Relations, Marriage
Proverbs From Grandma. Parable 1: Why Do Our Relations With Time Become Worse? Parable 2: I do so much for him, but he does not value. What Does He Need?
Parable is the first.
Granddaughter: - Grandmother, tell me, why do our relations, such good at first, become worse and worse with time? After all, we love each other.
Grandma: - Granddaughter, tell me, if you do not clean up at home, then what will happen?
Granddaughter: - The dirt will accumulate, everything will lie around anywhere ...
Grandma: - And if you do not clean trash on the street?
Granddaughter: - Drog all will be in the garbage, mud and with time it will be difficult to pass.
Grandmother: - That's how we copy the dirt inside. Our relationship with another person is a round trip. And for some reason, we often do not even think that this road must be cleaned and cleaned. We copy offenses, anger, guilt, irritation and other negative feelings and so litter this road that it can no longer get through love, joy, or anything. Remember, granddaughter, for the dear relationship, too, must be watched, courted, cleaned and cleaned up.
And how cluttered is your road of relationship? What obstructions from grievances, anger, irritation, accusations have accumulated on it? Take care of its clearance, clean it. Get rid of resentment and anger. I know that this is not easy. But if you want, everything can be done. There are many techniques for releasing grievances and forgiveness. And make order on the road of relations not only with your loved one, but also with your parents, with your children and other people close to you.
Parable two: I do so much for him, but he does not appreciate me. What does he want?
Granddaughter: - Grandmother, we began to meet with a guy and I so want to please him, I try to foresee all his desires, adjust to him, do as he likes, so that he was with me well and comfortably. But he, for some reason, more and more away from me. Why? What does he want?
Grandma: - Granddaughter, tell me, when you look at birds or some animals, who of them lures whom? To whom did nature give more colors, a fluffy tail, brighter feathers? Samochkam or males?
Granddaughter: - Males are brighter.
Grandma: - You're right. Look, like a dove, flapping its tail and sticking out its chest, walks in front of the dove, or like a peacock flaunts its tail in front of the pava. So who is to whom to "lure" and who "chooses"? The males show the females, what they are handsome, that they are the best.
Women, especially in the first stage of relationships, often believe that if they "stretch out", "bend" under a man, then such tactics will allow them to interest and hold a man, he will get stuck in that sticky swamp of super care and care, like a fly in jam , And nowhere will not want to fly away.
And there lies a very big mistake in them. The fact is that you do not give a man at the very beginning to show his masculine nature, to realize himself as a man, to have the opportunity as a peacock to dissolve his fluffy tail and show off before you. And why should he do it, if you have already done everything yourself, decided that he was well and what he needed.
Then you want a man to give you gifts, give signs of attention, do not take everything for granted. Think about it, and why should he do this, if you immediately deprived him of the need to give you these signs of attention and all rushed to do it yourself. You cut off all the opportunities and desire to prove yourself as a man, you took away from him the most important thing, what is inherent in him by nature.
And yet, what gets us very easily, as a rule, is little appreciated. Unfortunately, this rule has not been canceled. And if in the "conquest" of you, your attention and love, a man does not put any effort at all, then he will appreciate you as little, despite all your pleasures.
This error is very dangerous especially at the beginning of the relationship and can simply cross out all your efforts, kill all your hopes. And this mistake women make with an enviable regularity and the chances to push the man away from themselves are close to 100%.
Attention! I'm not saying that you do not have to take care of a man. It is necessary, of course, but everything should be in moderation and, first of all, taking into account their own interests, their own desires. Give the man the opportunity to manifest his masculine nature, inherent in them by nature.
You can say that your chosen one does not have such an essence. Then think about it, but why did you choose such a man for yourself? And who "crushed" this essence in it?
Do not forget to love and appreciate yourself, dear women. Then men will appreciate you.
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