HealthDiseases and Conditions

Benign positional dizziness (RVPG)

Each of us throughout his life at least once, but was dizzy. It can occur for a variety of reasons, it can be from ordinary fatigue or during pregnancy, for example.

Varieties of this pathology can be many, as well as the causes of this condition. One of them is benign positional dizziness. Many have not even heard of this diagnosis, but this does not protect them from the onset of such a pathology. Let's analyze what kind of illness it is, whether it is so terrible and whether it is possible to cope with it.

Nature of the disease

Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (DPPG) is one of the types of this pathology that can be observed when the position of the trunk or head changes in space. It is believed that the cause is irritation of the otoliths of the ear located in its interior on the eve of the auditory canal. There are some external influences that provoke rejection of the otoliths from the walls, they begin to move freely, touch the receptors and cause severe dizziness. This leads to disorientation in space, this condition requires medical attention.

The word "benign" in the name of the disease suggests that this pathology does not refer to serious disorders of the nervous system.

What are the causes of the disease?

According to doctors, the accumulation of calcium salts in the inner ear can lead to the development of this pathology. The statoliths split off from the otolith membrane and move freely during the movement of the body or head, thereby provoking dizziness.

Quite often there are cases when this pathology begins to manifest with cervical osteochondrosis. But in most cases, if there is a benign positional dizziness, it is difficult to establish the reasons . Specialists in this category include the following factors:

  1. Head injuries.
  2. Surgical operations performed not very well.
  3. Meniere's disease.
  4. Some antibiotics may cause dizziness, for example "Gentamicin".
  5. The presence of an inflammatory process in the ear canals.
  6. Frequent migraines, which are triggered by spasm of blood vessels passing through the labyrinth.
  7. In some, even a prolonged motion of the head may cause dizziness.
  8. Age changes can also be attributed to reasons.

Most often, benign positional vertigo is recorded in women over 50 years of age. At children and at a young age a pathology practically does not meet.

Symptomatic of the disease

The pathology can manifest in different ways, but most often benign positional vertigo symptoms are as follows:

  1. Often the attack begins its development at a certain position of the body or head.
  2. This happens when the neck is bent or the head turns.
  3. The duration of the state does not exceed 30 seconds.
  4. Patients, as a rule, with high accuracy can say, from which side they have an attack.
  5. Often dizziness is accompanied by nausea.
  6. Attacks can be either single or repeated several times a day.
  7. Without provocative movements, dizziness does not appear.

It should be noted that with this pathology there is no headache, pain in the ears or hearing impairment.

Types of the disease

Given that the pathological process can develop in any ear, then there is a distinction between right-sided and left-sided dizziness. The mechanism of the disease may also differ, so the following types are distinguished:

  • Kupulolithiasis. With this form, the otoliths permanently irritate the ear receptors and are more fixed to one channel wall.
  • Kanalolithiasis - the otoliths move freely and, with unsuccessful movement of the head, provoke an attack.

If benign positional vertigo is diagnosed, the treatment will depend on the form of the disease and the degree of its manifestation.

Diagnosis of pathology

If you are constantly worried about strange dizziness that you are not able to explain for any reason, then it's worth visiting a specialist. The doctor will ask about all the symptoms, when all the manifestations began.

On the part of the patient it is required to clarify what provokes seizures and how long they last. The doctor will conduct an examination, which includes various diagnostic methods:

  • Dix-Hallpike test. The patient is offered to change the position of the head and trunk, and the doctor watches his reaction.
  • With some doubts, an MRI is performed.
  • Computer tomography of the cervical department.

The doctor can send for consultation to the otolaryngologist, neurologist and vestibulologist.

Principles of therapy

If there is benign paroxysmal positional dizziness, treatment may not be required in every case. It often happens that seizures by themselves leave the person and do not bother him anymore. But this is also unreasonable to hope, since they can return with even greater force and repetition rate.

In such a situation, therapy can not be avoided, it is necessary to visit a doctor. Specialists in the treatment use several directions, such as:

  1. Non-drug treatment.
  2. Drug therapy.
  3. Surgical intervention.

In each case, this question is decided individually.

Methods of treatment without drugs

You can try to cope with the pathology and without medication. There is a good reception by Epley, which consists in changing the position of the head in a certain sequence. Otoliths emerge from the semicircular canal in its vestibule. If there are no improvements, then deterioration of the condition also does not threaten after such exercises.

Good results are obtained if there is benign paroxysmal positional dizziness, vestibular gymnastics. The most famous is the Brandt-Daroff method, that's what it consists of:

  1. In the morning immediately after awakening, sit on the bed with your back straight.
  2. Then lie on any side, and head slightly up.
  3. In this position, stay for 45 seconds or until dizziness occurs, if it has occurred.
  4. Then repeat on the other side.
  5. Exercise is enough to perform 5 times in each direction.
  6. If dizziness is observed during execution, then all exercises should be done in the evening.

There are in the stock of doctors the method of Demont and the maneuver of Lempert, but it is better to use them under the supervision of a doctor. Exercises are performed at a fairly high speed. Therefore, dizziness is often accompanied by nausea. The specialist monitors the patient's condition and regulates the load.

Here is the technique of Semont:

  1. The patient should sit down and lower his legs down.
  2. Turn the head 45 degrees to a healthy side.
  3. Grab your arms and in this position lie down.
  4. Keep the position until the complete cessation of the dizziness.
  5. The same is done on the other side.
  6. If necessary, all actions are repeated.

Lempert's maneuver:

  • The patient sits along the couch and turns his head 45 degrees to the sore side.
  • The doctor holds the person's head all the way through the exercises.

  • The patient lies on his back and turns his head in the opposite direction.
  • Then turn in a healthy direction.
  • It is necessary to turn and the body, from the prone position.
  • Head down.
  • All changes in the position of the body are accompanied by turns of the head.

As a rule, such exercises give good results, and most patients do not even need further medication if benign paroxysmal positional vertigo is mild.

Drug therapy of the disease

Most doctors believe that the use of drugs in this pathology does not give good results and does not completely eliminate dizziness. But sometimes for the improvement of the patient's condition, experts still prescribe medicines.

If a "benign paroxysmal positional dizziness" is diagnosed, treatment with medications can give the following effect:

  • Nausea decreases.
  • Improves the emotional state.
  • Blood circulation in the brain improves.

If the seizures are repeated often and with great intensity, the patient is recommended to bed rest for a while.

Surgical intervention

In the most severe cases, when medication and vestibular gymnastics do not help, benign positional vertigo should be eliminated by surgical methods. There are two methods of conducting the operation:

  1. Blocking with wax to prevent fluid from moving.
  2. The nerve is cut off from the inner ear.

Surgical intervention, though not harmful to the hearing, but often gives complications. Currently, laser therapy methods are being developed and tested.

Now benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, the causes of which can be any, can not be cured by specific medications. Therapy is prescribed individually in each case.

Prevention of pathology

There are few diseases that would not have specific preventive measures. But benign positional dizziness just so is true. How to protect yourself from this pathology is not known, but you can give patients some recommendations:

  • Do not allow injuries to the head, with the slightest suspicion of this, it is urgent to visit a doctor.
  • Protect your ears and avoid injuries.
  • Training of the vestibular apparatus will also come in handy.

  • Timely pass treatment for all chronic pathologies. This will help reduce the risk of developing dizziness or its relapse.

Any deviations from overall health should not go unnoticed. Timely contact with a doctor will help avoid complications. As it turned out, even the usual dizziness can be associated with serious problems.

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