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Bronchitis in children: treatment at home. Inhalation of a child at home

A dangerous mistake is disregard for bronchitis. Do not consider it a non-serious disease. You think, the child has caught a cold! Coughs - and everything will pass. The illness is much more serious than it seems at first glance. If there were the first symptoms characterizing bronchitis in children, treatment at home should begin immediately. And the first thing that needs to be done is to call a doctor at home. Whichever proven folk remedies you use, a pediatrician consultation in any case is mandatory.

What you need to know about bronchitis

The disease often occurs in young children. Such selectivity is associated with immature immunity. Although there are many causes. These include the presence of parasitic infection in the baby's body, and congenital malformations, etc.

In form, bronchitis can be acute or chronic. Its course is simple or complicated obstruction. The doctor will help determine the form of the disease. Accordingly, only he is able to select an adequate treatment. Ignoring the disease can lead to bronchial asthma.

It should not be forgotten that the disease is infectious and allergic. Depending on what type of bronchitis in children, treatment at home will be somewhat different.

Symptoms of the disease

Symptoms of an ail in babies are quite typical. This makes it possible to take action as soon as the bronchitis begins in children. Treatment at home, taken immediately, is able to protect the baby from prolonged discomfort.

The first bells, indicating the impending bronchitis:

  • Dry cough, tormenting the baby all the time. Significantly intensified at night. Over time, a damp cough appears.
  • Pain in the chest.
  • The temperature can rise to 38 ° C. The higher markings on the thermometer often do not cause the ailment.
  • Hard breath. May be accompanied by wheezing, whistling. Sometimes dyspnea appears.

Diagnosis of the disease

If the baby shows signs of developing bronchitis, be sure to seek help from a pediatrician. For the diagnosis of an ailment, the following tests can be assigned to a child:

  • Blood test (from the finger);
  • X-ray (allows to diagnose either bronchitis or pneumonia);
  • Sputum analysis, expectorated baby.

Very rarely an ailment leads to serious complications. In most cases, it is easily amenable to therapy. And often it does not require taking any serious measures.

Disease in the baby

Bronchitis in children under one year is usually a complication of a bacterial or viral infection that gets into the respiratory tract. But sometimes an ailment occurs for no apparent reason. It is possible to suspect the disease by the characteristic noise in the chest and wheezing. The cause of this symptomatology lies in the mucus that accumulates in the airways.

For the treatment of infants, pediatricians, as a rule, appoint:

  • Anti-inflammatory, mucolytic drug - "Bromgeksin";
  • Antipyretics (if necessary) - "Paracetamol";
  • Antibiotic (rarely) - "Cefuroxime".

The treatment started in time is characterized by a favorable prognosis. Very rarely, babies are experiencing any complications.

Features of treatment of younger children

Antibiotics are rarely prescribed. But if it concerns the smallest ones, that is, bacterial bronchitis is diagnosed in a child 2 years of age or younger , an antibiotic is mandatory. As a rule, drugs are administered orally or in the form of inhalations.

After the appointment with the parents, there is often a question about why the baby was not prescribed a cough medicine. Especially often it is asked if the bronchitis is diagnosed in a child 2 years of age and younger. Do not attempt to independently give him drugs that fight with a cough. Small children can cope well with the above symptom without medication.

It is worth remembering that before the age of 2 mucolytics can not be used. The weak muscles of the baby's chest can not "cough up" mucus. This leads to the opposite effect. Mucus settles in the lungs, resulting in stagnant phenomena.

Acute bronchitis

This kind of ailment is a manifestation of almost any catarrhal disease. More children with weakened immunity are subjected to it. It is these babies that are at high risk of getting sick. Sometimes you can observe frequent bronchitis in a child. This, as a rule, characterizes the mixed nature of the infection. Initially, the virus enters the body. Over time, a bacterial infection is connected to it.

Faced with an ailment, it is not necessary to fight it independently. Remember, treatment of acute bronchitis in children should be prescribed exclusively by a pediatrician! Otherwise, a whole "bouquet" of consequences is possible. You can not exclude the possibility that cough is a symptom of a completely different ailment.

Thus, the treatment of acute bronchitis in children requires an attentive and responsible attitude. The methods of struggle must be comprehensive. The pediatrician will necessarily recommend all the necessary measures. As a rule, treatment is complex.

Antiviral drugs

Treatment includes the impact on the source of the disease - its pathogen. In most cases, the doctor appoints the "Interferon". This is an excellent antiviral drug. It is recommended to instill the baby into the nasal passages every two hours.

If the pathogen was a bacterium, not a virus, then the antibiotic is included in the prescription. Select a wide range of drugs. The following antibiotics are recommended in pediatrics:

  • "Augmentin".
  • "Amoxiclav".
  • "Cefotaxime."
  • "Ceftriaxone."


These drugs are prescribed depending on the phase of the disease. The first is characterized by a coughing. The doctor appoints, as a rule:

  • "Sinecod".
  • "Stoptussin".

An excellent expectorant is:

  • Ambroxol.
  • "Pertusin".
  • "Lazolvan".
  • "Mukaltin."

Their action is aimed at diluting sputum, repairing the mucosa. Medicines contribute to the excretion of mucus.

There are pharmacological agents that can suppress cough. These drugs can only be purchased with the doctor's prescription. The need for the use of such medicines can be judged only by the pediatrician.


