People can have a different eye color: some have black hair, some have brown hair, some have been rewarded with blue eyes, others with green eyes . But have you ever seen someone with naturally purple eyes? Probably not. Although such a color eye really exists. The reasons for its appearance include two components: one of them is related to the myth, the other - to reality.
The possibility of having purple eyes is associated with a disorder called "The origin of Alexandria." Despite the fact that the presence of such a disease is unknown in today's time, it is possible that it existed in the past. According to legend, several centuries ago in a small Egyptian village there was a mysterious light flash in the sky, to which all inhabitants were exposed. After that, they began to have children with pale skin and purple eyes. The first such child was a girl named Alexandria, born in England in 1329. At birth, her eyes were gray or blue, and then within six months they became purple. Subsequently, the inheritance of eye color was transmitted to her four daughters. Nevertheless, they were healthy and lived up to a hundred years. As you know, people who have purple eyes, are perfectly sighted. Although, perhaps, this is a natural condition that is not the result of a genetic defect or mutation.
The violet color of the eyes can be explained from a medical point of view. It's connected with Albinism is a genetic disorder caused by an altered gene that prevents the development of melanin. This condition leads to the absence of pigmentation of the skin, hair and eyes. Along with these symptoms, a person suffering from albinism can have purple eyes. In fact, the lack of melanin generates a red eye color, since all the vessels are visible through the iris. Sometimes blue eyes are more affected by blue collagen. However, in very rare cases, red and blue shades can combine to form a violet color. But there is one more explanation. People-albinos suffer from hypersensitivity to sunlight. The iris allows light to penetrate the eye, and this can contribute to the appearance of violet.
Speaking of such a genetic mutation, we can not fail to mention the famous actress Elizabeth Taylor. Her purple eyes, white skin and dark hair conquered millions of people around the world and brought her immense popularity. Although there is now much debate about whether Taylor's eyes were purple by nature. In favor of the naturalness of color is evidenced by the fact that at that time there were no contact lenses. Lens production began in 1983, and Elizabeth Taylor, with a purple eye color, appeared on the screen as Cleopatra back in 1963. Many, however, believe that her eyes were not purple, but gray-blue. After all, as is known, violet is one of the intermediate shades between blue and gray.
So, the basis for the presence of violet eyes is a genetic defect. The conditions of its origin are connected both with a legend, which, unfortunately, can not be checked, and with albinism, which most of us have a visual representation. Whatever it was, the possibility of having natural purple eyes is not ruled out, although this is a very rare condition.