Health, Preparations
Provencal herbs. Therapeutic properties of the seasonings
It is worth saying the phrase "Provencal herbs" - and the imagination draws rich plantations of the south-eastern French region called Provence, filled with the aromas of thyme, rosemary, sage, basil, thyme, peppermint, marjoram and oregano. This mixture of herbs is popular all over the world not only due to the exquisite aroma and unsurpassed taste combination, which gives a unique taste to any dish, but also due to the medicinal properties of plants.
Provencal herbs, the composition of which is rich and diverse, have a positive effect on digestion processes, contain a large amount of tannins and unique essential oils. Organic acids, resins, enzymes, vitamins and minerals - that's what is contained in these condiments. The positive properties of the mixture of Provencal herbs can be listed for a long time, we will consider what useful plants are included in its composition and how they affect the human body.
For example, rosemary strengthens the cardiovascular system, improves cerebral circulation, memory and vision. It perfectly tones and soothes pain.
Basil contains vitamins C, PP and B2, increases immunity, it is often used for colds and various types of respiratory diseases. Few people know that basil is considered a real thunderstorm for bacteria that cause tooth decay and plaque.
The oregano , which enters Provencal herbs, strengthens the intestine and has a choleretic effect, so it is good to drink it for those who have problems with the gastrointestinal system.
Tea from oregano has a calming effect. This fragrant herb is useful in the fight against colds and for the prevention of atherosclerosis.
Such Provencal herbs, as peppermint and marjoram, are truly considered to be a source of health, a youth of beauty. They are recommended to eat for people suffering from headache, insomnia, stomach disorders. Remarkably, these medicinal herbs cope with infectious diseases of the respiratory system.
Thyme, rich in fiber and minerals, is better than any tonic drink that will restore energy, positively affecting the emotional background of a person. This plant has a truly diverse purpose. It is used as an antihelminthic, expectorant, anticonvulsant. And in cosmetology with his help perfectly strengthen the hair.
The savory garden and sage are those useful herbs that will be indispensable for bloating and increased gas production. They will quickly eliminate intestinal colic, and in general will prove useful in the treatment and prevention of many diseases of the stomach and intestines.
Sage is especially appreciated by women for the fact that it contains female phytohormones, so that those who regularly eat it, frigidity is not frightening. It has rejuvenating properties, keeps the mind and memory clear, reduces the secretion of sweat, helps with increased pressure, with psoriasis. In addition, sage - a wonderful antiseptic, so that it will be useful to everyone, kt dreams of removing the fungus from the skin.
Provencal herbs are a mixture that is indispensable for people adhering to a salt-free diet, as the bright taste qualities of the plants included in its composition will help to compensate for the lack of salt in dishes. And if you want, you can get a wonderful useful and fragrant oil, if you insist on a mixture of these miracle plants.
Provencal herbs are a generous gift of nature. However, this world-famous seasoning, which has medicinal properties, there are contraindications. First of all, they include the period of pregnancy and the time when the mother is breastfeeding, as some of the herbs can affect the taste of milk, making it bitter and unappetizing. Basil, which is part of a mixture of Provencal herbs, is contraindicated in hypertension and thrombophlebitis, mint - with hypotension, rosemary should not flavor dishes to those with a tendency to convulsions.
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