Beauty, Hair
Gelatin mask for hair restoration.
Proper hair care is very important for maintaining women's beauty and attractiveness at any age. Over time, curls can lose strength and shine. Therefore, it is very important to regularly perform procedures aimed at nutrition and hair restoration.
Gelatin mask. Recipe.
The use of this product involves its application to damp hair. To prepare the mask, it is necessary to soak the gelatin in cold water for 15 minutes. After that, it needs to be heated in a water bath (without boiling) or put in a microwave for 20 seconds. The cooled gelatin should be stirred well, to form a homogeneous mass, and applied to the hair. In this case, it is necessary to retreat from the roots approximately by three centimeters. After applying the gelatin mask, the head should be insulated, and even better and wrapped with a towel. After an hour, the product should be thoroughly rinsed with water.
Therapeutic hair masks are used for certain problems. If the curls are too dry, you can use the following tool. On wet hair, you need to apply whipped egg white and yolk, mixed with a little tepid water. After that, rinses should be rinsed well.
Mask for hair restoration.
Dry chemist's daisies, nettles, comfrey root (all in 1 table spoon) are poured with a glass of boiling water and insist half an hour. After that, the broth is filtered and mixed with 30 g. Apple cider vinegar. The mask is applied to the entire length of the damaged hair and is not washed off.
To restore strength and elasticity, you can also use the following tool. 4 tablespoons of olive oil mixed with the same amount of honey, one egg and juice ½ fresh cucumber. The mixture is applied to the hair for thirty minutes, after which it is washed off with summer water.
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