HealthDiseases and Conditions

Pyoderma in children: causes, symptoms and methods of treatment

Pyoderma in children occurs quite often. This disease is accompanied by purulent skin lesions. The term "pyoderma" combines several infectious diseases. Therefore, it is useful for each parent to know about what symptoms the disease is accompanied and what precautions should be observed.

Pyoderma in children and its causes

As already mentioned, the cause of the disease is a bacterial infection. In the role of pathogens can act intestinal sticks, staphylococci, pneumococci, streptococci. But not every child faces such a disease, since some conditions are necessary for the propagation of pathogenic microorganisms. Therefore, it is customary to identify some of the risk factors.

  1. Quite often pyoderma in children is the result of neglect of hygiene. For example, the disease can develop in places of sweat accumulation or in those parts of the skin that are too long in contact with the remains of stool and urine. It is here that wonderful conditions for the reproduction of microbes are created. In addition, in the absence of the necessary care, the skin of the baby becomes dry. Tissues are more prone to microtraumas, through which pathogens can penetrate deeper layers of the skin.
  2. For reasons you can include a weakened immune system. Often, pyoderma develops against the background of other diseases, as well as after taking certain medicines.
  3. Sometimes the disease appears because of the constant scratching of the skin, as the tissues are injured.
  4. The cause may be malnutrition, in particular, protein deficiency.
  5. Pyoderma in children can occur due to disturbances in the work of the nervous system.
  6. The pustular infection can appear at the site of the insect bite.

Pyoderma in children: photos and symptoms

The disease can be accompanied by different symptoms - it all depends on the type of bacterial infection. First, small areas of redness appear on the skin, which then swell. As the disease develops, vesicles containing pus are formed on the affected tissues. In some infections, itching and fever are observed. Often, bacteria affect the sebaceous and sweat glands - such pyoderma is accompanied by the formation of individual large pustules, and sometimes furuncles. In any case, having noticed such symptoms in children, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor. Do not risk the health of a child and engage in self-medication.

Pyoderma in children: treatment

Treatment directly depends on the type of infection. To begin with, the doctor will examine and prescribe some tests. For example, you need to do a scraping and send to a laboratory study - in this way you can determine the type of pathogen and its susceptibility to a particular drug. Treatment includes some methods.

  1. Antibacterial therapy. If the skin lesions are small, it will be sufficient to use ointments, creams and antiseptic solutions that will accelerate the healing process of the skin. In severe lesions, antibiotics are needed.
  2. Used and vitamin preparations, which strengthen the immune system.
  3. It is necessary to strictly adhere to the rules of hygiene - the skin of the child should always remain clean. It is recommended daily bathing with the addition of potassium permanganate, a decoction of chamomile or string.

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