The Internet, Search Engine Optimization
Placement for Placement of Contextual Advertising
Places for placement of contextual advertising
The choice of a site for placing any kinds of advertising is a responsible occupation. Much of the decision depends on which part of the audience will see the ad, and how many people will click on the link to the advertised website. Often incorrectly chosen sites cause a fiasco of the entire advertising campaign, and to avoid this, you need to know about their features.
First of all, all major sites can be conditionally divided into three categories. The first is the "sharks" of business, Runet leaders, such as domestic search engines or websites of leading media. This is Yandex,, and a number of others. Their audience is incredibly great, a few million people visit such web resources a day. Obviously, however, the price of advertising is very high. Nevertheless, the promotion of the site with their help can be carried out relatively quickly.
The second category is sites that specialize only in one or more sectors. A good example is - a site designed exclusively for motorists. By analogy with it it is possible to name, Internet-shop, online calendar and other services and web resources. Placement of contextual advertising on them, too, will not be expensive, but it's worth it: there is much more chance that the ad will be seen by a potential customer, not an occasional user.
The third category includes satellites of large network projects. In comparison with thematic resources, they have an even narrower specialization. The cost of advertising on them is average, and the opportunity to find the target audience is great, as nowhere else. True, these sites have a small number of visitors.
Finally, there are small network resources, whose audience is small, and they themselves do not play a special role. This is a business card site for businesses or individuals, blogs, self-made web pages, etc. Naturally, if they do not have the proper promotion, there's nothing to talk about putting their advertising on them. Despite this, such resources have their own specific advantages. For example, if the owner of one of them ordered the promotion of the site in Odessa, it would be logical to place on it a link to his resource, if he, in one way or another, is connected with this city. For example, it is the official website of the company, which deals with the delivery of pizza in Odessa. By analogy with this, it is possible to resort to the help of popular private sites focused on a specific locality or audience.
Of course, it is best to select sites for placing contextual advertising using specialized web resources. In Runet, those are Yandex, Google and Runner. The latter, by the way, has recently started active cooperation with social networks: it is assumed that there advertising will attract more customers, as it will become oriented not to the entire audience as a whole, but to each user individually. It's so easy to learn about the addictions of any person, just by looking in his profile!
Services for the exchange and sale of links are also becoming increasingly popular. Here everything is simple: two sites simultaneously place links to each other, or one of them acquires the right to publish contextual advertising on the pages of another.
Thus, there are a number of sites for contextual advertising, each of which has its own peculiarities. The user can select some of them themselves, or resort to professional help with special web resources.
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