Spiritual developmentAstrology

Man And Space

The cosmos is a harmonious, harmonious and complex system to penetrate into its depths and learn everything in detail about the cosmos above our forces. However, we have some information about the solar system. They give us the right to guess with the help of logic, and even make sure that we are in a strong connection with the Cosmos. The planet Earth is also in the solar system, it can be observed from it that there are 12 constellations through which the known planets act according to their programs . The first book contains detailed information about the signs of the Zodiac and the planets, and here we want to know ourselves as a small part of a huge mechanism that plays a very important role in the activities of this mechanism, and therefore in matters related to our health.

If it was not so, the mechanism would have left us without attention, and would not have followed our every step, would not have subjected to various tests - directing us to achieve a degree of intelligence in which we could work on our further development ourselves.

We know that in every work there is a soul, so it is also subject to testing in order to become solid and unshakable in our thoughts, feelings and actions. For the test there is also gold, money, pleasures that can turn a person off his true path and throw him into the embrace of delusion. It is for this purpose that a test is needed, and man does not know what lies under the test.

We will also know that the order to the heart to be silenced comes from ignorance, as a person becomes coarse, and from this numerous illnesses arise, which also harm relatives, turning into hereditary diseases. A person does not have the right to commit suicide, nor does he have the right to kill, to interrupt pregnancy, as this results in irregularities in the work of this enormous mechanism. A person has no right to torture neither himself nor others.

And when life puts us to the test, then this need not be feared, but we need only come to our senses and guess what is required of us, for our own good.

It is necessary to find out what to do, or where we made a mistake. It is necessary to find and correct the error, if possible: we should not grumble at the trials, but be grateful that they are.

It is difficult to eliminate ignorance, along with which tests will also disappear. In such cases, people often point to some people who, being ignorant, have nevertheless achieved success, but let's remember that luck is not a lot of gold or money by which a person can solve many earthly issues, then leave everything on earth And retire, these are not temporary pleasures, after which they not only forget, but also accumulate stones on the path of man.
Einstein proclaimed that mankind needs a deep study of the drogocene forces of nature. It is necessary to follow this appeal, since the need for this is very great.
In the cosmos there are life-giving rules, and on Earth people recklessly try to ruin this life.

Man during his development has passed very complex and difficult, full of trials, numerous lives. He can already understand who he is and why he lives on Earth. The earth for man is a kind of school that leads him to a new, more advanced stage of development. On Earth, we repeat life many times and each time we get the opportunity to improve, strengthen, become more reasonable, if, of course, we consciously, desire internally and wholeheartedly wish to develop, and not reassure ourselves that we are standing still.

If we survived the development and complete our earthly life, then we move to higher planets: with more favorable conditions for development, for the improvement of our life, for our thinking and imagination. And if on the Earth we lived the reverse development, then we descend to the lower planets, where the conditions for development are heavier and more likely that the reverse development will continue and bring the person to complete destruction.

Without delving into the complex and more inaccessible spheres of the Cosmos, we first find out how the path of our development passes, whether it sustains logical analysis and criticism or not? I'll tell you about how through my research and the experience of many years my beliefs were created.

We already know the properties of the 12 signs of the Zodiac and the 10 planets, and also the connection that exists between them and us. We also know that there are numerous energies: electromagnetic, thermal, light and so on, with information carrying their programs.

However, apart from all this, there are also information-producing and energy-carrying fields that carry it. The Earth captures information from the entire cosmos, from planets and stars. Information fields are everywhere, even the experiences and thoughts inside us are the result of the activity of these information fields. The low level of our development is the reason that we do not perceive them. The information pope is a living entity, not a fictional phenomenon, it is in continuous motion, it is a constantly acting, vibrating energy. The nature of the information bearing field is such that it flows to the energy, and the energy flows to the information field, and it is from this that the energy movement arises. This movement is everywhere in our life, and to the question: "What is the consequence of it?" We are trying to give an imaginary explanation.

Let us recall the well-known idea that "in the beginning there was a word". This means that there was also a thought, since the word is one of the ways of expressing thought, and then everything else was created. For example, if there was no thought of a glass, it would not have been provided for, designed, in the end it would not have been created. So, really, at first there was an idea, a plan, a project, a program, which later were transformed and became a matter. And any case in turn requires further improvement. A person now lives in such a state that he can improve himself, using all that he has on earth.

Sometimes it seems to us that we do not get what we intended, even we can get the opposite of what was conceived, but this is a consequence of the fact that if we are not familiar with the mechanism, we think wrongly, or are not even frank in our thoughts, and selfishness can lead us to a negative Result.

For example, if a girl who dreams of a happy marriage unconsciously avoids having married obligations and her husband in her environment, then the mechanism seeks the most likely option for combining these desires and bases the activity on a new program. And now the girl is difficult to resolve the issue of marriage, as she meets, for example, more married men who, without leaving their family, offer her a secret connection. In the end, it turns out that she dreamed of having: a man of her dreams without family obligations and without relatives. However, such attitudes are also influenced by the thoughts and responsibilities of others, including her relatives, which further complicates the situation. All this happened through the fault of the information that was beforehand in the subconscious of the girl, and what we are experiencing today is the result of the designs of our early years.
Information has the form of a vibrating wave, which is similar to the vibration of a sound wave. After the information has left the field, it seeks to realize, to embody the thought. The information is received and answered by our brain, which is a obtrusive and localizing mechanism and its work is in deep connection with the will and imagination of a person. Using this mechanism, you can also foresee the future. Foresight is a real natural means for elucidating and understanding hidden information about the future of man through various systems, formulas and calculations. Their humanity has accumulated, processed and developed over millennia. The same mechanism of human thought acts throughout the universe, that is, the human brain acts in the same way as the logic of the entire universe. However, the human brain is not fully involved, moreover, only a small part of it is used, and in space, especially on higher planets, the mechanism operates fully.

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