
Police for the Police! New Form of Clothing.

The appearance of a uniform (uniform clothing) is rooted in very distant historical events, when every man was a warrior. Back in those old days on the battlefields, there was such a need for soldiers to distinguish their comrades-in-arms from enemy troops. Even then, warriors, going to war, tried to wear clothes of the same color, or they used some element of clothing that would sing them out from afar.

Over time, a special form of clothing for military personnel, fundamentally different from civilian. Although it corresponded to the style of the modern era, but individual elements often passed from era to era, but, disappearing for a time, reappeared in a modified form.

Russian empire

Thus, during the reign of the Russian Empire, during the reign of Peter the First, a military uniform appeared, sewn like a Swedish one. It was quite simple to handle and convenient, but not very different for infantry and cavalry. During the reign of Paul 1 , a military reform was carried out, which led to the emergence of a new form based on the models of the Prussian army. Thanks to German pedantry, the uniform of the imperial army acquired noble features and emphasized the neatness of the officers.

There was something graceful about this, but some of the garments were extremely inconvenient for the officers. For example, very tight pants, which were rubbed during hikes and patent leather shoes, which was completely unsuitable for infantry.

Thus, achieving one effect (beauty and neatness), the practical side of uniforms suffered significantly.

Red Army

After the famous historical upheavals, the revolution of 1917 , when the Red Guard Workers 'and Peasants' Units appeared, the uniform completely lost any single idea. The newly formed groups of revolutionary-minded people were completely disjointed, they were united only by one: a bandage of red cloth on the shoulder with the inscription "red guard".

Gradually, the Red Army was dressed in Soviet uniforms, which existed with minor changes and additions until the collapse of the USSR.

At the present time, there is a law in the Russian Federation that specifies a uniform military uniform and rules for wearing and changing this form. Up to this year, the form of clothes was very different from the Soviet one, it was simpler and much more convenient. For officers, a single olive color was established , and for the navy , black was traditionally used. The lines indicated which rank and which army the officer belongs to.

The modern form

However, the decree of the Russian president on March 1, 2011 again revives the old imperial traditions. On the streets of Moscow, the police will again patrol. The change to all of us familiar militia uniforms to the police will be introduced gradually. Due to this the population, and even the officers themselves, will be able to get accustomed to the newly acquired historical name.

The uniform of the police at this time is being developed by Russian couturiers Valentin Yudashkin and Igor Chapurin, as well as by the Central Scientific Research Institute of the Garment Industry.

In March 2011, some variants of the new police uniform were presented at the show of model houses under the guidance of the above-mentioned fashion designers. It has a fairly large similarity with its historical predecessors, for example, the astrakhan hat, which was widespread in imperial times.

The new form will be more light and functional, thanks to the latest modern materials. However, according to the creators, this will require quite a lot of material costs. And they evaluate the new beautiful police uniform at 25 billion rubles.

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