HealthDiseases and Conditions

Prevention of psoriasis at home

Statistics show that people who suffer from psoriasis have a significantly worse quality of life. This disease can be compared with other serious ailments of important organs. Given the clinical picture, the stage, we can say that patients experience not only physical suffering, but also psychological. In such people, social and professional adaptation is very difficult. Therefore, it is very important today to prevent psoriasis in our society. About this and talk.

About the disease

The disease in question is also called scaly lichen. The disease is provoked by chronic inflammation of the skin, accompanied by formations in the form of rashes. In this case, they are constantly flaky. Statistics show that the ailment is one of the most common skin diseases. Approximately 4% of the world's population faced a problem called psoriasis. Diet, treatment, prevention of relapse is becoming an integral part of the lives of many men, women and children.

Manifest disease can both in infancy and in old age. However, most patients were confronted with it in middle age (20-42 years). It can also be argued that the most severe forms of leakage affect patients who have been diagnosed with a disease in childhood or adolescence. They have to fight with frequent relapses.

Causes of the disease

Despite the achievements in the field of medicine, today there are still gaps in research. For example, about the causes of psoriasis, physicians still do not have clear information.

The ailment can manifest at any time, it can be long and debilitating to treat, but still it will remain for life. And there were situations when the disease passed by itself, leaving no traces.

Numerous studies have allowed only a number of regularities. And the most important conclusion was the understanding that in many ways the course of the disease and the frequency of relapses depends on the state of the organism and the lifestyle of the patient.

How does the disease manifest itself?

This ailment is caused by the rapid dying off of the upper layers of the skin. If a healthy person has this cycle stretched for a month, then the patient has psoriasis in 5 days. The disease manifests itself in limited areas of the body, with a winter and summer form of the disease. Most often suffer:

  • The area of hair growth on the head.
  • Knee and elbow joints on the folds
  • The area of the sacrum.

The onset of the disease is characterized as acute inflammation. Appear red or pink papules that are covered with light scales. Defeats have clearly defined edges. Scales can be easily removed. After that the affected area increases, the papules merge, forming plaques.

The impact of sunlight leads to a weakening of the manifestation of the disease. Sometimes plaques can even completely disappear. But in a colder period, psoriasis again appears. Diet, treatment, prevention allows patients to improve their condition and increase the duration of remissions.

Risk factors

Studies have made it possible to identify certain situations that are capable of provoking the manifestation of the disease in question.

  1. Injuries of skin.
  2. Frostbite of tissues.
  3. Changes in hormones during pregnancy or lactation.
  4. Periods of adolescence and menopause.
  5. The disease can develop against a background of severe allergic reactions to chocolate or citrus fruits.
  6. Alcohol abuse and overdose of antibiotics.
  7. Sun burns or prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays without protection.
  8. Uncontrolled long-term use of medications (from antibiotics to vitamins).
  9. Change of climatic conditions (more humid climate, scorching sun).

The stages of the disease

This disease has three stages, which are characterized by their signs and characteristics. The disease manifests itself in a progressive, stable and regressive form. Treatment and prevention of psoriasis, nursing care largely depends on the stage.

A feature of the progressive condition is the appearance on the tissues of healthy skin peeling (scaly form). They are able to increase rapidly enough in size, covering the new area. Scales are colored red. This stage causes the appearance of itching and painful sensations.

The characteristic of a stable form lies in the measured course of the course of the disease. Scales gradually increase in size, merging into plaques. Strong pain sensations the patient does not feel during this period.

The peculiarity of the regressing stage is the fact that papules are capable of disappearing on their own.

Giving help

Treatment and prevention of psoriasis will depend on many factors. The choice of the technique is influenced by the form, stage, features of the course of the disease and the general condition of the patient.

Modern methods of treatment can successfully combat even the most chronic forms of the disease. The choice of the method of helping a sick person depends on the location of the lesion.

In many cases, physicians seek to reduce the size of the outbreak by their actions. A comprehensive approach to treatment helps avoid complications.

Treatment and prevention of psoriasis, nursing care allows you to achieve positive results. As a rule, the scheme includes a visit to the physiotherapy room. Experts prescribe medications that have a local effect. The use of externally various creams, ointments, decoctions enhances the effect.

Treatment with medicines consists in the use of corticosteroids. Also the patient is prescribed psychotropic and hormonal therapy. Prevention of psoriasis involves the use of alternative ways to stabilize the patient's condition.

Good results are achieved as a result of hydrotherapy treatment in specialized institutions (sanatoriums, boarding houses). In the same place, the patient receives additional procedures in the form of massage, sulfur baths, use of drugs on the phyto-base.

Prevention of exacerbations of psoriasis

Observance of certain rules and recommendations allows to make treatment of the considered ailment more effective. Also, these factors can affect the timing of recovery.

It is necessary to try to avoid negative factors of influence, considering the seasonality of the disease. The summer form of the ailment involves limiting the patient's stay under the sun's rays. Affected areas experts recommend carefully hide clothing. The winter form of the course of the disease involves the prevention of hypothermia. Especially it is necessary to monitor the condition of the limbs. They must be warm.

Prophylaxis and rehabilitation of rheumatoid psoriasis involves changes in the diet. It is necessary to exclude the use of all easily assimilated fats and carbohydrates. Experts categorically forbid eating spicy and salty foods too often. Also, doctors warn that patients should completely eliminate alcohol and coffee from their diet. This will prevent the transformation of the disease into a chronic form.

Patients have to carefully observe the rules for caring for the affected and healthy skin. Taking too hot baths, rubbing with a hard washcloth or hands is strictly prohibited. Even if there is burning or itching. Eliminate these symptoms by treating them with special ointments, creams, lotions.

