HealthDiseases and Conditions

Asthma is bronchial atopic. Description of the disease

What is bronchial asthma? This is a chronic disease characterized by inflammation of the respiratory system. At the time of an attack, the patient's airways react to various stimuli (allergens). There is a spasm, they narrow, a lot of mucus begins to be produced. This reaction of the body prevents normal breathing, there is a cough and choking.

The onset of the disease

Asthma bronchial atopic can occur at any age. The appearance of the disease affects many factors that are divided into internal (heredity and obesity) and external (the presence of infections, allergens, improper nutrition, smoking, air pollution, occupational hazards). Also, the disease can occur immediately for several reasons.

Allergens, which enter the body through the respiratory system, are usually divided into several types:

- household. These include feathers of birds (from pillows), dust from the library and home;

- pollen. Asthma can be a reaction to various plants, trees and flowers. Most often an exacerbation of such allergens occurs in the spring months during flowering;

- fungal. Often found in a person who lives in a room where there is mold on the walls ;

- epidermal. These include dandruff, fluff, excrement, saliva and wool of various animals (cats, dogs, rabbits, goats, guinea pigs, hamsters and others). A reaction to insects and fish food is also possible;

- food. They are extremely rare, but possible.

The main symptoms of the disease

Asthma is bronchial atopic when the allergen enters the upper respiratory tract as follows:

- the patient has difficulty breathing ;

- suffocation arises;

- There is a strong cough;

- when breathing, rales and whistles in the chest are noticeable;

- during physical exertion it is possible to catch shortness of breath.

Symptoms usually manifest only during the seizure. They can be observed all at once, and in part. Therefore, at the initial occurrence of an ailment in a mild form, a person may even not know that he has bronchial asthma. Diagnosis of the disease - the task of a physician-pulmonologist and immunologist, who appoint a test to identify allergens.

Treatment of the disease

After conducting the examination and identifying the factors that are the causes of seizures, the doctor prescribes the necessary therapy. Asthma bronchial atopic requires a careful approach to the selection of medications. They are available in the form of inhalers and aerosols, if necessary, and prescribe antibiotics.

To facilitate the course of the disease will also help proper nutrition, exercise, breathing exercises and creating a hypoallergenic environment.

Prophylaxis of ailment

Knowing your allergens, you should avoid them in any way. If possible, give up keeping any pets and birds. It is also necessary to keep the living quarters clean. A lot of time spend in the fresh air.

It is advisable to give up bad habits, start a healthy lifestyle. And to asthma bronchial atopic and her attacks are less common, it is necessary to take medicines prescribed by a doctor.

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