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Magpie - a migrant bird or not? Magpie: description, way of life

Many people know magpie, and it's very difficult to confuse it with another bird. There are a lot of interesting things about her. From it you will become clear: forty - a migratory bird or not. Describes the appearance of magpies living in our land, lifestyle and much more. The theme of a bird inhabiting Europe has been slightly touched upon.

Magpie: description of the bird and its appearance

Our magpie, because of its interesting color, is called white-fleece. The tummy and some of the wings are white, and the bird itself is black. Something she is like a crow and a jackdaw. But she has a beautiful, long and even tail, which is also black.

Depending on how the light falls, the bird shimmers with blue, purple and greenish shades. But after the spring moult, they disappear. This is especially reflected in males. At the end of spring, this overflow is almost invisible. But after a while a new plumage appears, and the feathers begin to sparkle, as before.
Magpie ordinary has a size of almost half a meter. The wingspan reaches 90 centimeters. The tail of magpies is stepped and longer than the trunk itself. Males are much larger than females, although they do not even differ in color and appearance.

The birdie can not be confused with any other. In addition to the beautiful and interesting color, she has a peculiar voice. In it special sounds are heard: "cha-cha-cha". If the magpie is more than alarmed, then these sounds are pronounced very quickly and often. But when everything is quiet, you hear a slow chirping. Complex trills of females and males are audible during courtship. They are like singing, sometimes interrupted by screams.

Relations between the female and the male

Magpies are different from many other birds by their relationships. This is especially noticeable in the period of courtship. Magpie ordinary - a monogamous nature. Accordingly, these birds form monogamous families. But almost a third of these families are disintegrating. And the reason for the "divorce" is the mercantile nature of forty. Another very important reason for the "dissolution" of relations is their living space. In general, everything is like people's.

Lifestyle 40

Magpie is a bird, careful, it is afraid of dense forest, so it chooses safe areas for nesting. She likes to settle near people's houses. She also chose small plantations, copses, parks, gardens, dense alleys. Birds desperately protect their tree with a nest from relatives. This is because they have a lot of competition for a good living space. Usually, the couple chooses trees with dense crowns for nesting. This provides them with protection and security. But if for some reason to occupy such a tree it was not possible, then it is fraught with the disintegration of the family. So we have to keep our territory vigilant.
As a person, prestigious apartments do not get much. Those who did not manage to occupy the thick undergrowth of trees, huddle for a while on the outskirts. Sometimes they nest on single trees, which does not ensure the magpies and their offspring of proper security.

If the successful replacement of this housing is not in the near future, then such a "marriage", even the strongest one, is doomed to failure. It also happens that in a family that occupies a decent living space, one of the sorcerer's spouses is killed. Then the losers hastily, without any hesitation, occupy a decent apartment. They expel a "widow" or "widower" from their nest. They do not even bother with the presence of chicks. They just throw out other people's nests, and in their place build new ones.

Magpie is a bird that builds interesting and complex nests. The basis is made of thick branches, and the outer part is coated with clay with the addition of grass. Inside, the bottom is covered with thin twigs. Of the same constituents magpie makes a kind of roof over his nest. It basically serves to camouflage from the attack of a predatory beast on housing. Thus, birds try to protect themselves and their families. But this roof does not provide protection from rain and snow. Here such a complex house makes for itself a magpie. What kind of bird can make such intricate nests? Only a few.

In appearance, the nest of the magpie resembles a kind of a ball. On the side, the bird makes a hole. It serves as an entrance to the "apartment". One nest in the tree is not complete, next to the pair is building one more. After the construction of the second dwelling, the magpie settles in the best of them. And what did not like it, and idle empty all my life. But the other couple is not allowed to settle in it. However, other large birds, such as owls, are settled there quite calmly.

Magpie is a bird with a rather vile character. She quietly leaves for another partner with a good living space, thereby betraying her soul mate. Scientists have recorded that the offspring of such individuals is considered to be more viable and numerous than those of forty faithful to each other.

A little about the European magpie

In addition to the usual, there is a so-called European magpie. Externally, it is identical to ours. That's just her habitat is different. The European magpie lives in all Europe - from Greece to Scandinavia. She also chose North Africa. It occurs exclusively in coastal areas of Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria. A small population of forty can be found in Kamchatka. But in the north-west of the island of Kyushu, the population of these birds is listed in the Red Book. There they are a monument of nature.


There are no special preferences in the diet of forty. They are absolutely omnivorous birds. They feed on both small mammals and insects. Magpie is a bird that is prone to eating other people's chicks and eggs. It happens that she steals bones in dogs and cats. Often birds update fields and vegetable gardens and thus spoil the harvest. They also feed on small rodents. Due to its powerful beak, the magpie rips the victim to pieces, holding the carcass with one paw. Also, the beak helps it to easily pierce the eggs. She will never remain hungry due to her cleverness and skill.

A sedentary lifestyle

Many people have a natural question: is the forty a migratory bird or not? Due to the fact that she never leaves herself hungry, she does not need to fly to other parts. It feeds on everyone. And physically the bird is prepared by nature so as to withstand even fierce frost. She leads a sedentary lifestyle. An exception is the magpie, which lives in the expanses of Scandinavia. Only she is looking for more favorable conditions for wintering.


Magpie is a highly intelligent bird. She knows how to express her sadness. Magpie is the only bird that can recognize itself in the mirror. There have been cases where, in captivity, she even began to speak words that are understandable to a person. This bird has an interesting character trait: it attracts everything that glitters. She finds her find, and then hides it. Also, the bird attracts attention with its family relations. The quarrels of two forty resemble human ones. They have family problems, like ours.

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