This procedure is recommended as an auxiliary therapy. It is allowed to do massage with bronchitis in children only after reaching the age of 6 months.

The baby should be put on the tummy. The head of a small patient should almost be lower than the chest and pelvis. You can achieve this by placing a pillow or a folded blanket under the baby's body.

To begin massage at a bronchitis at children follows from a gentle grinding an essential oil of a back. Carefully, with the pads of your fingers rattling the back of the baby and his offshoot. After such a procedure, the child needs to be seated and allowed to clear his throat. Massage is great for sputum production from the lungs.

Place the baby on one side at a time. Do all the above procedures. Repeat the actions should be on the other side. Massage should last from 10 to 15 minutes. Pediatricians are advised to exercise no more than two procedures per day.

In this case, you should know that at an elevated temperature and dry cough without sputum massage should not be done.

Diet and Regimen

These are also important factors. Their observance can contribute to the process of recovery. Therefore, they should not be neglected. Baby food should be useful and balanced. It should consist of easily digestible products.

The drinking regime is also important. Fluids to a sick child need 2 times more. You can offer the baby a cup of tea with raspberries, cranberry fruit drinks, dogrose drinks. Allergens are best excluded from the diet. Give up honey, chocolate, citrus.

Healing inhalations

The procedure is considered very effective. After all, there is a direct effect of the medicine on the bronchi. For inhalation of a child at home, it is good to use a nebulizer. But you should know that the device is suitable only for pharmaceuticals. You can use the device if you use mineral alkaline water.

If you plan to connect to cure bronchitis in a child, folk remedies, then inhalation is carried out over a saucepan. The baby is covered with a towel, and he inhales warm steam.

Remember, there is a limit to such an effective procedure - it's a fever! With her, you can not do inhalation.

So, if the choice has stopped on folk remedies, then several recipes will be useful to you (just do not forget to coordinate them with the pediatrician):

  • Add 7-8 drops of iodine to a liter of boiling water. In the solution, enter a spoonful of salt. To increase the effect of this inhalation, you can dilute the mixture with a small proportion of propolis.
  • An excellent result is the use of the so-called breast collection supplemented with eucalyptus leaflets. This procedure has a fairly high healing effect.
  • An excellent result will show inhalation, which uses twigs of sea-buckthorn, raspberries and mint (dry). All ingredients must be boiled in boiling water for 5 hours.

Doctor Komarovsky's advice

Recently, many parents began to listen with pleasure to the eminent physician. After all, he does not just recommend methods of fighting the disease. His advice allows you to cure diseases much quicker.

What recommendations does the miracle healer give if bronchitis is diagnosed in children? Komarovsky emphasizes that coughing is a symptom of a disease that a doctor should diagnose. And treat the disease should be together, listening to the doctor's recommendations.

Cough promotes the excretion of mucus from a child's body. Therefore it is important that the sputum does not dry out. After all, it affects the process of self-healing. For this, the baby needs fresh cool air and plenty of liquid.

Bronchitis in children Komarowski recommends treatment only in consultation with the treating pediatrician. To combat the main symptom - a cough - the doctor offers a list of effective and fairly harmless drugs:

  • "Mukaltin."
  • Potassium iodide.
  • Anthrax aniseed drops.
  • "Bromhexine".
  • "Lazolvan".
  • "Acetylcysteine."

The appointment of antibiotics for bronchitis is condemned by the doctor. He directly states that such a measure in most cases not only does not heal, but also leads to serious complications. Dr. Komarovsky outlines the main areas of the fight against the disease in children. Consider these:

  • The inclusion of antiviral drugs;
  • Consumption of large amounts of liquid;
  • Humidification of air in the room in which the diseased baby is;
  • Treatment of the nasal cavity.

The doctor singles out the use of massage procedures as a special item in his technique. Of course, at high temperatures this is taboo, this procedure is unacceptable! But in the stage when there is bronchitis without temperature in the child, massage can make it much easier and faster to get rid of mucus.

To the above method, you can add another amazing technique, recommended by the famous doctor.

Suggest that the baby take a deep breath. After this, the child will begin to cough. It is at this time that you need to squeeze the baby's chest with both hands.

Dr. Komarovsky believes that massage techniques for treating bronchitis are the most effective means to combat the disease.


The child's body is weakened by the onslaught of infections. And to mobilize forces to fight the disease is necessary in the shortest possible time. Therefore, it is important to help a small organism to overcome the infection. This greatly stimulates recovery. A sick child especially needs vitamins B1, B2, C, A. This measure is considered not only therapeutic. This is also a great preventive method of fighting infections. Therefore, it is not recommended to stop taking vitamins immediately after recovery.

Preventive measures

What factors can protect a child's body from a formidable disease? The most important thing is to protect the child from tobacco smoke. A kid should not be a passive smoker. This has a very negative effect on children's bronchi.

It is equally important to accustom the child to hardening. Never try to eat your child. Be equal to yourself. If the weather you wear a thin knitted hat, then the child should wear such, and not fur.

Be sure to carry out all the vaccinations that are prescribed by the district pediatrician.


Never do self-medication. Remember that only a pediatrician can diagnose bronchitis in children. Treatment at home will only benefit if it is agreed with the doctor. Let your child be healthy.

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