood vessels and blood supply. It is proved that horse chestnut for joints is useful in that it removes pain syndrome, puffiness, eliminates inflammation and destroys pathogenic microbes. Found in the plant tannins, saponosides, vitamins K, P, coumarins, flavonoids.
The combination of all components has a beneficial effect on venous tone. Fruits are attributed vasoconstrictive, soothing, analgesic and antimicrobial action. Not bad for a plant product, is it? The raw material has wide indications, it is suitable for the treatment of thrombophlebitis, atherosclerosis, hemorrhoids. Extracts of chestnuts and seeds are added to medicines that are prescribed for cardiac, nervous, gastrointestinal diseases.
Helps overcome catarrhal diseases, cope with gynecological and urological pathologies. Even the cosmetology industry did not ignore this deciduous tree. A little later we will describe how the joints are treated with horse chestnut, tell about the recipes of infusions and broths.
We make blanks for home use
Every year in different regions of Russia from the beginning of May to the middle of June you can see how the chestnut tree blooms . Branches are abundantly covered with white bell-shaped candelabra, pleasing to the eye. In many regions it is planted on its private plots for decorative purposes, since it is really a very beautiful plant, exuding a delightful fragrance.
Traditional medicine recommends the use of chestnuts for joints. Therapy does not require special knowledge, experience and special training - everything is easier than it seems. First you need to stock up with the available raw materials. It is desirable to collect it in ecologically clean forests, away from highways and industrial plants. In such a plant there will be no harmful impurities.
To prepare a drug, you can take all parts of the tree only at a certain time of the year: flowers, leaves, seeds are harvested in May, bark and kidneys in March, nuts in October. The roots can be excavated at any time. Raw materials should be carefully dried and transferred to tissue bags. From it are made medicinal broths, extracts, ointments. For maximum efficiency, it is mixed with other herbal remedies.
Alcohol tincture on chestnut for joints
An antidepressant and anti-edematous. Prepare a glass half-liter flask or bottle. Strain it with 300-400 g of fruit, peeled and cut in half. Pour pure alcohol or high-quality vodka. Transfer the container to a dark place, protected from ultraviolet rays, for two weeks.
The solution must be shaken daily. After the expiration of the interval, perform local treatment with chestnut joints. Gently rub the affected area for six months. At the same time, you can take 20 drops three times a day (if there are no contraindications).
Proven drug from ailments
For rheumatic pains, alcoholic tincture on chestnuts for joints of topical application will help. It is made from 50 grams of fruit (grind in advance) and alcohol (500 ml). A searing mixture is infused for two weeks. Ready infusion is filtered out, applied to cotton cloth and applied to a sore spot for rheumatism, gout and arthritis. With these pathologies, freshly squeezed juice from flowers (used inside) helps a lot.
Healing "sandwich" made of horse chestnut
The action has been tested and tested for many centuries. To make it, you need a hundred grams of camphor oil and 50 g of powdered fruit (can be dried). Mix both ingredients to a homogeneous viscous mass, spread on a slice of rye bread, attach the sandwich to the sore spot.
Such an original chestnut medicine for the joints quickly removes the inflammatory process, improves blood flow in the vessels and strengthens the capillaries. It can be recommended for varicose, bronchitis, hemorrhoids, thrombophlebitis, ulcer of the lower leg.
Water broth
Chestnuts for the joints are a real salvation from pain, swelling and aches. In addition, they prevent clogging of vessels, restore elasticity, give ease of movement. We take dried fruits with a skin of 10 grams, cut them finely, we immerse them in a pan with hot water (a glass), then in a water bath for about half an hour. The process can be carried out in a multivark.
During cooking, some of the liquid evaporates, it will be necessary to add water to the original volume and strain. Use according to the following scheme:
- the first week - 10 g once a day;
- the second week - 10 g twice a day;
- the third week - 10 grams three times a day.
Continue to take up to ten weeks, no longer increase the dosage. The drug is drunk a few minutes after eating. You can apply compresses to damaged areas.
Strengthening infusion of chestnut for joints
Take ten finely chopped fruits, 70 g of dried flowers, all pour half a liter of vodka. Change to a dark place for two weeks, shake regularly. Conduct therapy courses: 15 days, use 25 drops (diluted in 50 grams of boiled water) three times a day, then a five-day break.
Patients suffering from hypotension are advised not to use more than 25 drops per day. Treatment chestnut joints should be combined with taking medications under the guidance of a doctor. During the therapy try to move more, but without loading the muscles.
Additional recipes
To quickly get rid of the pain syndrome in the joints, you can insist the fruits in ammonia eight days. Preliminarily peel them and cut them. Gently dab the gauze dressing in the solution and apply to the damaged area.
Oily solution: stir in a glass of vegetable or olive oil on a teaspoon of flowers and chestnut nuts. Boil in a water bath for half an hour. Rinse the sore spots.
Chestnuts for joints help to eliminate intolerable pain in the back. To do this, you can insist dry flowers on vodka and make lotions (per liter of alcohol 40 grams of raw materials).
Restrictions on use
Treatment of joints with horse chestnut can not be carried out during the period of gestation (at any time), the risk of contraction of the uterus increases. All drugs in which this plant is present are prohibited to pregnant women. Also infusions and decoctions are undesirable to use at pathological processes in kidneys, peptic ulcer of GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT.
It must be remembered that horse chestnut is not an innocuous tree at all, it refers to poisonous plants and can provoke strong intoxication if the proportions are not respected. Poisoning is identified by severe vomiting, pain in the intestinal tract, nausea, headache, diarrhea, fever, weakness. Overdosing leads to depressing consequences: coma, paralysis.
External use can cause allergies in the form of rashes. If any of the symptoms appear, stop taking it immediately. Be vigilant, do not risk your own life. It is better to consult a knowledgeable specialist.
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