Prevention of psoriasis involves the refusal to wear too tight clothing made of synthetic materials. Specialists recommend choosing models of free cut, sewn from natural fabrics.

A patient suffering from the ailment in question should not engage in self-medication. Do not take any medications without consulting a doctor. They are capable of provoking an exacerbation of the disease.

Is it possible to treat psoriasis with folk methods?

Physicians say that the disease is considered incurable today. Prophylaxis of psoriasis in the home, of course, is possible. However, the specialist should give his recommendations. Traditional medicine is often combined with the use of various folk recipes in treatment.

It is worth noting that sometimes it is necessary to try several techniques on yourself before it becomes possible to determine what is good in a particular case. At the same time, experts advise each course to finish.

Prevention of psoriasis folk remedies involves the use of several types of drugs. For example, the patient will internally be treated with infusion, and externally use an ointment.

To achieve a rapid positive effect at the time of use of medicines, experts recommend a strict diet. You can also add the use of immunomodulating drugs: tinctures of ginseng, eleutherococcus, golden root.

In the end, it remains to add that getting rid of bad habits is a prerequisite for prevention and treatment to be effective.


1. Tincture for cleansing the body. For its preparation, one tablespoon of flax seeds should be brewed with a glass of boiled water. It is convenient to insist this remedy in a thermos bottle. Leave it in it for the night. And in the morning, on an empty stomach, you need to drink prepared infusion.

Before sleeping take activated charcoal in the amount of two tablets. Using this method of cleansing the body, in a few weeks the patient can see the result. The withdrawal of toxins will help to cleanse and skin from rashes.

2. Treatment with tar. Prophylaxis of psoriasis involves the use of external means. Let's consider one more method of traditional medicine. To lubricate the plaques, you need to buy birch tar at the pharmacy. An hour after application, it must be washed off. Further tincture of celandine treat all affected areas. After drying, it is not flushed from the body.

Applying such treatment throughout the crescent, many patients achieved a good effect. The illness did not bother them for several years. The only drawback of this method of treatment is the unpleasant sharp smell of tar.

Disease in children

Features of the course and prevention of psoriasis in children has some differences. They are expressed in the initial signs of manifestation of the disease. Especially the symptoms of psoriasis in infants are different.

Often in the folds are formed redness with a slight degree of detachment of the stratum corneum. To some extent, the ailment has a similarity with diaper rash, candidiasis.

Foci are localized completely elsewhere than in adult patients. These can be zones of genital organs, face, skin folds. Therefore, the prevention of psoriasis of the scalp and other areas should be familiar to every parent. An integrated approach is important in this issue.

It should be noted that all procedures must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. Only he is able to correctly diagnose the form and stage, determine the course of treatment. It often includes recipes and traditional medicine. However, when assigning this or that remedy, the specialist understands with which preparation it can be combined.

Separately about lesions of nail plates

As we have already said, it is impossible to get rid of the disease. Appearing once, it manifests itself again. Such remissions can significantly worsen the quality of human life. And it only remains for him to direct all his forces to reduce the frequency of manifestations of relapses and to prevent transformation into a heavier form.

  • Prevention of psoriasis of nails is an integrated approach. Strict adherence to the diet, which excludes the use of alcohol. Also, you can not abuse fried, fatty, sweet foods. Smoked meat, sharp and salty dishes are recommended by medical professionals to be excluded from the diet.
  • Organization of sanatorium and resort treatment on the sea coast.
  • Maintaining the immune system by taking vitamin and mineral complexes.
  • Specialists pay attention of patients to the importance of timely elimination of all infectious processes in the body.
  • It is necessary to prevent hypothermia of the extremities and protect them from minor injuries.

The considered prevention of psoriasis (photo, affected nails below) will reduce the frequency of manifestations of relapses.

Therapy for the defeat of nail plates

This process can not be called simple. Examining the picture of the disease, degree, severity, frequency of manifestations, individual characteristics of each patient, the doctor creates a treatment plan. Often it can not pick up the first time.

  • If the disease occurs in the primary stage, then therapy can begin with drugs for topical use. Pharmaceutical companies produce many ointments, creams with corticosteroids. Such drugs are called the basis of treatment. They can be used to relieve mild to moderate severity of manifestations of the disease.
  • To eliminate the symptoms of psoriasis, the following drugs can be prescribed: "Triacort"; "Trimicinolone"; "Prednisolone ointment."
  • For external use, experts recommend daily use of the drug, which includes vitamin D 3 ("Maskakaltsinol", "Daivoneks", "Calcitriene", etc.). The use of coal tar or tar can replace the use of the above means. Only its action is much weaker, preparations with vitamin D 3 .
  • What will the doctor prescribe from dermatotropic drugs? It can be preparations "Antralin", "Ditralol", "Mikanol". These drugs cause a slowdown in the multiplication of cells that damage the tissue. Thus, a stable remission can be achieved.
  • If the form of the disease of the nails is not severe, then a good result is provided by external retinoid treatment, for example, "Tazarotenom", "Tazorakom".
  • The use of salicylic acid will reduce itching, contributes to the removal of plaque and upper stratum corneum from the nail plate.

After the doctor uses all the options of local treatment, and if it turns out to be ineffective, a plan for systemic therapy is being developed. In any case, it is necessary to understand that the process of recovery is a difficult, thorny path.

Instead of concluding

In the end, it remains to pay attention to the fact that the disease is most often caused by various changes and malfunctions in the work of internal organs. This moment requires a competent diagnosis of the problem. Correct treatment can be prescribed only by an experienced specialist.

And even if all the conditions are met, the result of the therapy can be unpredictable. It is also necessary to understand that the information in the article is for informational purposes only. After all, independent uncontrolled treatment more often leads to a worsening of the patient's condition.

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